Doing Your Life Review Before You Cross to the Other Side

The Other Side…

What is “the other side”? It’s where we go after we die. But fortunately for us, a great many ordinary people died and yet returned from death, so that they are able to tell us their experiences in this amazing and beautiful place, a place full to the brim with God and joy, and boundless love. No two NDEs are exactly alike, everyone has a different experience,

Yet even though all NDEs are different, there are many commonalities among them. For instance, one very common experience, is that of the feeling of being surrounded by absolutely enormous, boundless unconditional love, and being nourished in every part of one’s being by this flood of love. Other common experiences are seeing or meeting and talking with a being of light, which is experienced as God or Jesus, sometimes as a spiritual guide. Another common experience is what is called a “life review.” Those experiencing this life review, generally report that they saw a “movie” of their life, which contained every single thing they did or said in their entire life. The experiencer is also able to feel the emotions of those impacted by their actions or words, so they know what effect their behavior had on others.

Anyone who has a life review on the other side, also reports that there is no judgment at all by those helping them review their life, and that if there is any judgment, it’s their own judgment of themselves. They are surrounded with love as they view their life review. Depending upon how they’ve acted in life, some people experience difficulty or shame, seeing some selfish acts, or pain or harm they caused others. And yet the purpose of the review is never to shame us, but rather to help us learn, and to see how small acts of kindness or love can go a long way towards helping others, and making the world better. Many NDErs also report that their NDE experience helped them realize that what we do (as well as what we do not do) in our lives matters quite a bit, and motivated them to be more loving to everyone in their lives. They felt that this is what God wants most from us.

Yet whenever we talk about loving others, being kind to others, I think it’s important to point out that we need to first feel loved ourselves, before we can truly love others. That love that we show to others has to come from somewhere: and it comes from God. So, we always need to love ourselves first, and this isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. If we think about it, what does it mean to love ourselves? It doesn’t mean that we egotistically always make ourselves first. No, loving ourselves simply means allowing ourselves to feel God’s love for us, and to let this wash over and through us. As is said in 1 John 4:19, “We love each other, because God loved us first.” So, we first need to have plenty of experience of feeling God’s own love for us in this way, and this then helps us love others.

Now to get back to the subject of the life review.

Every time I read an NDE story which includes a life review, I find myself thinking that it it’s too bad only those who got to experience an NDE are benefitted by the life review experience. As it would really benefit all of us to be able to live our lives with the awareness that God sees everything we do in every second — all our actions, all our thoughts, everything — and to use this not to condemn ourselves, but to inspire ourselves to be the best we can be here below. That said, one doesn’t necessarily have to even believe in God to see the value of a life review. My hope would be that everyone come to believe in God, as it’s painful for me to think about people having been given this amazing gift of life that we have, from God, but completely failing to recognize this as a gift, or know who gave it to you, with so very much love. Yet, for those who don’t believe in God, many still feel a desire to be the best they can be — I will tell you a secret. You may not believe it. But this desire you feel to be kind and loving to others, comes from God!!

So, anyhow….I thought to myself, why not try to do my own life review, before I “cross over” to the other side, and see what I can find there that might help me both understand myself better (and be compassionate and kind and forgiving to myself for where I made mistakes, as I was learning) as well as to hopefully be more kind and loving.

Considerations Before Doing a Life Review

To begin with, for many people it can feel immediately crippling and stifling, oppressive even, just to think about analyzing much or most of what one can remember, about what one has said or done in life that either showed kindness and love for others, or unkindness or, er, a “not so great” attitude. One may immediately sense the Superego close by, ready to strike with a knockout blow, sending you sprawling across the room, for being a “not so great” person who made many mistakes and f-ups.

For this reason, I believe that one of the requirements for people to do such a life review, is that they need to have a lot of kindness and compassion for themselves. They need to feel God’s love for them, and be able to forgive themselves for being unkind at times, not treating people or other beings so well at times. If you don’t have this, IMO you will have a real hard time doing an honest life review, and it may not be valuable for you or meant for you at this time. Keep in mind that on the other side where people are shown their life review movie, they are surrounded with boundless, overwhelming unconditional love as they experience this. We don’t get to have an experience of quite that much love here. We can however find some degree of it, to bring to ourselves.

Second, we are not going to be able to remember absolutely everything that we ever did or said in life, at least not until we cross over to the other side. So we just do our best and remember what we can. Or, if reviewing one’s entire life seems too much, too burdensome, try just focusing on one section of your life, such as the last 10 years, or the last 5 years or 1 year. Or even just the last month or week. Actually it could be a good daily habit to review each day in this manner, at the end of each day, which is a practice that some have.

Third, use a lot of discernment regarding who if anyone you decide to share with about your life review. I recommend not sharing it with friends or family, actually. The problem you could easily have in trying to share, is that the person you share with, is triggered and/or judgmental about some of the things you’ve said or done in your life. I’ve had a case where one friend totally ended her friendship with me over what I viewed as not particularly skilled actions on my part, but not really horrible ones either. And it would be quite detrimental, and wholly opposed to the purpose of the life review, to have anyone looking in on it and judging you about it.

Fourth, keep in mind that the reason you want to do a life review, if you do, is so you can learn and try to improve. The point isn’t to make a list of your errors or “sins”, but to actually better yourself, to become more loving. So, with every action that you feel was unskillful or unkind, you want to spend some time thinking about why you did or said what you did, really try to deeply understand why (not just the surface reasons, the deeper ones) and try to come up with some alternative actions. Other ways you could have said or done something.

Fifth, at the same time as recognizing one’s less skillful actions, I believe it’s important to be heartened and feel good about (to even feel joy about) the occasions when you were able to be kind and loving towards others. Recognizing these things is very encouraging to us and can be very motivating, and increase our ability to feel loved by God, to love ourselves, as well as motivating us to do more of the same. In fact, for some, it might be of more value to just focus on many of your kind and loving actions, and feel inspired to do more of those, and not spend much time analyzing your unskilled actions, particularly if you feel you have indeed already learned from those.

Sixth, I think it can be helpful to try to imagine how your less skillful actions affected others. Once on the other side, we will be able to feel exactly what these other people (or beings, they could have been animals) felt when we were less than kind. But on this side, we won’t know exactly what they felt, but if we try to put ourselves in their shoes and imagine, we may get a good idea. We do however need to be willing to put ourselves firmly in others’ shoes, and this can be very difficult for some people to do. And yet, the more we can do this, the more we will find ourselves naturally loving others, effortlessly, because we will have developed the habit of basically seeing everyone as ourself, eg “I am Thou” is a constant experience.

Themes and Realizations From My Life Review

I will not be sharing an detailed life review “list”, but rather the themes and awareness and points of learning that result from an exploration of some my actions towards others, and other’s actions towards me, and what I have discovered through my life and what some of my work or learning here seems to be about, in this particular incarnation, as I examine these patterns. In this way, what I write here will be a bit meandering, as it’s more of a journey of discovery initiated through the intent of doing a “life review”, and is not a simplistic assessment of a list of actions, divorced from context and life themes.

Overall in my life, what I am aware of, is that it’s rather uncommon that I’ve been unkind or hurtful to others, which I think is a result of my being very sensitive by nature, as well as having been often hurt by others myself, knowing what that feels like, and not wanting to cause others to feel that way. I don’t say this to brag — it’s just the truth as I see it. And there is an important element of learning associated with this. And, I have certainly done some less skillful or hurtful things which I will mention along the way.

For instance, I cannot recall a single instance in middle school or high school where I was overtly unkind to others, except for one situation in my own family where I said something unkind and hurtful to one of my brothers. Looking back on that situation, I believe I did that, because I felt angry and hurt that I was being left out of the fun that my brother was having bicycling around the neighborhood with his friends. This was at a difficult time in life, because it was a juncture where I went from being friends with several boys in the neighborhood, to suddenly being rejected by them, because I was a girl, and they were of an age where boys no longer play with girls. This was very hurtful, as I was quite the tomboy, and did not fit in at all with the girls. So when the boys rejected me, I had no friends, and remained friendless throughout middle school and high school.

Yet I also feel that at that age — I was 11 or 12 years old at most — and in my particular family — where no one ever talked openly about painful feelings or hurt they experienced — there were few good options for how I might have acted differently. I actually think it was quite an achievement that this was the only time I can recall saying anything explicitly unkind to either of my brothers.

In high school, as in much of my adult life, I was far more often hurt by others, than I was unkind to or hurt anyone else. This was true both in my family, and in the world at large. I was fortunate that my parents were both people who were generally happy, enthusiastic, had vitality and enjoyed being out in nature, but it caused me difficulty that both were people who were unable to comfort their children when we struggled with emotional pain of any type. My parents also caused me pain because, like so many people, they were emotionally wounded, and did not know how to process their own pain, so this meant they acted it out onto others.

There were several very painful, disturbing incidents in my family, caused by my parents, which left lasting scars upon me. I didn’t realize what to “do” about these things, within myself, until much later in life. I will mention a few main incidents so that readers get the idea about what I experienced as a child, and later as an adult in my family, so they can begin to understand as I discuss how I view God’s purpose and my challenge in these difficulties.

In one case, my father threw out one of my favorite toys, a precious toy that I played with every day, because he was angry that I left it in the wrong place. In another instance, my father traveled to Europe and brought home two beautiful carved knives, and gave one to me and one to my brother. We wore these proudly on our belt when we went hiking, something we did regularly in our family. But my father became angry that we tried to cut ice with the knives, which dulled them, and one day just went into our bedrooms and took the knives away from us, never saying anything about this to us. In another instance, I had a pet rabbit, which I loved, and one day my father insisted on letting it out in the yard, which I thought was a bad idea as I thought it would run away. It did “run” away somewhat, hiding somewhere in the yard. This apparently made my father angry. He went out in the yard to find the rabbit, and came inside shortly thereafter, announcing to all of us “the rabbit is dead.”

As one can imagine, this heartless and despicable behavior by my father — it was obvious to me that he either inadvertently killed the rabbit as he was trying to capture it, or perhaps killed it out of anger that it would not let itself be readily caught and returned to its cage — was devastatingly hurtful to me as a child. My father had a vicious temper like this: at one time he’d smashed a rattlesnake to death in front of me on the trail as we hiked along, not because it attacked us or was any danger to us — it wasn’t — but simply because it was there. Another time, when we were younger, we were hiking in a city park, and a couple little boys threw rocks at my brother. This was basically harmless and typical of little boys, but my father flew into a rage. He went over to the boys, flung them on the ground and hit them, then demanded that they get in our car with us and he would drive them home and tell their parents what they did. Today, this would be called assault and battery and kidnapping. But in those days, he got away with this. These incidents showed me how he could become violently angry.

After my father killed my pet rabbit, it was all the more horrible that I had no one to talk to about this, no one to comfort me. In my family, my father was very dominant, and a tyrant. No one dared talk back to him. So my mother said nothing when this happened, but just stared and basically shrugged her shoulders and went on making dinner. My brothers said nothing. I had to go to my room and cry alone.

We attempted to have 2 other pets, but with my parents, it didn’t work out. We had a pet dog for about 2 weeks, until my parents decided that we didn’t know how to care for a dog, and took it back to the place they got it. They did not know that kids cannot be expected to magically know how to care for animals, but that the PARENTS are the ones who have to teach them this. Same thing happened with a cat we got later. They didn’t teach us how to care for it, my brother did something wrong, and then the cat was gone, taken back to the pet store. I had some hamsters at one point…that seemed to work better. Except when some of them got loose and then…as before with the rabbit…somehow with my Dad involved, they never came back alive. I was spared the details about their conclusion. And then I had fish in an aquarium which worked out well for awhile, and I do not recall a sudden sad end to those, so perhaps my father stayed away from them.

Other things that happened during my teens — my two brothers had friends and spent a lot of time going surfing, riding mountain bikes, and riding a motorcycle (dirt bike) that they were given. They seemed to always be out having fun. For my part, I had no friends at all from about age 11 until I left for college, so I wasn’t able to be out away from home all the time having a good time. I did go on walks alone, but not that often. Either because I was home a lot, or perhaps because my parents felt it was a girl’s task to do the housework while the boys had fun and played, I was forced to do housework while they played, and a couple times when my parents became angry that I wasn’t doing the work with a big smile on my face, my father became very angry and yelled at me, scaring me.

My father touched me inappropriately when I began to develop breasts, and this experience led to a serious rift in my family later on, because I later spoke about this to one of my brothers, who didn’t believe me: the unfortunate experience of all too many child victims of sexual abuse. Speaking the truth leads to the victim being demonized by the dysfunctional family as it seeks to protect the perpetrator.

I became very depressed at age 16, and my parents didn’t know how to help me or comfort me. They were not sufficiently emotionally mature to be able to do that.

At one time when I was 15 or 16, my mother pointed a knife at me and said “I should cut you!”, out of anger for something that I couldn’t understand. Why was she angry at me? In retrospect, I believe that I was the lightning rod in the family, the person who, because I didn’t just ignore and deny the family dysfunction, the way my mother and brothers did, but reacted emotionally to it, in that sense forced a certain degree of awareness of the dysfunction onto my parents, which they did not want to have to deal with. So they thus saw me as causing difficulties for the family: in the same way that anyone who tells the inconvenient truth, or points out the shadow or the elephant in the room, can readily end up blamed and scapegoated for “causing” the problems that actually the others are causing by the dysfunction they are oblivious to.

My parents had difficulties between themselves, because like many of their generation, they suppressed their emotions and did not have the skills to talk things out, and because they inhabited stereotypical and limited gender roles which resulted in each of them lacking a lot of psychological development. My father never developed much of his emotional nature, and did not learn to be vulnerable and cope with painful emotions. He always just repressed these. My mother remained very dependent and childlike, unable to even imagine how people did a whole range of very ordinary things, such as go for a road trip, go camping, use a computer, set up a website, make a video, do research on a subject online, learn a new skill such as how to fix a faucet or sticky door, or many other things. One result of this lack of development was that my father would become furious with my mother because her very great dependency led her into what to him seemed like a completely witness and oblivious stupidity. He would then berate and harshly criticize her in front of us, and this created a lot of stress and tension in the family. For her part, my mother would scold my father over trivial housekeeping matters. I recall many family dinner experiences so full of tension it seemed it could be cut with a knife. Often, the stress between my parents was like random weapons fire, it would zing around the dinner table or room and hit innocent bystanders. All of us had to be careful because you never knew who would end up knocked down by it.

As with all the other family dysfunction, I was the only one who really consciously registered this and seemed to have an emotional reaction. My brothers simply “checked out” and to this day they do not seem to be consciously aware that there were problems in my family. They write various situations off with humor and view what were actually harmful actions, as idiosyncrasies.

Yet my parents were not bad people, they were mostly good. I could easily assess each of them as a good person and caring, responsible parent. Even though I emerged from childhood with some lifelong scars, I think many of us do. The painful incidents with them were relatively few in number. Mostly they were happy, vital people of routine who occupied themselves with work and enjoyment of the outdoors, walks and hikes, and for my father, bicycling and skiing. They took care of all our material needs, paid for my college education (as well as my brothers’), my master’s degree education, bought me my first car, and gave me a down payment for my house. At one point, before I left for college, my father gave me his camera, which at the time was an advanced film camera, a Canon A-1. He realized he was not good at photography and I was, so this was a valuable gift, and led me to a lifelong love of photography and videography, which has actually become one of my most important creative avenues.

So my parents were quite helpful and generous in this way, which I will always be grateful for. By taking care of all their children (and grandchildren) in this way, they showed their love for us all. Even though they had no social skills to speak of, and thus I emerged from childhood without having learned any of these, there was an advantage actually to this. Which was that I was essentially allowed to “run wild” and do anything I wanted as a child, in my play. I could get the toys I asked for, even though they were “boy’s toys”, (eg toy rifle, GI Joes) I was able to do an insect collection, I could occupy myself with what I liked, without interference or commentary.

Yet my parents were both very conventional, extremely materialistic people, who were unable to understand someone like me who is an artist, as well as who values things that are not materialistic but spiritual. They mostly had no use for anything aesthetic, much less for anything spiritual. My father was angrily atheistic: I say angrily, because he seemed to be angry at the idea that there could be a God, with all the evil he’d seen in WWII in East Prussia, where he and his whole family lost everything they had and had to flee with the clothes on their backs.

Prussian Refugees in World War II

A Gift Can Be A Burden

I am very fortunate and grateful, that I was given an incredible gift as a child: the ability to sense God’s presence around me in nature, his beauty in the world, his majesty in music and to see magnificence in humanity. However, it becomes very difficult when as a child you can see so much beauty and God around you in the world, but no one in your family sees this, and you have no one to talk to about this, and you become depressed because it seems like barely anyone in the world sees all this. I had one high school teacher who I knew could see these things. I could find kindred souls who wrote books, I knew they saw it also. But other than this, it seemed like the whole world was deaf, dumb and blind to the incredible beauty of the world. This is quite a painful thing to experience: being given what seems like the best treasure in the world, but feeling like no one cares about it at all. The world begins to seem quite insane and upside down when you see this: and it can make you depressed or sad, or very angry.

Starting in my early 20s, I experienced a great deal of anger bubbling up, both about my parents and family, where I felt I’d been treated unfairly and scapegoated, and as I began to deeply resent the “conventional people” who I regarded as massively blind, and viewed as causing so much pain and difficulty in the world for more aware and awake and sensitive, creative people like myself. This anger did eventually lead to some unkind and/or unskilled actions.

When one of my brothers announced he was getting married, I became angry, because I was a lesbian, and at that time (1987) could not have gotten married if I’d wanted to, and no one in my family seemed to care about this. They barely could talk about me being gay after I came out to them all. I felt very angry that there was so much more attention and energy directed by my parents towards my “conventional” brothers, than towards me. There was just very little about me or anything in my life that anyone in my family could understand or appreciate, or talk about, and I could forsee that the way things were going, was an unacceptable trajectory of me being ignored and left out, essentially sidelined and marginalized, while my brothers and their wives and lives and children were celebrated, and talked about all the time.

Discovering Creative Ways to Find Healing

As a result of this anger, I became rather sharply satirical, engaging in some bitingly satirical writings which I mostly just shared with other gay friends. This way that I came upon (or, which God guided me towards) of channeling my anger, through creative writing (and a lot later in my life, through creative films) was very good for me in several ways. First, it was healthy, as it allowed me to work through a painful experience, release anger and find catharsis and healing. I could express my anger with creative and witty essays, fictional stories, humorous anecdotes, and find release. Repressed anger is very bad for our health…something I would later discover when my writing didn’t avail me of a cure. Second, it allowed me to develop a valuable skill, that of learning to write well, which I would continue to develop through my whole life. Even though this was never a skill that had anything to do with how I earned a living, I regard it as one of my primary vocations in life, meaning, things that I feel God called me to do.

One may say “Well gee, it’s unfortunate that you couldn’t earn a living through something you so love to do”. However, I also realized fairly early on, that while I was quite naturally skilled in both writing and photography, I would not have wanted to earn an income through either of these, because I was an artist, and these were arts, and artists want to be totally free and independent to do what they feel pulled to do, and not have anyone else’s influences or goals contaminating our process. The making of art into any type of business, can interfere with the artistic process. This doesn’t happen for everyone, but I innately felt a repulsion at the idea of my art being influenced in any way by others. I just knew I had to allow it all to develop organically.

Quite ironically, one of my brothers became a graphic artist, and while they did not view me as an artist, (perhaps because what I do is so “free”?), he was referred to as an artist by others in my family. Yet I do not see him as an artist at all, because all he does is create advertisements, brochures and other printed material for various businesses. I would not say this to him, because I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings, but that is NOT art.

I will say that both my parents did appreciate my nature photography. This was the only form of my art I shared with them (until much later in life when my mother was in her twilight years) because I intuitively realized that it was the only art I did that they could understand and appreciate.

Getting back to my enumeration of the value of my satirical writing, which led me into other types of explorative and reflective writing: a third reason this was valuable, was because it allowed me to speak the truth in a creative way, that was engaging and entertaining, and which appealed to some, even if it didn’t appeal to everyone and couldn’t be understood by everyone. It could entertain others, and it could also educate others and help them become more aware of some issue or pattern or situation in life. And thus I began to find my role as an educator and teacher, through my writings, early on.

This led into a fourth reason why my creative writing process was valuable. I discovered, through my writing, that I had a fairly uncommon skill: which was that I was able to think through all manner of things with the application of an organized and detailed, extensive creative analysis. I turned out to have an ability to balance the application of left brained and right brained skills to any situation. From the left brain side, I could analyze things well — my parents valued science, and I had excelled in science in high school and college, and early on thought I would be a scientist. I was intuitive and intelligent and could readily analyze things with a “big picture” perspective that, because it came so naturally and easily for me, I was surprised to discover was rather uncommon among all my peers, my entire life long.

But then from the right brain side, I was able to think creatively, and imaginatively, rather than only in conventional ways. Too many people, I would discover, can’t really think through things, because they are unable to think creatively and imaginatively. They can’t think of additional “options” or ideas, other than the conventional ones. The result of this is that their thinking stays confined to well-traveled “grooves” that have already been trod by many, and they are basically just shifting around from one stereotype or “box” category to another “box” category. They tend to put everything in life in boxes, don’t have any new ideas of their own, but simply latch on to a sequence of ideas presented by others, and have no idea how to get out of this highly conformist, highly conventional and unimaginative way of thinking about everything.

A psychotherapist I worked with for many years, who helped me tremendously with my family wounds, told me that I was the most creative person she’d ever met. To be such is very liberating and exhilarating, but it can also be challenging, because when you are so very imaginatively and creatively free, and experience this as the “normal” state of being human, while most all of the rest of humanity is so very limited creatively, again this is an experience of having a very valuable treasure, that much of the world cannot even see.

Finally, a fifth reason that creative writing was valuable for working through painful situations, was that this availed me of a way to find healing and processing, that allowed expression of anger and venting of other emotions, without harming anyone else whatsoever. Much of what I wrote, was personal, such as my journaling, so no one but myself read it. Other things I wrote in letters to friends, so it was only they and I reading this. A few pieces of writing I circulated in a small community of friends. It was only quite a bit later, when I was about 50 years old, that I began to set up websites and write articles that the general public could find and read.

Back To An Assessment of Some Of My Less Skilled Actions

At times, my satirical writing extended into what I called “street theatre”. I ended up doing some “acting out” in relation to my brother’s wedding, which was not terribly harmful, but was disrespectful and could certainly have been viewed as a kind of mockery. I went with a friend to the wedding and we dressed inappropriately. I wore a black shirt and pants, a black cape and a skull necklace, and my friend dyed his hair orange and wore a very gay outfit. We also brought along 2 Barbie dolls which we held and danced together, entertaining ourselves with an “in joke” that they were getting married, at the same time as my brother and his wife got married. For me this was a creative way of using satire to express my anger at being left out, while simultaneously finding a way to NOT be left out (eg making our presence known, and making it clear that we were going to be ourselves and NOT be forced to be conventional). My friend and I really did have a fun story going, which was inspired by the wedding. After attending my brother’s wedding with the 2 Barbies, he and I went to the desert on a short vacation with the 2 mini “gay gals,” where we took photos of the 2 Barbies while creating a story that they had gotten married and were on their honeymoon. This whole “Barbies get married and go on honeymoon” adventure was really the most fun I’ve ever had with a friend in my entire life. I laughed so much that my face hurt from laughing. Everyone should be so fortunate as to have at least one time in their life like this. My brother and his wife had no idea how much humor and creativity and rollicking good fun and laughter both of us had, all ironically inspired by their wedding and my combination angry, zany, creative, satirical, street-theatre response to it.

At the time, my brother was not offended, since he seemed to understand that I was reacting to, in fact, being left out to some extent. However his wife was upset about all of this, and has retained a grudge about this for now over 35 years, even though I’ve since apologized to her for attending her wedding in this manner.

I went on to do more “street theatre” — in a place of employment on Halloween (I was fired for that, even though it was on Halloween when I came in with my costume on) and at my 10th high school reunion (again attended in costume). I do not regard those situations as incidents where anyone was treated unkindly or hurt. I was simply having fun, doing social commentary and satire, which was however not appreciated by everyone in attendance.

Regarding my behavior at the wedding: I do not know just how God would see this, as it’s not one of those readily categorizable kind vs unkind sorts of things. Yes, it was inappropriate to go to someone’s wedding dressed like I was, and carrying Barbies as I was. It did show disrespect. One alternative was that my friend and I could have done our satire of the marriage in private, without imposing it upon my brother and his wife at their celebration.

However, how much hurt was actually caused? I do not know and will not know until either they speak honestly with me at some point, if that ever happens, or I find out from God in my life review, when I get to the other side. I believe that what may have actually happened, was that my sister in law “decided” to use this situation to justify herself developing a grudge against me which she would hold for the rest of her life. If that is so, then this is dishonest of her, and not something that actually is a result of my action.

Ripple Effects: Distinguishing Causal Events from NonCausal Ones

One of the reasons for us seeing our life review on the other side, is apparently to understand the “ripple effect” that small actions, of good or ill, can have. I do feel that it would be so helpful if we could understand more of this ripple effect while we are still in our lives here on Earth, and not have to wait until our lives are over to find all this out.

Yet in analyzing the “ripple effect” consequences from various actions, I believe that what matters are those ripple effects which can reasonably be seen to flow from certain actions, and not those which are not reasonable reactions. This is where we need to be able to learn to distinguish causation from mere connection in time. This issue pertains to the logical fallacy called the “Post Hoc Ergo Proper Hoc” fallacy, . The fallacy or logical failing that some people make in their thinking, is assuming that because one thing takes place after another, that the first caused the second. But this is bad thinking: often things happen near each other in time, and that cannot be taken to mean that one caused the other. The example given for that fallacy, is that a dog barks, and then the power goes out, which I think most of us can see, should NOT be taken to mean that the dog’s bark CAUSED the power to go out.

In terms of doing a life review, it may often happen that an action we took took seemed to cause some other action or event, but if we think carefully about it, we will realize that our action did not actually cause the following action or event, but may have “triggered” something in someone who was vulnerable to being triggered in a certain manner.

For instance, I think every reasonable person can agree that we would not blame a child for causing her parents to assault her, if she asks them to buy her a toy, and the parents respond with senseless violence to this innocent request. The fact that the child asking for the toy led to the parents going insanely berserk and hitting the child, would never be blamed on the child, as some “ripple effect” of the child’s request.

Similarly for any situation between adults. Some people respond in ways that are totally inappropriate, or completely disproportionate, to someone else’s action. This may be because they are “triggered” and are psychologically projecting upon that person, things that are untrue. For instance if someone running a business has certain workplace policies in place, and an employee is violating one of those, and when the employer confronts them, the employee becomes outraged and begins threatening the employer. This behavior is not “caused” by the boss, and would not, in God’s eyes, be laid to him for blame.
So I say this to clarify that just because someone responds in a certain way to our action or behavior, doesn’t mean that we are responsible for that in any way at all, or that we shouldn’t have said or done what we said or did.

I do believe that whenever people are triggered by some innocent action or event, this is a ripple effect, but it’s not a ripple effect issuing from the innocent or relatively mild action or event. It is rather a ripple effect from some far more serious situation that likely occurred in that person’s childhood or early years. For instance, the parent who reacts violently to a child asking for a toy, may themselves have been beaten violently when young, when they asked for a toy. And if they never processed this, then as Carl Jung has wisely said “that which is relegated to the unconscious, comes to us as fate.” Meaning we are fated to unskillfully “act out” everything that we are not able to consciously work through. Hence the enormous value of all of us doing work on ourselves in our lives.

Thus, when I look at my actions with regard to my brother and his wife, I can see that I did something disrespectful, I may have caused hurt, but I did apologize. I did not cause a lifetime of hurt and a need to increasingly distance themselves for 35 years, and demonstrate a desire to ignore me and essentially disown me. No, such reactions are disproportionate and inappropriate, and those cannot be reasonably seen as “ripple effects” from my actions. Those actions are on my brother, more so on his wife, as their own meanness and efforts to hurt someone, and are theirs to account for.

My second brother not only didn’t invite me to his wedding, but I never knew he had been married until I visited my mother and saw the wedding photo on the mantel. While I’ve spent the last 9 years attempting to build bridges with my elderly parents in their last years, my brothers and their wives have seemed to be spending this time tearing apart any remaining bridges between themselves and I, and communication has atrophied. I have realized that part of my siblings’ distancing from me, involved me having referred to my father’s inappropriate behavior, and them not being able or willing to believe me. But instead feeling motivated to vilify and demonize me in order to protect the perpetrator, and to maintain the illusion of a basically good family, which my experience in several ways, threatened to reveal the truth to the family, that it was not always so.

So for my brothers and their wives, I imagine that part of their learning will be: “How have I harmed others, in order to protect myself from knowing the painful truth? What’s been the cost to others, of my denial?” It is very sad to me that human beings can have so very much difficulty acknowledging what is right in front of them, and are so highly motivated to fall into denial. If we reflect upon this theme, I think we may realize that there is an absolutely enormous amount of pain and hurt caused to humanity, because of people’s inability to accept the truth that is really right in front of them. Not truth that has to be reasoned through, and found by lots of analysis, but truth which is almost immediately perceptible, such as witnessing one person abusing another.

When I consider this lesson my siblings and their wives have spend so many decades not learning, I realize I would much rather be the one who’s been wronged, than the one who has hurt someone else. While it’s painful to be hurt and wronged by others — and with some kinds of harm, the pain can be almost unbearable — God is there to comfort and help us, and eventually time heals all wounds and we find peace. I believe that those who have no one else to turn to for help and comfort, may be the ones most likely to find God’s comfort. We who have the most need, are most motivated to turn to God.

But for those who have harmed others in a misguided effort to maintain an illusion or lies, until you face what you have done, you have to be always running from the truth. And when you’re running away from the truth in your life, you can never really feel deep peace.

Learning Projects On My Life Path

On of the major things I had to learn in life — and it took quite a long time to learn — was to accept conventional people as they were, with their limitations, their psychological denial, to learn to love them as they were, even though I had felt for quite awhile that their collective blindness and conventional conformity was not only causing me so much pain, but also causing so many problems, hardship, suffering and evil in the world. If only people could wake up and see the astonishing beauty of the world right in front of their faces!! I would think so often. If only they could know God!! Everything would be different.

So, I had to learn to accept them as they were, and also forgive those who caused me pain out of their own ignorance or lack of maturity. It took me a long time to see this, but I realized that if one of our projects here on earth is to learn to forgive people, as my project did seem to be, then this will imply that we will have to have people hurt or harm us, in our lives, in order for there to be anything to forgive. One doesn’t learn a meaningful level of forgiveness over minor matters like a partner getting angry and yelling at you, before reconciling. Or a friend ending up damaging or losing something valuable she borrows from you, and apologizing. The greater and more painful the hurt or harm, the more powerful the forgiveness that can be found as a result of this experience. I feel fortunate that I have not suffered any worse than I have.

I also had other very painful experiences later in life, that were caused not by family members, but people I was related to through business. I ended up victimized by some unscrupulous people pairing up with slimy attorneys, who made up allegations and sued me when I had not done anything wrong…as a means of retaliation, because they were angry at me. This was very painful, and traumatizing, because given the way the Cabal-run “injustice system” works in our nation, there was a possibility that I could have lost my house as a result of the lawsuit. I haven’t yet been able to forgive these people, the way I’ve been able to forgive those in my family, but perhaps I will some day.

Young Souls and Older Souls

It’s been helpful to me to try to understand those who I perceive as quite limited, conventional and “unevolved” or spiritually immature, as “young souls.” This helps me be patient with these and realize that we were all, at one time, young souls who were relatively immature and could not be expected to take up hard challenges in life. They are just not ready for it. Only those older souls who’ve “been around” in more incarnations, may be ready for the greater challenges. So, I perceive that one of my challenges has indeed been to develop patience for the younger souls, which unfortunately it often seems much of humanity is composed of, and who also unfortunately seem to often be like kindergarteners taking it upon themselves to lecture wise old men. They are the least mature among us, but too often, they behave as though they are smarter and know more than all the others and should be the ones giving advice to others. They have it entirely backwards but do not realize this, which makes for significant tragedy in life.

Yet the existence of so many young and relatively immature souls, also creates a challenge and learning project for older souls who may find themselves demeaned or sidelined by the younger “majority”. It took me some time to be able to accept and love people whose lives seem, on the surface, exceptionally conventional. Many of these as I saw it, weren’t doing any work on themselves, were not developing new skills and having their worldview expanded, were not growing psychologically or spiritually, were not thinking for themselves, but simply behaving as sheep and following the herd. Because of how conventional they were, it was very easy for them to fit into their milieu. So much just goes more smoothly for relatively “ordinary” people as opposed to us quirky artist eccentrics.

Early on, I felt like they weren’t really trying, and that to simply go to college, get a job, get married and have kids & raise them, was so easy to do, & that most anyone could do it while sleepwalking through life. I did not see that there was any challenge or accomplishment in this. My brothers have been good fathers, their wives appear to have been good mothers, and my brothers and their wives have been caring for my parents in their elder years. and into their infirmity. However, apart from the need to devote time and energy towards caring for others, what real life challenge was there in this? My sentiments on those who spent their lives merely carrying out familial duties, reflected the words of Jesus himself, who in Luke 6:32 said:

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.”

Yet within those very words that I might use to criticize the “conventional” souls, for seemingly not accomplishing very much to simply be loving to their own family, but not particularly to those outside the family (or even a “black sheep” member of their own family) lay a criticism of me as well. If I expected the conventional to transcend their small circle of family and show some care for strangers or unconventional people, then I too had to be able to transcend my limitations, and be able to love the conventional souls. In fact, I eventually perceived, I was being tasked by God to love those family members, as well as, perhaps, some strangers, who treated me poorly. This was a greater challenge in love than to just love one’s family or friends: was I up to it? Eventually I would find that I was, though this took a lot of time and support from friends and a therapist, in order to attain to.

Some other Lessons on Kindness

In terms of kindnesses I’ve done or not done for other people through my life, examining my life to look for those: one issue is that because I’m highly introverted, I don’t actually have much interaction with people. Running my own businesses, I’ve sought to be fair, and feel good about my actions in this area. I’ve not been perfect, but have treated others as I’d like to be treated. One of the struggles I’ve had in work is that none of the paid work I’ve done in my life, has fit me very well. Like many creative people and artists, what I really love most to do, and what I’m most skilled at and in some areas strongly excel at, I do not earn any income from whatsoever. While on the other hand, what I do earn income from, I’m only moderately skilled with, and have never thoroughly enjoyed. I regard this situation as a serious defect in our world, not intended by God, likely caused by the Cabal, because I believe the world can and should be set up in a way that no one has to pay to exist on Earth, and where we can all do what brings us joy and satisfaction, and what we do best and love most.

As a result of having to do work that I do not really love, and at times have quite disliked, I can only tolerate putting a certain amount of effort in, and beyond that, I can no longer tolerate it and feel just not capable of doing more. I do not feel I am being unkind, unloving or unfair to others when I do all that I can, even if it is not completely what they want or expect. I will say that I feel others are being unkind and not loving towards me, when they seek ways to retaliate or punish me, such as by trying to find some authority who will help them bully me, because I have done all I can humanly do at the present, and they feel that I should do more. The experience of finding myself subject to retaliatory or punitive actions or efforts by others, because I am not more perfect in the work that I do, has led me to be a lot more patient and kind with other people when they are not perfect in their work. So, this is a way that I have ended up becoming better as a result of unkind or intolerant people seeking to harm me.

I generally will help anyone who I see that needs help, of a kind of help I’m capable of providing, as long as the situation doesn’t seem to pose any danger to me, and as long as I do not feel that the person is disempowering themselves by seeking help. Some people are dysfunctional in that they seem to want to remain helpless and to retain the view that they can’t do all kinds of things. Those people, it is not so good to be helping all the time. You do better for them if you refuse to help them and insist they empower themselves. This is an example of where discernment and wisdom are needed: as with so many things, we need to understand the context in order to understand what is appropriate.

I want to mention a way that I make an effort to love people, which likely has no effect at all upon them, and goes totally unnoticed, but it does affect me. This is that I will often times intentionally look at people and “look for the child in them”, as I call it, where I try to see the precious little innocent child. To do this, helps me love random people, as I pass them in the street or at the store. I’m not interacting with them in any way — often these are people who aren’t even looking at me and I don’t say anything to them, nor do they speak to me. I feel like my intention to see the child in them and love that child, helps me be more loving, and it’s a way that I have of loving people, someone like myself who doesn’t have much cause or inclination to interact much with people.

What Actions Do I Most Regret?

I think it can be helpful to look over our lives and consider what we most regret doing or saying. This may point to areas where we either feel we most need learning, or already have done the learning, or perhaps, where we need to apply the most compassion and forgiveness to ourselves.

I feel very fortunate indeed, that there is not much I regret doing or saying in life. I have always been quite averse to doing or saying anything that might hurt others. There have been a very few times when I absolutely exploded in anger at someone else, but what I realized as these outbursts occurred, was that I actually needed to be “totally sloppy and wrong” with my expression of anger, at the start, after MANY years of suppressing my anger in a way that damaged myself. I knew intuitively that I could not go from totally suppressing my anger, to expressing anger in a totally appropriate way at the right times and places. No, there absolutely had to be some sloppiness to it, some instances of “doing it all wrong, the wrong way, directed at the wrong people” and unfortunately that is just part of the whole human experience.

I recall one point where someone bumped intentionally into my cart at Home Depot, scolding me for a minor issue that I seemed to be blocking the aisle, and I let loose with an exceptionally fluid torrent of insults, which were quite disproportionate to the “wrong” he had done. I knew intuitively as I was in the midst of this volcano of anger, that this was not really “right”, but I also knew it was very healing and had to happen, and so I was not sorry and did not apologize. I knew as well that I was so “out of line” (I literally caused onlookers to gasp in amazement at how “off the rails” I went), that I would not actually hurt this man, because my anger was so very disproportionate, that I looked like a clown show. So I have absolutely no regrets over this outburst, or guilt.

What do I most regret…

This may sound quite silly to some people, but the “wrong” action I most regret, that for some reason sticks in my mind the most, was one that occurred very early in my life, when I was a young child, and it wasn’t one that hurt anyone. At least not directly. It was something that many people would not think twice about as it was seemingly “innocent”. I will describe the context and explain what I think may be involved, that causes me to feel badly about this, so very many years later.

I was a child of about 5 or 6, and my parents had taken me to some type of country fair, in New York State, where we lived at that time. I recall a picnic we had on a hillside, and how I felt the presence of God in the beauty of that landscape, that we looked out upon, and the stillness and quiet there. Then, we went to a part of the fair where there was an activity for children involving small toys hidden in a straw bale. The woman overseeing this part of the fair, gave me instructions: I was to reach into the straw bale and move my hand around until I found a toy, and then could take that out and keep it, but I was only to take one toy, not more than one.

Well, I reached around in that straw bale, and came into contact with one toy, but I didn’t do as instructed, and take my hand out when I found the one toy. Instead I kept moving my hand around inside the bale, until I found another one, and then I took out both, and kept both.

And this dishonesty and small instance of childish greed has caused me heartache for over 50 years since that happened.

I’m sure many people would not even remember such an incident, let alone be bothered by this, and I realize many people, likely most people, have things they did that are far more harmful to others than this was. But I feel so much guilt about this, even after talking about this with my psychotherapist and having her brush it off as typical behavior of children.

Why is this? I believe my level of guilt or shame about this, has to do with the extent to which I was given the gift of the ability to sense God’s presence, as a young child. I went from feeling the exhilaration and joy of God’s presence in the beauty of the hills where we had a picnic, to then feeling aware of my own dishonesty and greed, immediately in juxtaposition to experiencing God’s bounty and goodness. To me, in retrospect, this incident seems to represent a loss of innocence, and a turning against God in a manner that strikes me as particularly sad and poignant, more powerfully than any other experience in my life to date. It’s quite possible I find this incident so sad, because it was the first memory I have of doing “wrong”, and also it happened just at a time when it seemed God was so close to me.

There were many things I did in life that, viewed from the surface, would seem worse than this. I have been sarcastic and mocked people. I said inappropriate and hurtful things to some people. I have had to kill small mammal pests at my house, who were only doing what nature designed them to do. I’ve been dishonest with people. I have even engaged in a small act of theft a couple times. But none of those actions, taken as an adult, bother me as much as this one action taken as a small child. I think it’s because it seems somehow less “wrong” to me, when we do “wrong” things to others, in response to what we perceive as a wrong done to us, or in a way that we feel has no effect because it isn’t noticed. For instance, someone treated me very badly at work, (a male dominated workplace) called me names and engaged in sexist taunting. So when I noticed something he left behind at the workplace when he went home, I stole it. I did not regret doing this, as I felt like I was “helping” justice happen, when the universe seemed to be unfairly and wrongly allowing bad people to do bad things with impunity.

I realize this is not good thinking, and that we are not supposed to be “helping” justice happen by the “eye for an eye” method. But this is how it felt to me at that time. I feel differently today though.


I think in all things, we need to give ourselves credit for how far we’ve come, based on where we started, and what we started with. Some people who grew up in healthy loving families where they were treated very well, learned social skills from their parents, seen and loved for who they were…it would not be as hard for them to be kind to others, as people who were treated badly, abused, who struggled to love themselves, who didn’t learn social skills from their parents. In this sense as in so many others, we really all have our very own unique “projects” before us, and we should avoid judging others, because we may not know much about where they started and how much they have endured or suffered, to see how much they have accomplished since starting out in life.

The process of writing I think naturally leads people into some degree of “life review”, as we tend to be reflective when writing and journaling. It’s my hope that readers will be inspired to take on some aspect of the life review process, while they are still living, so they can learn from their experiences while also being compassionate and loving to themselves.

How To Make a Toy Story Film: Stop Motion and More

I created this film on this topic recently, and now want to do an article on the same topic.

So in the video I begin by showing you my “toy story film” room in my house, where I have a large collection of toys, gathered for some 30 years. This is where the toys live, and where I have 2 film sets to use to create the film stories.

As in the film, here are the topics I want to cover in this article — with one additional topic I didn’t cover in the film:
(1) Reasons to make toy story films
(2) Equipment needed
(3) Coming up with story ideas
(4) Assembling props
(5) Pros/Cons of different size toys
(6) Creating film sets
(7) Use of other’s content in your film
(8) Tips on photography, videography and stop motion filming
(9) Tips on video editing software
(10) Doing narration and dialogue in your film

So to begin with, there are 4 reasons to make toy story films:
(1) It is magical, it will stimulate your imagination and creativity, and imagination is one of the most underrated powers in the universe. It is a healing power.

(2) So many problems that exist in the world, can actually be solved in a fictional toy story!! Until people experience this, they have no idea how powerful this is…how powerful catharsis is. Entering imaginatively into a story and experiencing a solution for a problem that has upset you, has actual neurological changes on your being.
(3) It gives you a reason to collect toys and be a child again, and allows you to develop the skills needed for storytelling, which is a skill common to novelists and playwrights.
(4) It is fairly easy to do, far easier than a standard film with actors, and inexpensive.

And here are the 4 types of equipment you’ll need to make a toy story film:
(1) Toys, just enough for your film, or your series if you plan a series of episodes.
(2) A camera, any camera will do, as long as it is capable of doing stop motion video.
(3) A tripod to steady your camera as you do stop motion videos.
(4) Some type of video editing program, which I will talk about below.

First Thing Needed: A Story Idea

This is where many people doubtless feel blocked, as they may not have a story idea ready at hand. However, we all have stories just waiting to emerge from us, we just may not know this yet. To get help with this, browse websites oriented to writers, which discuss coming up with story ideas. Here is one of those: and here’s another one: and another:

Some suggestions that I have:
(1) Think of a problem in the world, anywhere in the world, whether in your own personal life, or the world at large, which bothers you and thus involves a lot of your soul’s energy. It could be a relatively small problem, or a huge one. Think about how you ideally would love to see this problem solved: and please don’t feel like you have to be limited to what you think is realistically possible! We often put ourselves in glass prisons in life, by saying to ourselves, “Well, there’s this problem, but what’s needed to solve it will never happen, therefore we’re all just endlessly stuck.” Allow yourself to imagine various fictional solutions, even magical ones. And then think about possible plots and sets of characters, which would be related to your fictional solution.
(2) Think of a book or movie that you like in some way, but which has some things about it that you don’t like or would like to change. You can change anything you want!!! You can change the plot, so that something slightly different happens, you can change the characters, you can change the ending. In my view, too many Hollywood movies have way too much darkness, violence and cynicism, and too much depravity and evil, and you can change this and make the world a better place by making your own story.

Special Considerations Needed if You Are Doing a Series

If you’re planning to do a film series consisting of several episodes, you’ll need to do more advance planning than for a single episode. You don’t need to think of everything — many things will just fall into place as you flow along — but you do need to think of things such as loose ideas for each episode, and how the episodes will lead into one another and build on each other. In a compelling story, the momentum and the “stakes” involved will gradually rise over time to a crescendo, and often, just at the point where it seems nearly everything is lost, the resolution is found, often by unexpected means.

It’s important for a series project that you get your ideal “character to toy assignments” done in a way that feels right to you, early on. Because you’re not going to be able to change which toy figure is which character, in the middle of the story.

Assemble Your Props

Once you figure out a loose idea for a story, start assembling your props. Figure out what toys and associated props you would need. You will likely be going through a process of weaving back and forth between coming up with a story, and contemplating what types of toy figures and/or props would be needed to tell that story, and you may change the story idea to fit your available props, or get more props to fit the story.
Do keep in mind that due to the magic of green screen, (more on that below) as well as other filmmaking techniques, you do not need to have props for absolutely every character or part of the story. For instance, suppose that you want to have a film scene that takes place in an Italian mansion. Well, you don’t need to buy an elaborate dollhouse that looks like an Italian mansion. Or paint elaborate backgrounds of such. You may be able to get by with a few photos or videos of the exterior and interior of an Italian mansion, which you find online, and then a film set you create which has some dollhouse furnishings as well as possibly some “green screen” furnishings that you put in place using green screen techniques.

These are photos of Italian mansion settings that I found online. Below, I’ll discuss more about using other’s work in your film.

Options for Toy Figures

One can make toy figures out of clay, in which case you’re not actually doing a “toy story” video, but are doing what is known as “claymation”. However, making figures out of clay to use in a film is a lot more labor intensive and not likely something beginners are going to jump into, compared to just using standard manufactured toys. So we’ll focus on using toys you can buy.

One can also use hand puppets or stuffed animals for a toy story film, that is one genre, though for my purposes I find that too limited, as you can’t have hand puppets driving in toy cars, walking into dollhouses, or doing much of anything physically in a “world” that you create. You’re limited to having the upper part of them showing in various backgrounds. Stuffed animals can be used in stop motion films, but aren’t as desirable for several reasons as the toys I’ll describe below.

So, as regards toy figures, the primary toys available come in 4 sizes, as shown in this photo from the film:

The 4 sizes shown range from the Lego figures as the smallest, around 1.6 inches tall, to the 3 inch Playmobil and Calico Critters figures, the 6 inch Lorrie and many other figures, and then the 12 inch Barbie, Ken, GI Joe, World Peacekeeper, and other specialty figures. There are toy vehicles in all these 4 sizes as well, along with even smaller scale cars. The matchbox cars for instance are 1/64 scale and the figures that would be of that scale, about one inch tall, are too small to be recognizable as individual characters, and thus have meaning to use in a film story.

You can obtain these toys at new or used toy stores, and online sites selling new or used toys, as well as garage sales and free boxes. There are many unusual toy figures, some which were made a long time ago and not widely available any more, some which are specialty items aimed at adults not children, and these you can generally find on Etsy or EBay.

Pros and Cons of Different Scale Toy Figures

There are various pros and cons of using these different size toys.
The two smaller size figures, the 1.6 inch and 3 inch toy figures associated with Lego and Playmobil or Calico Critters, are most advantageous in that you can obtain a LOT of different props for this size figure. All kinds of vehicles, all kinds of houses and structures, realistic or fantasy style, are available for these two sizes, particularly from Lego and Playmobil, which have quite imaginative products.

For the larger 6 inch and 12 inch figures, you will have a lot more difficulty finding props that you can purchase, as far fewer are made for these. You’ll find clothing and small items like guns, cameras, food items, but few vehicles, and very few entire houses or structures. Hence, if you want to use the larger toy figures, you may have to make your own props. You can actually make a number of things such as books fairly easily using foam board and printed out images. You can also build rooms or even a whole house for 6 or 12 inch figures, though these will take a lot more space than those for 3 inch figures.

The smaller figures are more advantageous for another reason: they can stand up by themselves, which the 6 and 12 inch figures do not readily do. So, in terms of doing stop motion video, where you show figures “walking” across a surface, that will be a lot harder to do with 6 and 12 inch figures as you’ll have to come up with some way to keep them upright. This can be done but it is extra work. A technique I use for indoor sets, is to find some heavy objects, like a small piece of heavy metal or flat stone cut into a sufficiently small size, and use rubber bands to hold the figures’ feet to these. Works better for 12 inch than 6 inch figures. Outdoors, you can use long craft needles, 4 to 8 inch needles available in fabric stores, to push into the ground and then insert the other end into the pant leg of your figure. This will usually hold them upright.

Keep in mind too, that everything to do with creating film sets for the smaller figures, is smaller, and for the larger figures, is larger, so will take more space. Also, if you are taking toys with you to go to a place outdoors to do filming, you will be carrying a lot less weight if you are using smaller figures. For instance, I’ve gone on hikes where I carry some Playmobil figures and a Playmobil vehicle in my backpack, along with a camera and tripod, and I can walk 2 miles or more with these. But for the 12 inch figures, a vehicle for them is quite heavy and large, and cannot be fit into a backpack and taken on a hike. You actually wouldn’t want to have to walk more than about 200 or 300 feet with such heavy and large items. So, as you can see, outdoor filming for the larger figures would be limited to places close to where you can park.

And anytime you’re filming close to where you park your car, there is more likelihood of other people around, and people walking through your film set. I’ve many times had people walk right through my film set, while I was in the midst of stop motion video recording, which was set up next to or on a trail (a narrow trail in park is a great stand-in for a dirt road in your story, as it is about the width of a dirt road at the scale of the toy figure). This results in people getting into your stop motion video, which you then need to edit out. As you are in or next to the trail you can’t tell people not to come through, they need to come through, so you just hope that for whatever the time span is for your stop motion film, the people don’t come through just then. Even when I try to find lesser used trails, I still will at times have people walking through my filming.

The Magic of Green Screen Allows Toys of Different Scales to Seem the Same Size

Time to mention green screen magic. Green screen refers to the green background that is used when making photos or videos, from which the green background can later be removed in a video editing technique, such that the image will “magically” appear to be part of your scene. You can find many green screen photos and videos online, generally produced just for you and other creators to use. You can also make your own green screen background image, by using Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, or similar. This just involves photomerge, where you import 2 photos, one of your subject, and one of a green screen background which you find online, like this:

Then, you cut out your subject, paste it onto the green screen, and now you can put that in a video editing program, remove the green background, and wa-la, your subject will appear on top of whatever scene you want, and seem to be part of it. As you can begin to see, this technique will allow you to combine toys of different sizes and make them appear to be the same scale.

Making Your Film Sets

A film set can be created very simply with a table covered by colored paper or fabric, and a background of colored paper or fabric, or some type of purchased backdrop. You can use a variety of items to create a surface: as mentioned colored paper, either in rectangles from the arts and crafts store, or rolls of paper. You can use different types of fabric, fake grass, wood, or a painted surface. Similarly for the background. There are roll paper backgrounds of blue sky with clouds, and you can easily paint backgrounds of sky and hills, or other simple backdrops.

Depending on the size of your toys and the number of props you want to set up, a 3 to 4 ft wide table may be sufficient, or you may need something larger.

You can build a variety of rooms, houses and structures using painted cardboard, foam board or plywood. There are a great number of how-to videos online, showing you how to make various “dollhouse miniatures”, such as sofas and chairs, detailed rooms, all sorts of things. This is one channel dedicated to making dollhouse miniatures:

In general, it’s much more comfortable as well as convenient, to do your filming at an indoor film set, as compared to doing your filming outdoors. I mentioned some issues above related to doing filming at outdoor locations. In addition to the need to lug toys to and fro to an outdoor site, and having the possible disruptions caused by passers-by or even people walking right through your “set”, as well as issues with less than desirable weather, there’s the issue of comfort. You may not realize it until you start trying to film outdoors, that filming toys on the ground requires you to either lay on the ground or sit very low on the ground, which is not that comfortable. It can also be messy, as when the ground is wet. It can easily cause you to strain your back or neck into uncomfortable positions, to film toys sitting at ground level. It’s a bit easier if you are filming them somewhat higher, as on a rock or tree, but for the most part you’d likely be on the ground.

By comparison, when the “ground” is created on a table in a room in your house, you can sit or stand with reasonable comfort, to do the filming.

Filming Techniques

Most people can figure out how to do photography and video of their toys and sets, so I don’t need to say too much about this. If you want any tips, look on YouTube for instructional videos. When you do stop motion videos, there are a few things to keep in mind. Stop motion videos are created when your camera compiles a sequence of still photos it takes. So you will for instance set up a car driving along a surface, and by moving it 1/2 inch with each successive photo, it appears to be driving along. The main thing to know when doing stop motion video, is that it helps to keep the lighting even, otherwise you have annoying sudden and rapid changes in light in your video. This is caused when you have natural light on the scene and the natural light changes, eg when the sun goes behind a cloud, then comes out again. So, if possible it’s best to not use natural light in a stop motion video, but use studio lighting.

There are also many tutorials on stop motion techniques: it’s not hard to figure out how to do these with a Stop Motion App on your phone. Some cameras, like Olympus OM-D cameras, have a stop motion setting to use to create these.

Using Other’s Content in Your Film

Newbies to filmmaking often assume you can never use other’s content in your film. That is not true. There are 2 things to be aware of in this regard.
(1) Some people make content specifically for others to use, eg the many sound effects and green screen videos on YouTube, those are there JUST for others to use!
(2) A policy known as “Fair Use” explains when you can use other’s copyrighted work in your own.

In general, it’s permissible to use PART of someone else’s work in yours…for instance, you might use a 10 second clip from a 1.5 hour movie. Or 15 seconds of someone’s 4 minute song. This is usually the case, but not always. Sometimes you will discover that you can’t put even 3 seconds of someone else’s content in your video without YouTube blocking your whole video so it can’t be viewed at all.

The only way to find out if a particular work is copyright protected, and to what degree, is to put the part of it in your film that you want to use, upload it to YouTube, and see what happens. There are typically 3 ways this can go:
(1) The material isn’t copyright protected on YouTube and there’s no impact upon you. (This doesn’t mean the material isn’t copyrighted, it just means that isn’t happening or isn’t detected on YouTube)
(2) The material is copyright protected and you can use it, but can’t monetize your video.
(3) The material is totally copyright protected and you can’t use it at all, because putting any amount of it in your video causes the entire video to be blocked. In which case you have to take it out of your video.

I actually do not know much at all about using others’ photos in your video. Many of us regularly use other’s photos, eg that we find in image searches online, but it’s not clear to me how fair use guidelines apply to this. You’d obviously be using the whole photo, not a small part of it, but the photo would likely be a small part of your overall work.

Software to Use to Obtain Other’s Content

To download videos from YouTube (as well as Rumble, BitChute, Facebook) I recommend 4K Downloader. I recommend Techsmith’s Snagit software for doing video screen recording of anything showing on your video screen.

Video Editing

Video editing is where all the magic happens in your filmmaking, and it’s the least understood (for newbies) and most complex part of the process.
There are many different types of video editing programs, and you can read various reviews about them online. and are two such review sites. Some video editing programs are free, such as Adobe’s Rush which is ideal for smart phone use, but most of them you pay for, either a one time cost or monthly fee.

If you compare various reviews, you are likely to find that Adobe Premiere Pro is often rated “best for professionals” and Adobe Premiere Elements one of those rated “best for beginners.” These are the 2 that I use. I began with Adobe Premiere Elements, and moved on to Adobe Premiere Pro after about a year. I continue to use both of them, as somewhat to my surprise, the simpler Adobe Premiere Elements (Adobe PE) has techniques/options in it that are not available in the more expensive Adobe Premiere Pro (Adobe PP). To give examples: Adobe PE has built-in music tracks, Adobe PP does not. Adobe PE has many more types of video transitions than Adobe PP, and some of them can be used not just for transitions but for special effects in various parts of the film…such as the “shake” transition which can simulate an earthquake. Also, Adobe PE has effects that Adobe PP does not, and one of the most interesting of those to me is the “Cartooner” effect which can change your video into many different styles of a cartoon representation. Adobe PE also has some audio editing effects that can change your voice, beyond just what pitch shifter allows. So I use Adobe PE side by side with Adobe PP. Adobe PP is much more powerful in many ways and has several techniques not available on Adobe PE; such as warp stabilizer to stabilize video shaking, more color editing options, more lighting effects options, and use of masking for various video effects. The sound quality is also better overall on Adobe PP.

There are MANY instructional and tutorial videos on YouTube showing you how to do various aspects of video editing. There are more such tutorials for Adobe Premiere Pro than for Adobe Premiere Elements, likely because more use Adobe PP.

The basic way that video editing works, is that you import all the photos, videos and stop motion videos that you want to use, and then arrange them in whatever order you want, on what is called a timeline in the software program. This photo below shows how you would drag a photo or video from your project assets in Adobe PE, into the timeline, which is the area on the lower part of the screen.

Adobe PE’s layout is more intuitive…this image below shows the layout of Adobe PP. It’s not as easy to use, takes some time to learn, but once you learn it, it is quick and works more efficiently than Adobe PE layout.

Note that for Adobe PP, it will set the project settings based on the first item you put on your timeline, which may not have the settings you want for the whole project. For instance, if you upload a stop motion video first, it will have a frame rate of 5 frames per second, which is significantly slower than standard video of 30 frames per second. Yet because you put that stop motion clip on first, that is causing the whole project to set at 5fps, which will result in the standard videos playing in a jerky way. You need to reset the sequence settings to 30fps to stop this from happening.

Once you get your clips and photos on the timeline, then you can begin to edit them. You can do all kinds of video and photo edits, such as:

And you can do all kinds of audio edits, including:

In my video on how to make toy story films, I demonstrate use of some interesting video editing techniques, so you can watch that if you would like to see those. I also mention that there are LOTS of instructional and tutorial videos on YouTube, more for Adobe Premiere Pro, but also some for Adobe Premiere Elements, showing you how to do all kinds of things on these programs.
Once you’ve done your video edits, you can add any sound effects, music, narration or dialogue that you want to your timeline, and do audio edits for those.

Narration and Dialogue

The main options for narration and dialogue are these:
(1) Use your own voice as is
(2) Use your voice changed with pitch shifter or other audio effects
(3) Use others’ voices, such as those of friends or family
(4) Use AI voices

My recommendation is that you don’t use voices of friends or family, unless these are people who are sufficiently accessible that they will be available every time you need to do an edit that requires recording a new audio clip, and, if you plan to do a film series with several episodes, will be fully available for all of those.
Use of AI voices is in general not recommended to use for film characters. The reason for this, is not because these voices do not sound “real.” They do sound real, at least the higher quality ones, such as those one can find at which is the site I use to create some voices. So the problem isn’t the lack of an authentic sounding voice: it’s that you have no way of controlling the emphasis, tone or intonation in any given bit of narration or dialogue, when using AI voices. For instance, an AI character voice cannot know if you want to say “that’s a loooooooooong way to go!” or “that’s a long way to go!” Stretching out a word like that for emotional emphasis, isn’t possible on AI. All kinds of varieties of intonation that convey certain emotions, cannot be done through an AI voice. AI voices will do some types of emphasis based on sentence structure, but they have no way of knowing exactly what you want, from the many many possible ways to vary the emphasis and intonation in a given statement. Likewise, a sentence can have very different meanings, depending upon which words are emphasized. Eg:

“I did not kill him” can be:
“I did not kill him” (suggesting the speaking character may have killed someone else)
I did not kill him” (suggesting someone killed him, but not the speaking character)
“I did not kill him” (suggesting character did something to him, such as assault, but not murder)

AI voices cannot figure out which of these options you want. On Revoicer program for instance, it’s not possible to italicize text when you input it, to try to suggest to the AI which words to emphasize.

Several Projects May Be Needed to Compose One Long Video

Because I’ve experienced Adobe PP crashing when I try to compose large projects (eg that have hundreds of different clips), I suggest breaking down your film project into several parts, and then when each is finished, you can combine the parts into one whole film project.

When Done with Video and Audio Edits, Export the Project and Upload Online

After you have finished everything in your project, you can “export” the project to upload online. When exporting, you can choose in what resolution you want the video, eg 720p, 1080HD, or 4K. You can also set the export settings to intentionally make the final video of smaller file size. This comes in useful for instance if you are uploading to BitChute, which has a 2GB max file size. Be sure you get the video as you want it before uploading it, because you can’t edit the video once it’s uploaded, except in limited ways such as to trim some off the beginning or end. If you realize you need to edit it after you have uploaded it, you have to upload a new version.

Be Yourself

Finally, I want to underscore the importance of being true to your own vision in your work. Most people who have an artistic inclination innately understand this, but not everyone. A number of people are too focused on trying to please others, trying to create something that others will like. But doing that cannot make you deeply happy when your soul is calling you to express yourself more authentically.

Yes, there are people whose videos routinely get hundreds of thousands or millions of views on YouTube. But I strongly suggest you do not fixate on numbers of views. That is toxic to your process, contaminating it with the wrong focus. You would do best to simply stay focused on creating what you feel your soul wants and longs to express. It may take some time to find that, but the more experience you obtain in doing creative work, the more you will understand why it’s so very important that you stay true to your own vision, values and ideas.

Will the White Hat Military Step Out In January? A Tarot Reading

I’m going to do here something similar to what Tarot by Janine does regularly, and read the Tarot cards to seek an answer to a question that I’m sure all Patriot Anons have at this time. We are all quite eager to see overt action by the World Alliance, the combined Military power of 30 nations working with the White Hats to take down the Cabal-run criminal governments around the world. Our understanding from Truthers has been, that this is likely to be done all at once, all over the world, in a synchronized manner. This makes sense that it would happen this way, because isolated takedowns would leave other areas still Cabal-controlled, and significant enemy control in any one area, could lead to the enemy having more opportunity for retaliatory strikebacks or destructive or violent actions. It just makes more sense that you’d want to take the whole criminal caboodle down at once in a “shock and awe” blitzkrieg type action.

So, my question was whether we would see this world-wide military takedown occur in the month of January.

I did this reading using the “Spellcaster Tarot” and Barbara Moore’s “Prediction Spread” from her book “Tarot Spreads”.

The Prediction Spread involves using a total of 15 cards, set out in groups of 3.
Cards 1 to 3 relate to the present environment.
Cards 4 to 6 relate to advantages or strengths that benefit the desired outcome.
Cards 7 to 9 relate to obstacles to be surmounted.
Cards 10 to 12 relate to what will come into the situation.
Cards 13 to 15 relate to the outcome.

This shows the reading I obtained:

In this layout, cards 1 to 3 are as follows:

(1) 21 — The World
(2) 2 — The High Priestess
(3) Queen of Swords

So these cards pertain to the situation at present, which is as relates to the situation of the White Hats and World Alliance, as I’m asking about them and their activity. I find these cards auspicious, or pointing to a favorable present time situation. First, there are 2 Major Arcana in the group, which suggests power or significance. The first card, The World, points to a “cosmic plan” in the possession of the White Hats, something, quite possibly from God, which takes everything into consideration and brings happiness and peace. To me this suggests that “The Plan” that the White Hats have, is indeed a very good one, with great potential for a very good outcome.
The next card is the High Priestess. She points to things which are hidden, below the surface, and the way this card is depicted in this particular deck, highlights that quality of hiddenness and obscurity, as her face is simply a black egg shaped orb, and her hand, pointing to a mysterious book, is gloved. So this points to the secrecy of the White Hat plans and workings, and suggests that it is indeed the case that the White Hat plans and strategies are not known by the enemy, or by the rest of us, for that matter. This particular High Priestess card also has a swaddled infant depicted. Infants symbolize creativity. The presence of the infant as creativity in a card symbolizing secrets and what is hidden, points to the use of creative means (think: Sun Tzu’s The Art of War) to keep White Hat strategies and plans hidden from the Cabal enemies.
Finally we have the Queen of Swords card. The Queen of Swords is the optimal figure to be carrying out a complex war strategy. The swords suit in general points to the thinking function, eg as regards war and combat, to planning and strategizing, as well as to battle. Yet while the King of Swords is the master of planning, a scholar as it were of war strategy, the Queen of Swords combines the quality of sharpness of mind, with the practical skills to carry out a complex plan. So her presence in this group suggests that the White Hats have military staff with the optimal skills to carry out the operation being asked about.

Cards 4 to 6 are as follows:

(4) Knight of Swords
(5) Page of Swords
(6) 17– The Star

These relate to advantages or strengths related to the desired outcome. The fact that there are 2 swords figures here, seems appropriate and also auspicious. The Knight of Swords as an advantage to the situation, points to the White Hats having assets or personnel capable of forceful courage, surprise attacks, and devising clever strategies. The Page of Swords has skills of detachment, curiosity and a certain spontaneity, beneficial in being able to respond flexibly to situations as they arise. This particular Page of Swords is also depicted with an oversized sword (relative to the figure) which suggests the asset of a surprisingly large force, in relation to what is/was expected, and/or arms or weapons more powerful than what was expected. (Think: Space Force)
The 3rd card showing advantageous assets at hand, is The Star, which relates to the “magic” of life seemingly supplying us with all we need, without our having to work hard for it. It just flows to us, abundantly and seemingly endlessly. To me this suggests the Hand of God at work in the world.

The Star figure seems to receive from the heavens above, and pours out from 2 pitchers, onto both water and earth. The suggestion is of endless pouring, plenitude: one has all that is needed. When we say of the work the White Hats are doing, that “It is Biblical”, this to me means in part, that God is supporting all who are working to rid the world of the great evil which has taken hold and attempted to take over the entire earth. So the Star figure symbolizes this support we all receive from the Divine and the heavens.

Cards 7 to 9 showing obstacles to be surmounted, are as follows:

(7) 16– The Tower
(8) 15 — The Devil
(9) 14 — Temperance

Note that this is a new tarot deck, got it just yesterday, and I probably didn’t shuffle it enough, because several of the Major Arcana cards came out in order. These and the next group of 3 are all sequential, along with 17 The Star. Nevertheless, in Tarot and in intuitive work generally we just “go with the flow” and if something happens in a certain way we regard that as “meant to be”, so in this case, the fact that I may not have shuffled the cards enough, and got a sequence, is not something to suggest the reading is invalid. Instead we flow with it and view it as meant to have happened.

First, that there are 3 Major Arcana cards here, suggests the obstacles are significant, and not trivial or easily overcome.

The Tower and Devil certainly seem like good symbols for obstacles! The Tower suggests destruction, collapse, threatening events. Given that it’s very likely that many of the obstacles for the White Hats have to do with the Cabal and their potential for violence or retaliation, we could interpret this card as pointing to the risk of the Cabal destroying buildings, infrastructure, cyberattack, or the like, as a strategy of battle or to try to stop White Hats from certain action. We know the Cabal used destruction of buildings (and the mass murder connected with that) in the 9-11 attacks and Oklahoma City bombing, in the past, for instance.
The Devil card could point to several different kinds of things. It points to evil generally, and could suggest the obstacle of traitors in the White Hat ranks. It could point to the obstacle of the prevailing massive delusion or ignorance of the sleeping normies, and how that situation complicates their work.
The Temperance card generally is interpreted as pointing to moderation or “the middle way”, but in this context, as pertaining to an obstacle, and something related to enemy strategies, its correlation to alchemy seems more relevant. Alchemy involves working similar to what scientists do in laboratories, and has a correlation to medicine. I found it intriguing that the way Temperance is depicted in this particular deck, the figure has the caduceus symbol on his arm.

The caduceus symbol is used to represent medicine. So, in the context where Temperance is symbolizing something that is an obstacle to the White Hats, I believe that this card could be representing something (some issue or potential action) related to either Big Pharma, or the CDC or WHO, or on the other hand, some type of bioweapon. Or both. This being a potential obstacle for the White Hats Military, doesn’t mean it is something directly impacting them. Remember, the way the Cabal wages war is generally indirect. They don’t generally engage military forces head on; rather they target civilians, they retaliate against civilians and innocents, as they did with the 9-11 attack.

So the card may imply that while the White Hats seek to engage in a military takedown of the Cabal governments, the Cabal will try to engage in a bioweapon attack on civilians, or somehow escalate their Big Pharma/Medical Industry genocide of civilians.

Cards 10 to 12 point to things that will come into the situation, if activity should be taken along the hoped for directions.

(10) 13– Death
(11) 12– Hanged Man

(12) 11– Justice

Again 3 Major Arcana cards (again in order) suggests significance to these elements.
Death doesn’t generally represent actual death in the Tarot. It could, but it’s more commonly associated with a time of transformation, being on the threshold before total collapse (death) of the old order. What is suggested to me is in line with “the scare event is necessary.” There’s a suggestion of fright. Then we have the Hanged Man, which could represent delays and waiting, or possibly “things turned upside down”. Could also point to a feeling of being stuck. This particular Hanged Man looks like someone in a body bag, so this along with the Death card, could suggest the White Hats military will have casualties if they do step out and start taking out the Cabal governments. Some may ask about the Hanged Man pointing to hangings, but keep in mind that the cards are interpreted in relation to the question. We are asking about the military taking out Cabal governments worldwide, not addressing the tribunals and executions which are either currently happening to some Cabal figures, or which will happen later to those taken down during the expected global takedown event.

The third card, Justice, seems an apt card to point to the symbolism of the entire takedown. It could all be viewed as a huge operation of justice. Though this is a war, it’s also a bringing of justice to thousands upon thousands of criminals, who used fraud, crime and deception to be fraudulently installed in office, to perpetrate crimes on nations, and prey upon the good people of the world while pretending to be legitimate governments of the world.

Cards 13 to 15 show the outcome. These are:

(13) 10 — Wheel of Fortune
(14) 5 of Wands
(15) 5 of Pentacles

The Wheel of Fortune is the card of karma, or divine justice. So to me this card in and of itself, suggests we will see the military stepping out in January, as this would represent karma in the biggest way possible. If this does not happen in January, then I think we will in any case have events occurring (such as major arrests, even if not to the scale of global government takedowns) which are representing karma happening on a massive scale.
The Wheel of Fortune also can be amusingly seen as pointing to the American TV game show “The Wheel of Fortune”. The symbolism in this case, for the Cabal criminals, would be, “You played the game, and you lost. Now deal with the consequences!!”

The last 2 have light flare on them so I will show them again here:

The 5 of wands points to conflict, and is quite apt as a symbol for battle. The “warriors” in this particular depiction, battle each other with blindfolds on, though this is not the way these are traditionally depicted on this card. Also, the traditional depiction does not have one person standing resting on his wand as a staff, nor a beehive overhead, suggesting that there’s a risk of swatting bees. This card could be interpreted in several ways. One way would just be that it points to conflict and battle. Another would be that it points to battles undertaken “blind”, without much information. Still another way of viewing this might be that some of those involved are quietly observing while others are blindly lashing out at each other.

Since the White Hats have a military force, while the Cabal only has limited mercenary forces, it’s not clear how much actual “battle” would be involved. I’m inclined to see this card as pointing to the Cabal criminals, once captured, blindly and desperately lashing out and turning against each other, in an effort to save themselves.

The last card is the 5 of Pentacles. This is a card traditionally associated with misery, want & need, destitution, chaos or disorder.

As a card describing the outcome of the White Hats work to take out the criminal governments, I read this as pointing to a (limited and temporary, I believe) time of greater need, quite possibly occasioned by the turmoil or turbulence that could come by having all criminal governments around the world, toppled. One could imagine that if all world governments were suddenly taken out, things could get “chaotic” for a period of time, as things were being reshuffled and reorganized. The supply chain could be disrupted for a time, or our financial system could have some glitches, if we end up undergoing financial system shifts (from fiat currency to gold backed currency) at the same time as the military steps out. Eg, debit and credit cards may not work for awhile, the stock market could completely crash and people may despair as they think they have lost everything, before NESARA kicks in and they realize they are far more prosperous than they ever dreamed.

As this reading asked about the month of January only, and not indefinitely into the future (which would not be a good question to ask as too broad in nature), I view these outcome cards as pertaining just to January. Thus, a time of need or a sense of loss will happen, but I believe it will be temporary.

Still another way to interpret this card, pertains to the sleeper normies. Imagine what a sense of despair or loss they will be going through, when they realize that all the great “social justice” Democrats and leftists they voted for (in the US and around the world) are some of the biggest criminals the world has ever seen. Their suffering will be significant.

Finally, I did one additional step with this divination, to shed more light upon it. I did a rune reading on top of it. I pulled 3 rune stones at random from my rune bag, shook each, and rolled it onto the tarot reading. I used the rune and the card it landed on or closest to, to obtain still more info.

The 3 runes I drew were Hagalaz, Nauthiz and Ingwaz.

The first, Hagalaz, landed closest to The Star card.

Hagalaz symbolizes disruption, or clearing old patterns, also represents “perfect structure” as well as strongly controlled and focused energy.

To me, this suggested that Divine providence (The Star) is supplying White Hats with the perfect structure or strategy, at any point in time, and the optimal focus of energy, to obtain their desired goals.

Next, the rune Nauthiz landed on the 5 of Pentacles card. This seemed quite appropriate since that card, as explained above, already symbolizes need and want.

So the addition of the Nauthiz rune to this card, underscores the need/want or desperation pointed to, and suggests it will be quite significant. Since the Elder Futhark rune set doesn’t have one rune in particular that represents “suffering” or despair, we can view Nauthiz as also containing the suffering I alluded to above which could come to sleeper normies when the overt action and big reveal finally comes, and they realize how they have been duped and played, and brainwashed. There will be a lot of stress, and they will experience a corresponding large need for comfort, and healing.

Finally, I threw the Ingwaz rune onto the reading, and it landed upon the Five of Wands. At first I was puzzled how to interpret this, as the Ingwaz rune relates to gestation, possibly to a time of rest. As this was the card I’d associated with a battle of some type, eg the Cabal forces either fighting among themselves, or with the White Hat military, it occurred to me that the Ingwaz rune might actually relate here not by its traditional meaning, but by its shape.

This rune, and this one alone, has a shape that can be viewed as a symmetrical encompassing of a certain area. The area inside the center of Ingwaz, can be seen as “enclosed” in its form. I saw this as possibly pointing to the “outcome” of the White Hats military action, as totally surrounding and enclosing the Cabal criminal governments, and succeeding thus by preventing them from having any possible escape route. All escape routes are cut off, at the same time as the “net” is constricted, and the inside space is reduced, until capture of all criminals has been accomplished.

Quite intriguingly….consider now what you get if you take the Ingwaz rune, and “close down” the inner area, reducing it in size until there is no more inner area.

The result is that you move from the rune Ingwaz, to the rune Gebo. And if you go further and separate the two sides of the rune Gebo, you can obtain 2 parts that can then be recombined, to create the rune Jera.

Now consider what Gebo and Jera represent! Gebo symbolizes a gift, and Jera represents the harvest, one’s benefit from work done, as well as “the end of a cycle” or the outcome.

Finally, I did one more thing to find out more about the time frame involved, in January, if indeed the Military does step out in January. Previously, I have done a number of readings attempting to find a date for something, using dice rolls. For instance, if I expected an event to occur within the next month, I would use a 30-sided die to try to identify how many days from the present, the event would occur. The dates I got from these dice rolls were not accurate. This could be because the information was not forthcoming from the Universe, or it was not fully known, or possibly because using dice doesn’t work that well for this type of question for this reader. Hard to know.

In any case, I thought I’d use a different method this time to try to find timing information. I wanted to ask about the next 30-ish days, but not use a 30 sided die, so what other divination sets did I have which availed me of about 30 options? The first one that came to mind, was to use an “expanded” rune set, meaning a set of Anglo-Saxon runes that contains 33 figures instead of the 24 figures of the conventional Elder Futhark rune set.

So I took my set of Anglo-Saxon runes carved on pieces of oak wood, and pulled one at random. It turned out to be Dagaz, which is the 23rd rune, thus the reading was saying 23 days from today, and since I did this reading on December 30th, this pointed to January 22nd. (Eg, Dec 31 = 1 day from Dec 30, Jan 1 = 2 days from Dec 30 and so on). Intriguingly, Dagaz is the rune signifying the light of dawn, the breaking of a new day, and one writer on the runes also views it as the rune symbolizing “cataclysmic change.” This seemed appropo.

So this is a quite intriguing reading, suggesting that the “surrounding” of the Cabal run criminal governments, which would come as a first stage in their takedown, as it proceeded to the “tightening of the net” on these criminals and trapping them with no escape, would simultaneously symbolically be a gift to us, and be the desired harvest of work well done!!

And the harvest of all the White Hats hard work for several decades, is indeed the nourishing food and good things we all look forward to!

Plentiful harvest and happy ending at long last!!

Stupidity in the Great Awakening

Yes, I get it, we are all extremely impatient and frustrated that it’s been 20 months now since the November 2020 massive election fraud, and we haven’t seen Trump or the White Hats make a single overt move. Trump hasn’t played his hand, going on 20 months after the fact. This long delay has many of us quite aggravated, and has caused many to say they are “giving up”, though I have no idea what that means, because once you’re awake, you can’t go back to sleep again.

So I want to address the many types of stupidity I’m seeing in the “Great Awakening” community aka truther community, by which I mean, not the Truthers themselves, but in their followers, in chat discussions for instance. Let me also clarify and say that by “Truthers” I do not mean citizen journalists or people putting out verifiable news, such as doing filming of what they see in Washington DC. Rather, I mean people putting out “intel”, which is distinct from the citizen journalist videos and info, precisely in that it is not verifiable.

Now I want to say at the outset that it’s not always possible to know who is stupid, versus who is just a troll, eg a paid agent of the Cabal, coming into Truther communities to spread divisiveness, doubt and to try to “blackpill” people. But it does seem to me that not all of the stupid comments are from trolls.

So let’s look at some of the idiotic comments and ideas and point out the stupidity or lack of logic or common sense involved. And by the way, the lack of critical thinking and logical thinking skills, is one of the things that got us into this mess. If more of the general public could think logically, and coherently, they would not have bought the Cabal propaganda and its lies. Now some may think I am being overly harsh using the word “stupid”, but that term is actually an understatement given some of the kinds of comments I’ve seen on the truther chat groups .

Cluelessness about the basic concept

What is the basic concept? The basic concept is that we live in a “Matrix” world, where, apparently, both the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are using fake news. We often have a hard time discerning real from fake news, but common sense and observation of the whole range of data around us, can help us figure at least some of this out. Yet — and this is the key point that many stupidos are missing — there is no “proof” of what is being done covertly. If there was “proof” of what was being done covertly, it wouldn’t be covert, now, would it? But it’s this basic concept that so many can’t seem to grasp.

It’s alleged that there are White Hats taking out the Cabal, the global crime syndicate that for many decades, if not centuries, has infiltrated governments around the world. The fact that there is a Cabal, or that there are White Hats, are assertions which can’t be “proven” — there is no readily available “evidence” for either of these things, at least not evidence available to us, the general public. There are clues, but not “proof.” It’s alleged that the “Q Drops” are information being given to us by the White Hats, explaining what they are doing. But again, NONE of this can be “proven”. We can’t “prove” that the Q drops are from the White Hats, or where they come from, and if they are a “psyop” intended to mislead the public or distract us, or what.

The basic concept that so many in the Truther community are clueless about is — NOTHING CAN BE PROVEN!!

Yet we see many people posting that they don’t want to hear any more intel “without proof”, as if there ever was proof in the first place! Nope, not happening! If you want “proof”, then the truther communities are not the place for you. Because that won’t be forthcoming. Joining the following of a Truther who presents intel (meaning, “intelligence” from various claimed “sources”) and demanding “proof” is sort of like going to Alaska and complaining because there are no Greek and Roman ruins to see in Alaska. Well, obviously not, you’re on completely the wrong continent to see those.

During this Matrix time in history, it’s a good opportunity for all of us to ask ourselves, how do we know or incline to the view that some info or some news is likely “true”, versus other news or info is “not true”? Anyone with half a brain should have realized by now that the Mainstream Media is a propaganda machine and is putting out not just “fake news” but actually intentionally false information, to further the goals of —who? The people who own these media and, I believe eventually will be shown, the global crime syndicate called the Cabal that they are connected with.

Unclear on the concept

But having realized this, we are then in a dilemma, because we don’t know exactly where to go to get the “truth.” Unfortunately, that is just the reality of these times. Everyone needs to use their common sense and intuition, their “gut sense”, in order to try to figure out what is true and what’s not. And that may not always be easy to do. We may make mistakes along the way.

The White Hats will change their whole strategy if I whine and complain

Now we come to another topic that the clueless also seem unable to grasp — which is, what the White Hats are doing, or are not doing, is not going to be changed by anyone’s whining and complaining about it. If you think about it for just a few seconds, you’ll realize it has to be this way. How would it work to work for several decades to take down a global crime syndicate that had infested the whole world and nearly attained its goal of installing a one world totalitarian government, only for the whole plan to be derailed because some clueless people complained that “it’s not fair”, and “we need proof”, and/or “why haven’t you done anything that we could see in the last 2 years!”

I’ve seen people so dopey as to post complaints that “the White Hats aren’t including us in their plan.” Well first of all that isn’t entirely true…the whole point of the Q drops is that you’re included, at least to the extent you want to read these and work to understand what’s going on. But secondly, of course you aren’t included in the plan in terms of having any input into it. This is a military operation. The general public never has input into the intricacies and details of a military operation.

Nothing’s happening, I don’t believe any of it

The “nothing’s happening” folks are plentiful in the Truther community. While it may not be exactly “stupid” to think nothing’s happening, (because truly we have no “evidence” of anything happening, just clues), what is stupid is for these people to go into the communities and groups of people who believe “something’s happening” and whine that “nothing’s happening.” The express purpose of these groups is to gather people who believe that “things are happening.” To join these groups when you don’t believe that, is akin to joining a group oriented around promoting buying of gold and silver, and then coming in and saying that you don’t think gold or silver are good investments. Obviously people who don’t believe in the group’s purpose, don’t belong in the group. Hence, those who think “nothing’s happening” shouldn’t even be in these groups, and a well moderated group would, in my opinion, remove them.

Free Speech means I get to come into your private group and be abusive

Among the most inane of group chat commenters, are those who come on and whine and complain, spread negativity, direct venomous comments to the owner of the group, or in other ways behave badly, and then when their comments are removed, or they are removed or rebuked, start in with a lot of nonsense about their rights to Free Speech. A lot of knuckleheads can’t even understand something as basic as where they have rights to “free speech” and where they don’t. For these, I’ve got some news — you never have “free speech” in private chat groups, because, if you think about it, this would mean that said groups could have no group rules, and every group would be totally destroyed by a bunch of people coming in and posting all kinds of abusive crap. Really, folks, if some of you just took the time to think a few seconds about the potential consequences some of your ideas, you’d see how dumb they were.

For those who need to hear this, “free speech” applies to the public square, eg you standing on a sidewalk and saying what you think, or creating your own group on Telegram and posting whatever you want. But you can’t go on anyone else’s group on Telegram and assume you have the right to post whatever you want. Free speech doesn’t apply there.

If someone who’s regarded as a Truther said it, it must be true

In this whole realm of “Truthers”, as I mentioned above, there is no “proof” that what anyone in particular says, is true. Each of us needs to assess all claims based on our own criteria — eg does it fit with other things we have heard and tend to believe are true, does this person seem credible, does the whole “presentation” look legitimate or not. People vary in their ability to make such assessments and discernments, and some people appear to be positively stupid in either their inability to accept that anything is true (except, apparently, the “mainstream narrative” of the Cabal-run mainstream media), or alternatively, their inclination to believe most anything they hear, regardless of all the concerning indications. Typical is the person who posts something idiotic on a chat something like, “I saw that Elvis Presley has a telegram channel…yippee I knew he was alive!” It’s as if these dimwits don’t realize that anyone can create a Telegram channel named anything. So we have telegram channels allegedly “run” by many famous people, as well as people who are not known to be alive, and if they were alive, do you really think the very first thing they’d do is create a social media channel and start selling various crap there? Eg we have Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, John MacAfee, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, JFK Jr, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, as well as military and White Hat figures such as General McInerney, Ezra Cohen Watnick, John Durham, and others. In fact General McInerney came out and created a video just to say he was not on any social media, because people were too stupid to figure this out. and

If X doesn’t happen, I’m giving up

I have seen a fair number of those following the truthers post on one chat channel or another, “if X doesn’t happen, I’m giving up. I have had enough of ‘soon’, and ‘buckle up’ and ‘it’s imminent’ and then nothing happening.” Now I think it’s obvious that a great many of us are very tired of the “it’ll happen soon” and then nothing happening for weeks, months, a year or more. But while fatigue over the number of false predictions may lead to reasonable adjustments such as paying less attention to one truther or another, or just not following anyone and focusing on living your life, it would be ridiculous to just stop believing in the White Hats, in Trump, or in good overcoming evil, simply because one or more people gave false predictions. That would be like saying that since a series of people told you that the Grand Canyon was just a few miles away, but you haven’t seen it yet, then concluding that it must not exist.

If you really have no clue about what is going on in the world, the massive battle between good and evil that is raging, but is a “war unseen”, then I don’t know why you’d be following any truthers at all. If you really don’t believe there is a Cabal, or that there are White Hats taking them down, this thing isn’t for you. You’re a “sleeper” and you’ll have to wake up later on when things become more overt. But once you wake up, you can’t go back to sleep again and pretend that you don’t know what you know is going on.

To compare this to a real world analogy: imagine that your family sold their home in Oregon and is moving to Vermont. You are with them in the car as they drive across the country for their new home. If something on the car ride upsets you, do you get out angrily and say “I give up!”? If you do, where does that leave you? It leaves you on the side of the road, perhaps next to a corn field in Iowa. It leaves you stranded. You can’t go back to where you came from, because that home is sold. You have to keep going on the journey because your next home is ahead. Even if you dislike the journey, your dislike doesn’t change these facts. So, if you are getting too stressed out following truthers, then don’t follow them for awhile. But realize that just because you don’t like what they say, or think they don’t have real intel, doesn’t mean anything about the White Hats one way or another.

So-and-so confirmed it so it must be true!

Sometimes one Truther will make a claim, (let’s say it is person A) and then his followers may look around and wait to see if anyone else, a person B or C, “confirms” his intel. What some of these folks may not realize, if they have a room temperature IQ, is that the person B or C apparently “confirming” the intel of person A, may not be independently confirming it. They may have just heard person A say it. Ditto with person C. So if the only person who states something is person A, and 20 other people hear person A say that, and report the same thing, they are obviously not “independently confirming it”. They are just repeating what person A said, which leaves us with only one person alleging something.

Again, with all this “intel”, we have to really grasp the concept, and clearly this is really hard for some to grasp, that none of this is “provable”. There is no “evidence” of any of the intel, until such time as we don’t need the intel because things are starting to go overt and be revealed to the public. Until that time, we don’t know anything for sure, and have to take it all with a grain of salt, understanding it as a theory, not as provable fact.

Oh ye of little faith

Another thing I’ve seen surprisingly often in the Truther community, are ostensibly strong patriots, proud to say they voted twice for Trump, who are Q followers and believe in the White Hats and all, and then…suddenly…they see a post. Just some random post, possibly of dubious origin, on some random social media channel. And then — bam! All of a sudden, on the basis of this ONE post — for instance, it could be one like this one showing Trump meeting with Klaus Schwab — they are wondering, “Is Trump really Deep State???” The idiocy is just phenomenal. As if Trump wouldn’t have met with EVERY major criminal at some point during his work planning to clean up the Cabal. As if Trump would have come out to the press and said something like, “Yes, I’m here talking to Klaus, one of the biggest Cabal criminals in the world….” Come on folks!! If one post or photo is going to cause you to trash your last 5 or 6 years of faith in Trump, then you have a serious problem with perspective. You need to learn the phrase, “Get thee behind me, Satan!”

I don’t have time to read the posts myself, what’s the latest intel, so I can complain about it?

A number of people don’t want to put in time to read the posts, watch the videos of various truthers, they just want reports from others about what was said. But not always because they are excited about what’s reported — sometimes it seems that they want to hear reports, so they can criticize the information presented. “They said X would happen and it didn’t! Waaaah!”

Don’t waste your time on such people. If you’re sharing intel and analyses with friends or acquaintances, and all you get back are complaints that x-and-such didn’t happen, then these are not people you want to continue to share with.

Anyone who pays close attention will notice that not all the intel is “predictions”. A lot of what we hear from truthers is analysis — their theories on ways that things could go, what is the meaning of different things we may see happening in the world, how things either fit together or do not fit together. To me, this analysis is actually more important than the “predictions” because it’s more substantial. The predictions could be wrong, but when you trace a chain of connection between various events, people, actions or communications, this is something that isn’t going to become meaningless just because something else didn’t happen. Those who aren’t following truthers with this eye to analysis, are missing one of the most important things they offer.

Let me annoy everyone with my bigoted Christian proselytizing

Another common stupidity in the truther communities, comes from those who really should know and do a lot better: the Christians.

The Great Awakening and Patriot communities have many Christians, quite likely because there is a connection between loving God and loving our country, and the founding principles of our nation. And so, people of faith have often been able to see more clearly than others, much of the evil that has been going on in our nation, much of the loss of freedom, the unconstitutional and unlawful direction our nation has been headed in for some time. They’ve stood up for us all when others have sat down and let themselves be deprived of their freedoms and rights. I’ve seen more Christians stand up, than people of other religions, however we also have more Christians in our nation, than people of other faiths.

But something too many Christians don’t seem to realize, is that we aren’t a theocracy, we don’t want to become a theocracy, and that they need to stop figuratively hitting other people over the head with the Bible. It’s a bad look. Aside from there actually being people of other faiths in this nation (gasp!), it’s also the case that not all Christians agree on everything (gasp!). Now that may be a hard concept for the fundamentalists, who think they are right about everything, and that they alone know exactly what is meant by everything in the Bible, which they tend to interpret in some of the most literal and shallow, and un-spiritual ways possible. Suffice it to say, these people are going to be in for a surprise when, eventually, either in this life or the next God reveals the truth to them, and are going to feel pretty stupid.

I think we can in the Great Awakening community can all agree on some of the incredible evil that has been going on in this world — and that’s where we should focus, where we can agree. When people become sidetracked into peevish and small-minded issues like condemning those doing tarot reading or people giving “a prophetic word” that they have received, they just make themselves look nasty, small, and stupid.

Sun Tzu’s Art of War, and White Hat Operations

Notes from Sun Tzu’s book The Art of War, as these sayings may pertain to White Hat operations to take down the Global Crime Syndicate.

pg 11 “Successful war follows the path of Deception.  Thus, when you are able to act, feign incapacity.  When deploying, feign inactivity.  When you are close, appear to be far off. When you are distant, appear close….attack where he is unprepared, appear where you are least expected. Thus you may see in a war, surprise is the key to victory.”

Consider how this relates to covert military activity.  Consider how it relates to Trump having given the appearance that he regretted keeping on certain people on his staff – the implication that he made mistakes or lacked good judgment.  Consider how this relates to the appearance that the military is divided, that there has been “nothing done” about election fraud but talk about it.  Consider that a lot of things are not as they seem, because success in war depends on deception.

pg 13 “Only he who understands the perils of waging war, can also understand the best way of conducting it.”  

We have a lot of armchair military generals out there, who insist that “such and so should’ve been done, why can’t they do X, this thing they are doing doesn’t make sense.”  Consider that in taking down the Global Crime Syndicate Cabal, we are engaged in the biggest military operation in the history of our nation, and the planet, and something that has never been done before in the history of humankind.  Now tell me this isn’t going fast enough and should wrap up this week. 

pg 15 “A skilled general…brings equipment from home but forages for food from the enemy….Change the flags and standards on the captured chariots and add them to your own squadrons.”

Executive Order 13848, “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election”

Executive Order 13818 “Blocking the Property of persons involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.”

Twitter takeover…I wonder what’s behind that…

pg 17 “In considering the complete art of war, it is greatly preferable to capture a state whole rather than break it up…the ultimate achievement is to defeat the enemy without even coming to battle.” 

Setting traps for them to fall into.  The 2020 election wasn’t really an election, it was a sting operation.  Devolution is in place.  A “movie” is in place.  It appears that the Cabal is being dismantled from the top down, covertly, so it doesn’t appear there is a “battle.”  Citizen Journalists Richard Citizen Journalist and Nancy Drew have, for over a year, reported that there doesn’t seem to be anyone in the White House, the IRS buildings, many federal buildings in Washington DC.  In many ways, the Deep State has been lured into overplaying their hand, with the consequence that the White Hats do not need to fight them in battle, as they simply defeat themselves. 

pg 19 “Thus it follows that the highest form of warfare, is to outthink the enemy…next is to break his alliances….Thus a skillful general must defeat his enemy without coming to battle. “

5D Chess. No, 17-d chess! 

pg 23 “The great generals of old first ensured that they themselves were beyond defeat, and then waited for the enemy to make themselves vulnerable.” 

Setting traps.  Let them think you are a fool who is doing nothing, who is a bumbler who hired the wrong people for his cabinet, continued to bumble along making mistakes, and while they think you are a nincompoop doing nothing, they walk into the traps you have set. 

pg 25 “Being prepared for all circumstances is what assures certain victory, for it means you are fighting an enemy who is already beaten.”

NCSWIC.  Nothing can stop what is coming.  God wins.

pg 29 “In all kinds of warfare, the direct approach is used for attack, but the oblique is what achieves victory. A general who understands the use of the oblique has a source of tactics as inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, which, like the Rivers and Oceans, will never run dry.”

Nothing is what it seems. We are in a movie….

pg 31 “In the roiling turmoil of battle, your troops may appear to be in chaos, but in fact cannot be disordered…In this way, apparent confusion masks true organization, cowardice masks courage, weakness masks strength….A general skilled in out-maneuvering the enemy uses formation to make them follow him…he lays bait to tempt them and sets his troops in ambush to wait for them.”

General Milley plays an important role, as does the appearance that Mike Pence and Bill Barr worked against Trump.   As does the appearance that the military is divided and the Joint Chiefs of Staff appeared not to side with the White Hats.  As does the appearance that “nothing is happening” about election fraud except for telling people that they should write to their Congressmen. 
Military intelligence units.  SCIF.  The seizing of the server in Germany.  FISA goes both ways….

Traps were set…the unaware Deep State actors thought the coast was clear and walked into them…and the 2000 Mules movie demonstrated that every mule’s cellphone data showing their visits to multiple dropboxes in the middle of the night was captured, video of ballot dropboxes was captured, and all this is among the millions of pieces of White Hat evidence of election fraud. 

pg 35 “Be subtle! Be subtle! You can make yourself invisible.  Be secretive! Be secretive!”

So many of us, even after following the drops and intel for 2+ years,  don’t know who is a White Hat and who’s a Black Hat…..
Has anybody seen Durham?  LOL…

pg 37 “In deploying your troops, the greatest skill is in keeping the enemy in the dark.  Keep your dispositions secret so that the most thorough of searches cannot discover them and they are hidden from the sharpest of intellects.”

Has anybody seen Durham???

pg 39 “Military strategy is like water, which flows away from high ground towards low ground.  In your tactics, avoid the enemy’s strengths and attack his weaknesses.” 

Perhaps, the Way of Aikido.  As your enemy comes barreling along at you with all his strength, step to the side, and give him a push from behind so his momentum speeds him up and he falls.
A movie in which the Cabal plans for global totalitarianism were sped up and accelerated, so that their strength became their weakness as they were exposed. 

pg 41  “A general…may lay a false trail away from his true objective, so tempting the enemy off course…this shows mastery of the devious.”

File election fraud lawsuits so that it seems that you are attempting to fight the fraud in court, or by holding rallies to motivate the people.  While behind the scenes you do covert arrests and military tribunals.  Put out news of work on election fraud in a few states, while audits are actually being done in all 50 states….Truth Social, and Twitter, leaked SCOTUS documents…look over there, not over here. 

Has Trump even played his hand yet, as regards the 2020 election? 

pg 45 “You must be swift as the wind, dense as the forest, rapacious as fire, steadfast like a mountain, mysterious as night and mighty as thunder.” 

Trump has not publicly played his hand yet, as regards the 2020 election, or any Deep State matter needing to be addressed….

pg 83 “In carrying out your military operations, give the appearance of being sucked into the enemy’s plans whilst actually targeting their exposed flank.” 

The Deep State/Cabal did not want “Biden” in the White House. (As you see, “Biden” does not make a particularly good showing…)  They wanted and expected Trump to fight back openly against their massive organized crime at the 2020 election.  They wanted the appearance of Trump mounting what they could spin as a “coup”, to allow them to start a “color revolution” in the nation.  They didn’t anticipate Trump would allow “Biden” to be inaugurated and be “President.”  Allowing them to appear to “win” threw them for a loop and allowed an elaborate counter-plan to be put into play, using the approach of Way of Aikido. 

pg 83 “On the day war is declared, close off the passes….seize what they hold most dear….start off coy as a virgin until the enemy opens the door to you, then move with the speed of a hare so they have no chance to resist.”  

Top Cabal figures and Hollywood elites,  sporting ankle bracelets.
May seem to be “free” and going out and about, but cannot leave the country…or the state, or their neighborhood. 
MSM seems to be fully Cabal controlled…until slowly it doesn’t….
And how’d that Twitter takeover suddenly happen?? 

pg 91 “For what enables a wise ruler and an able general to attack decisively and to succeed where ordinary men fail, is foreknowledge. “

Military intelligence units.  NSA. A core group of some 200 Military Generals. Trump was posting in 2012 about election fraud, and knew in advance that it would occur in 2020. It’s quite possible that the White Hats had been planning the takedown of the Cabal for decades: some say since JFK’s assassination. The Takedown started in 2017….
“We have everything….we have it all…we caught them all.”

Truthers I Follow and Comments About Them

For those who are newly awakening, becoming able to discern truth from lies, it can help to have a list of recommended places to go to obtain information. This can also be helpful for those who’ve already been on this path of awakening for awhile, as they might find new sources.

We call people “Truthers” because we live in a climate of unparalleled amounts of lies and propaganda. As well, because truth is heavily censored by the “powers that be” which are controlled by the Cabal, Truthers are the rebellious truth-telling voices of our collective longing for good and right, justice and freedom, working for the good in an evil time. That said, when we live in a “Matrix” reality and there are things going on “behind the scenes”, it’s not necessarily easy to know who is a “Truther.” There are no doubt some fake Truthers out there.

So I want to make a list of those I follow and also write some comments about my views on each, and any pros/cons that I’ve observed. The list of those Truthers I follow has changed over time, as some I eagerly followed in the beginning, I lost interest in, and then discovered new Truthers along the way. Note that the Truthers I follow do NOT all agree with each other, and some of them say things that totally contradicts what others of them are saying. For instance some believe in QFS and NESARA, others say QFS and NESARA are complete BS nonsense. Also, I don’t have the same degree of confidence in all of these or like all equally.

As well, I strongly encourage people not to fall into simplistic black/white thinking about Truthers or anything else. You’re not just going to find Truthers who are 100% right on everything on one side, and “controlled opposition” and “psyops” on the other side. To look at things that way is facile thinking. It’s also likely revealing a person who has inadequate development of critical thinking skills, and so all they can do is leap from one Truther to another expecting to be spoon fed and told by others what to think, because they are unable to develop their own thinking skills. If you have low level critical thinking skills, then instead of following any Truthers, you need to back up and begin at Step One, which is to learn how to think. Because if you can’t do that, you’re missing the whole point of how humanity got into this pickle to begin with. It happened because too few people used their noggin and employed critical thinking skills about what was happening around them, and simply believed what they were told.

So instead of lumping Truthers into one of two bins, “complete patriot and always right” or “controlled opposition”, consider the possibility that there are more than just two, completely opposite possibilities. Here, as anywhere, you’re going to find a spectrum, the full range of possibilities. You’ll find Truthers who give great info because they have sources and good intel, and others who don’t give the greatest info, because they don’t have as many sources, or possibly because they don’t have strongly developed critical thinking skills. And then, yes, there are some who are controlled opposition, but determining exactly who those are is not as easy as many would think.
Expect that anyone who is “right over the target” may be attacked quite heavily. At the same time, realize that just because someone is criticized, doesn’t mean they are right over target. They may be criticized because there are legitimate concerns about them.

Anna von Reitz and
Anna has worked for decades researching the fraud and crime at the basis of American government, and governments around the world. She founded The Federation of States, which is the unincorporated United States of America, the legitimate land and soil jurisdiction government of our nation, and the American States Assembly. Anna is attacked quite a bit all over the Truther community, by liars or unthinking people calling her a “fraud” and making criticisms that she has addressed many times already. Many of those who criticize her are supporting David Straight or Russell Jay Gould or others who, it should be realized, are doing very little compared to Anna, to actually restore legitimate governance in this nation. This should be a clue to you.
Make your own decision about Anna — go to her site and read her books, articles and watch her talks. Though she’s certainly not perfect — her many articles are not organized, making it hard to find things on a particular topic — she goes on a lot of “rants” in her talks — she is often angry, and engages in a lot of name-calling, yet I think you will also find her profoundly knowledgeable, sincere, committed, and generous, giving so much of her time and energy and her life, to working for Americans’ freedom, and the freedom of people all over the world.
Anna speaks about being in conversation with the White Hats, but has harsh words for Trump and the White Hats in that she clarifies to them that they are not entitled to “restore the Republic”, since that restoration can only be done by The Federation of States, eg the American people — not by a foreign corporation masquerading as our government, which is unfortunately where Trump, as heroic as he is and well intentioned as he is, is situated. Anna also believes that the White Hats do not have the lawful authority to renew our financial system and introduce QFS or NESARA.
There are some drawbacks to the organization of Anna’s Assembly, at least at the present. It’s small, and because it operates on a shoestring budget, there aren’t funds to do things such as — hire someone to organize all her content really well. Anna’s writings and talks aren’t organized, and so people have to put in some effort to study. As well, Anna inclines to “rants” and does a lot of complaining about all the fraud and crime in the nation. She does not necessarily have good communication skills and tends to dismissive smackdowns. Of course, as you’ll realize if you read just a small amount of her work, there’s been so much fraud and crime in the last 160 years (and beyond) that it should make anyone’s jaws drop. But complaining about this every week isn’t necessarily the best thing to do to fix it all.

Clif High and look for Clif’s Telegram channel, Clif is a quite unique person, with a base of knowledge and insights unlike you’ll find in any other Truther. He has coined the term “woo” to describe the strange situation we are in now, where we don’t know what is real and what’s fake, but sense that “things are not as they seem” and that there is something happening beneath the surface, but may not know what that is.
Clif uses a technique he invented called “predictive linguistics”, which mines data from the internet and predicts events based on language patterns. He’s also deeply knowledgeable in many fields, and shares his knowledge across a whole series of compelling videos. He has contempt for QFS and NESARA, calls these ideas pure nonsense. He tends to a cynical viewpoint, (he refers to himself as a paranoid and believes that paranoia facilitates being aware of the evil in the world) and predicts enormous vax genocide die-offs. He uses strong language and can be quickly dismissive of other Truthers, though I feel he generally has good reasons for being dismissive. In particular he throws a lot of contempt in the direction of Kerry Cassidy, who I never liked from the first moment I heard her speak. He thinks Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and Kerry Cassidy are some of the biggest frauds. He believes Phil Godlewski is a fraud. He doesn’t believe Trump will come back until 2023, upsetting other Truthers who believe this will happen sooner. Recently, Clif High has begun advising people of the importance of becoming a State National, and is joining Anna’s American States Assembly.

I find Clif quite engaging and insightful, and like his style. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says, as I do believe that the White Hats have some type of “NESARA” plan, though I also agree with Anna that Trump and the White Hats don’t actually have the lawful authority to arrange for NESARA. Only The Federation of States can do this, or really do anything associated with legitimate governance in this nation. I very much hope that once the White Hats clean the Cabal out of the world, they will collaborate with The Federation of States to transform our national government, and the world governments. Because I’d hate to see the White Hats remove the global crime syndicate government, only to try to set up yet another fake government after that.

Tarot by Janine and
Janine is one of my very favorite Truthers, because of her great temperament, balanced perspective, deep insights and intuition, unflagging positivity, and overall wisdom. She is a longtime tarot card reader, been reading cards several decades, and came into the Truther community as a result of her own awakening, finding she had a unique way to contribute by using card readings to inquire into the goings-on behind the scenes. She does nearly daily readings on two YouTube channels, where owing to YouTube censorship, she often comically has to use sign language or vague references in order to communicate. She works with Jean-Claude of Beyond Mystic and others.
I find Janine to be one of if not the most uplifting and positive Truther. She radiates optimism and good mental health. She gives a lot of advice on staying positive in these difficult times, mixed in with her readings where she informs us of “what the cards say” is going on behind the scenes. I don’t find that her card readings are always correct, but I believe she’s correct more often than not. Like many Truthers, she may not have direct “sources” among the White Hats or high level military themselves, but she has many followers who are observing things in their areas all over the world, who write to her about what they see, and this helps her get a read on the hidden goings-on. I mostly agree with Janine on her findings via the cards, though I did not at all agree with her conclusion that Michael Flynn has “turned” and is now a Black Hat. I don’t need to agree with her on everything to like her a lot and watch her very regularly!

Janine (right) with her friend Ashley as they do their “Deep Dive Friday” tarot reading

Jean-Claude/Beyond Mystic and guests interviews with Tarot by Janine, and a few other regulars, seeking information from tarot, astrology, remote viewing, and other intel. The crew are all great people, positive and funny, lighthearted, intelligent, quite enjoyable the whole cast of them.

Phil Godlewski and on Telegram at Phil has the largest following on Telegram, and claims to be a White Hat as well, and explains this is why he gets intel that others do not have access to. He has implied he is a computer hacker working for the White Hats, and that he worked for them more directly previously than he does now. He tends to present his “intel” with great confidence, and often gives more details than you will hear from others. He has spoken several times alluding mysteriously to his past, saying things like “it will blow your mind when you find out who I am”, and recently, stating that he has a strong security detail around his family and has had this for some 20 years. Phil says QFS and NESARA are real and have already begun to be implemented. He also says Medbeds are real. He’s been very clear that “ByeDen” is a White Hat actor, and that many of the top figures in the Cabal have already been taken out. Overall, Phil has a solidly reasoned, very well thought out analysis of many topics of interest to Truthers folk. The way he comes across, feels sincere and honest. Yet, there are also some “issues of concern” that bear looking at.

Quite recently, Phil strongly hinted that he is “Edward Snowden”, as well as one of the founders of the Q movement, in fact THE person posting the Q drops. I created a video summary of his podcast here: While this would be astonishing if true, I also have to wonder, is it likely the real “Ed Snowden” would reveal his real identity? Ditto the writer of the Q drops. If the reason the Ed Snowden persona was a fiction created to protect someone’s identity, then wouldn’t the revealing of that identity, defeat the purpose of creating Ed Snowden?

I have generally felt he is sincere and honest, just based on how he comes across, but at the same time, it’s clear he has a big ego, and the fact that he’s making money from his following, in several ways, could throw his motivations and claims into question. The combining of financial self-interest with the building of a following ostensibly there to hear “truth” and “intel”, creates a muddy situation that could lead to questions.

Phil posts daily “Meticore” ads on his telegram channel, which are quite sleazy with their approach and at times, fake claims (such as claims that Trump is promoting these products) and it’s not completely clear why. He’s said the timestamps on those are “comms”, or secret communications, but if you are coming out and pointing that a timestamp is a “comm”, why not just post a number? Or why not just post the related Q drop? Or why not use a post with literally anything else but a slimy and aggressive sales ad? It makes little sense. He has also recently said (in his May 14th Q&A) that he posts these ads for friends of his. I don’t really get this: why contaminate your channel with your friends’ sleazy ads? Let them do their own channels and post the ads there.

As well, he posted links to numerous supposedly “good intel” telegram channels named after Q or people like Princess Diana or JFK, saying “you may want to hang out here”, and these channels also all posted slimy Meticore ads. One called “Mr Q” has since been labelled “fake” by telegram itself.

Phil points us to more channels that are full of crappy advertising

By the way, the difference in appearance in the two photos of Trump in this Meticore ad, are not due to Meticore. They are due to the fact that the “Trump” on the left is a double, not the real Trump.

When people express concern about his advertising, Phil says “if you don’t want to buy it, don’t buy it”. This reply mischaracterizes the concern. It misses the point. Also, in response to those who like Clif High levy more serious accusations at him, Phil may dismiss those, as he did in the May 13 video, with a comment about how he has more followers than they do. “Nobody knows who Clif is.” This kind of arrogant reply does not seem to support a claim to be of the level of intellect of an Edward Snowden.

As well, Phil has lately begun pushing 7K Metals and his own company Phil’s Silver, which are not just places to buy silver. These are multi-level-marketing companies where you sign up and are expected to recruit others. I’ve always strongly disliked this type of business model, because of how aggressive it is. But beyond that, I think it bears consideration that people’s gullibility in being pushed or pressured to believe something or participate in something, is exactly what we are criticizing in normies or sleepers. Thus I find uncomfortable parallels between Phil’s aggressive pushing of his businesses, and the Cabal’s pushing of their propaganda.

For someone ostensibly with the very high intelligence level of an Ed Snowden, and someone who could write the “PRISM” program used by the NSA, I find some concerning gaps in Phils’ reasoning process. For instance he fell head over heels into the idea that the national water supplies had been poisoned with snake venom. Then, he turned around and immediately began a new business, selling water filters, ostensibly to protect people from the poisoned water supplies. But when the water filter business fell apart, we heard no more about the snake venom poisoned water that he had been so desirous of protecting people from. So this inconsistency doesn’t come across well, even if his intentions were good.

All this said, overall I still do like Phil and my sense he has real, solid, good intel, which does seem to come from his own sources rather than as a result of combing other Truther’s channels. Though the ads and aggressive sales pushes are a downer, he has strong analytical capabilities, and this is nice to see in a Truther for a change.

Qtah – — On telegram and Truth Social. Qtah was one of the first Truthers I found, in the old Twitter days, before all of us got booted from that platform. I appreciated his honest, simple style and his ability to focus us on the meaningful positive developments, as well as clues about things happening behind the scenes and connections to Q drops.

Sidney Powell Sidney Powell doesn’t post about Q or things happening behind the scenes. She sticks to what is actually happening on the surface, in terms of the fight to expose election fraud (which she has been part of from the start), the truth about the plandemic, the situation in the Ukraine, and the contamination of the field of science and our public schools, with Critical Race Theory propaganda and indoctrination.

Nicholas Veniamin he hosts interviews with many different Truthers, and does so in an engaging and appealing way. Nicholas’ channel is a good place to go if you want to hear from a variety of Truthers. One limitation to Nicholas is that he doesn’t seem to be connected to insider sources himself, so he primarily is valuable in his conducting of interviews with others.

Michael Jaco an ex Navy Seal and former member of the CIA, and someone with remote viewing capabilities, Michael has many insights that are valuable to the Truther community. His own videos could do better on getting right to the point: I find him more interesting when he’s interviewed by others than when he is doing his own video podcasts.

X-22 Report X-22 is an old standby for many. The main drawback of his podcasts are that he focuses less on what is happening behind the scenes and more on overt developments. He doesn’t seem to know or state for instance, that “ByeDen” is an actor, that “Joe Biden” has never been President. These weaknesses in his intel make him significantly less interesting to me, but I do like some of the analysis he presents in terms of how he draws connections between events.

Nancy Drew and find many of her videos here: one of the things we Anons need most, is actual boots-on-the-ground reporting from citizen journalists around the nation and world. Nancy Drew, aka Kelly Brady on Facebook, provides this. She lives in the Washington DC area, and makes daily trips to the White House/Capitol area, to report on what she sees going on there. Whether it’s fences going up or being taken down, or a huge Capitol police presence, Marine One flying in, a motorcade in which she spots Trump (whom she refers to affectionately as “Daddy T”), or anything else unusual or interesting, she’ll post pics and videos on Facebook and Telegram.

Richard Citizen Journalist Richard is another important citizen journalist reporting on the goings-on in Washington DC, which range from a very tell-tale “nothing at all” (as in, many of the buildings that “should” be active, like the Federal Reserve, the IRS, have no activity at all, and the indications have been that there is NO ONE in these buildings but security guards….) to very interesting high-security activity full of military or police presence.

Monkeywerx Monkey has a quite unique and important contribution. As a former Air Force man, he knows a great deal about military aircraft, the different types and their purposes, and also how to use various flight apps to find out what military aircraft are in the air in different places around the nation and world. He reports regularly on what he observes around the nation. Among other things he has pointed to suspicious activity, which he interpreted as “Black Hat”, picking up people from South and Central America and bringing them into the US. He has highlighted the “exponential” increase in White Hat flights to Gitmo, which commenced in May 2021. He identified various “secret prison” locations around the world, eg other “Gitmos”, such as one at Terceira Island in the Azores, one at Greenland. One drawback to Monkey is that he doesn’t seem to realize that “ByeDen” is not Joe Biden, but is a White Hat controlled actor. So he reports on this as if “everything ByeDen” is Black Hat controlled, which gets quite tiresome for those of us who are better informed.

Simon Parkes and on telegram Simon was one of the first Truthers I followed, way back in early Twitter days, when he gave quite regular updates with intel about what was happening behind the scenes. He is British, and said that his family had connections to MI5 and MI6 and implied that this was how he’d gotten connected to the White Hats. He founded “Connecting Consciousness”, an organization with a new-agey spiritual focus. He sometimes did shows with Charlie Ward and Mel K. I found his updates reassuring, but some of what he has said over the last 2 years, has not made a lot of sense to me.

For instance, he claimed that the White Hats had been ready to jump in and arrest those involved in the ByeDen inauguration in January 2021, except that the Black Hats caused an explosion (somewhere in Europe, I forget where) that stopped them. However this doesn’t make sense if ByeDen is a White Hat controlled actor. It also doesn’t make sense that the White Hats, whom we were led to understand had a very strong plan (“Nothing Can Stop What is Coming = NCSWIC” ) would be delayed over 1.5 years on something they were just about to do. Further, we have seen that the White Hats have good use for ByeDen being the fake President for the last year, in terms of continuing the “movie” to “show everyone” what would happen if the Cabal had been able to continue, as well as having someone convenient to blame while certain things happened that would have been much more problematic if they happened while Trump was in office. Such as Putin going into the Ukraine. Such as the collapse of the Central Bank. So given that we are seeing the White Hats needed ByeDen as the fake President for awhile, some of Simon’s intel doesn’t add up.

The thing that turned me off most about Simon (and Charlie Ward) was their presentation of so-called “Man of God” documents, which were supposedly written by the military White Hats, to tell us about what was coming with QFS and NESARA. There were gargantuan and hideously embarrassing spelling and grammar errors on these documents, such that I could not believe they came from the White Hats. Simon tried to explain away these spelling errors saying these were military men, not scholars. That makes no sense. Top military men have gone to college, they engage in a lot of written correspondence, they cannot be making the humongous types of grammar and spelling errors found in these documents. They would not be taken seriously by anyone if they routinely sent out such childishly composed writings. Even if Simon received these from a source he legitimately believed was real, he demonstrated a glaring lack of good judgment by not showing any concern about the grammar and spelling errors on these documents, and dismissing those criticisms from others.

I also have found dubious all Simon’s claims (which parallel those of Juan O Savin) that the White Hats are waiting to act until “more people wake up.” We’ve been told this for over a year. It’s gotten really old, and it makes no sense. For one thing, it’s sadistic. “We will keep you suffering until more of you wake up”. For another, how the f are they allegedly “measuring” how many people have “woken up”? This isn’t something you can measure. Yet the most illogical part of this claim, can be seen when we realize that the White Hats are fully in control of what information we receive, in this Matrix time, because they are in control of ByeDen, and most all governments around the world right now….and, they are in control of the MSM — meaning, that if they don’t control everything the MSM is currently saying, they are CAPABLE of putting more of the truth out there via the MSM. So, it makes absolutely no sense for the White Hats to simultaneously not put out sufficient info or take sufficient actions to wake people up, and then complain that not enough people have woken up. They are fully in control of the “awakening” apparatus.

And by the way, f*&# the whole idea of spending a lot of time trying to “wake people up.” Patriots have gotten very angry with this stupid idea, the longer this clown show movie has gone on. Just rip off the band aids already and put the truth out there and stop worrying about protecting the feelings of these brainwashed and indoctrinated idiots, while causing so much suffering to Patriots and those who know the truth.

If 100 million people voted for Trump, as military intel has indicated, then why in the world are you worrying about the few ByeDen voters who would go berserk if the truth came out?

Also, more recently Simon has given much less intel, and done more videos where he’s collaborating with others selling things. He may attribute this reduction in intel to having an NDA.

Janet Ossebaard and and Janet created the superb documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” and “The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal”, which everyone should watch in order to know the history of the Cabal and how they’ve perpetrated crime and fraud on the world for many centuries. These are really key documentaries, very well done, and highly informative! She also has several other videos on other Truther topics.

CodeMonkeyZ/Ron Watkins I recall being on Twitter, in November 2020, just after the massive crime we all witnessed, and seeing CodeMonkeyZ rise up from the ranks of Patriots, implying he knew a thing or two about coding, and asking for help getting in touch with Sidney Powell and others who were starting to investigate election fraud. He got connected and the rest is history. He’s been an important Truther since then. He has done a lot of posts about the details involved in the election fraud crimes, and various Patriot news. He does not post about what is going on behind the scenes, however, and focuses on just the overt activity, so this may limit his appeal to Q followers and Anons.

Patel Patriot and his substack series begins here: and the 19th in the series is here: and find his website with all links here:
Patel is a pivotal figure in the Truther community, as he began to develop insights about the theory and practice of “Devolution”, and has written extensively about this. Devolution is the name for the strategy used by Trump and the White Hats, to protect the nation during a “takeover” by a foreign government — eg, what happened as a result of the 2020 election. Though many people will pooh-pooh the Q movement as “a psyop” and say silly things like “there’s no proof”, it’s more difficult to dismiss Devolution, because there is a lot of “proof” for its existence, which Patel Patriot very painstakingly and methodically lays out in his many articles and videos on the topic.

Juan O Savin — Juan O Savin (eg, 107, a pseudonym, not his real name) doesn’t have his own social media platform anywhere. He has a site where he sells his books, (Kid by the Side of the Road — at ) and his website Mostly, people hear from him when he is interviewed by various Truthers, such as Michael Jaco or Nicholas Veniamin or David Rodriguez. He is known for (1) having an in-depth knowledge of this whole Cabal situation, going back decades, (2) being longwinded and (3) not answering questions directly, but instead responding to questions about present-time situations, by saying “you have to understand” and then going to a point maybe 10, 20 or 60 years ago, and starting there. (4) Not actually giving much intel about what is happening now or about to happen. And having said things were about to happen, which turned out not to be the case. Eg back in August 2021 he emphasized “we’re about to push the big red button”, said this would happen in mid-August, and suggested the whole plandemic was going to be “paused”. I was expecting the imminent end to mask and vax mandates. As we know, this did not happen. My general take on Juan is that while I value his knowledge, I find him annoying to listen to. I end up always wishing he would just get to the f-in point. That seems really hard for him to do. So I rarely listen to him anymore for that reason.

It’s clear that he has a wealth of knowledge, and for that reason likely is “inside” the movement in some manner, however because he gives so little actual intel, and instead focuses mainly on telling “the history”, he will be of less interest to many. Many of us don’t really care to know every last detail of the history of the Cabal, particularly some of the more disturbing elements. Phil Godlewski has lately stated that Juan was cut off from his sources. Phil’s other comments about why he cannot tell us more than he’s allowed to by those who give him intel and directions, or else he would be cut off from his sources, suggest that maybe Juan ended up cut off because he revealed more than he should have at one point.

Real Raw News this is a news source, on a website, not a person. They post articles about who’s been arrested and taken to Gitmo, and details on their military tribunals. Since we have not seen “evidence” of any of this anywhere in the mainstream media, some think Real Raw News is all fake, but for those of us who are Anons and Q followers, we know that much has happened covertly, and also know the MSM is hiding much of the truth. So, for that reason Real Raw News can’t just be dismissed out of hand. What’s reported there certainly is interesting and can be reassuring to those of us who are desperate to see some justice coming to these criminals. Note that the names of military officers mentioned, are real, which does suggest that these reports are real. Tarot by Janine’s theory, which I ascribe to, is that the news Real Raw News posts is in fact real, but is posted later than it actually occurred. Eg, they reported that Hillary was hanged in April 2021, but this likely occurred years before, in 2017.
The most recent reported arrest has been Anthony Fauci, who I would have thought would’ve been taken out long ago. I’m sure a lot of people will be very happy to read that he was sentenced to hang, , and that ” In his closing remarks, Vice Adm. Crandall said JAG had more inculpatory evidence on Fauci that it had on any earlier Deep Stater taken to Guantanamo Bay.”
Others reported as arrested (with most then tried and executed) have included Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Anita Dunn, Adam Schiff, John Podesta, Susan Rice, Hunter Biden, Loretta Lynch, Dick Cheney, David Axelrod, Bill Gates, Sonia Sotomayor, Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Donald Rumsfield, George W. Bush, James Comey, John Brennan, Peter Scolari and Tom Hanks. Truthers have also widely reported Joe Biden was executed in 2019.
I find it provides some degree of comfort, particularly in the absence of overt evidence that these arrests and executions have taken place, to read the details of what apparently happened at these criminals’ arrests, tribunals and executions, eg, such as the things these psychopaths apparently said. I laugh at their protestations that go “you can’t do this to me, I’m a President, I’m a Governor, I’m a Supreme Court Justice, I’m a ____! Obama will get you!” Ha! Well, f*&& you, you f#$%! You’re a psychopath and you’re about to find that there’s a cost to pay for the crimes you’ve committed! And by the way, Obama’s a$$ has been arrested as well, the whole lot of you is going down!”

Barack Obama has apparently not yet been reported to have met the same fate, but I am certain he has at least been detained and/or under control by White Hats with an ankle monitor, if not yet at Gitmo. If you read the reports, it’ll become clear that by the way these criminals talk, they all revere Obama, he’s like their satanic master. So for this reason alone, it’s not possible Obama would be walking around free at this late date, untouched by the White Hats.

Finally — The Movie is not for Those who Are Awake. It’s for the Sleepers.

Lastly, I should not have to say this, but all the “awake” people need to realize that as Q has said so many times, and as should be clear from the very existence of Devolution, “we are in a movie.” And the movie is NOT oriented to those who are already awake. I get really, really fatigued of having to explain over and over to my ostensibly “awake” friends, that things they so often get alarmed about, which they think are “real”, are most likely NOT real, they are “part of the movie.” We may not necessarily know in every case what is real and what’s not, but if you have been following any of the Truthers, or devolution articles, this should give you a pretty good indication. Common sense is also helpful, and that seems to be sadly lacking in many.

If you can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not likely to be real, just disengage and don’t pay attention to any of it for now. Because it’s not good for your health to get alarmed over and over and over by fake news, by fake stories, by headlines about things that never happened.

What to Say to “Normies” When the Truth Comes Out That We’re in WW III with the Cabal

We live in a time unlike any in previous human history.
For several hundred years at least, perhaps more than a couple thousand, much truth has been hidden from most of us, as an evil group of people, which started out as a small tribe, has gradually schemed and plotted, and grown in power to a point where they almost took over the entire world. They almost succeeded in accomplishing a one-world Global Totalitarian government, and making slaves of all of humanity.
All of this was done in secret, so for many hundreds of years, there has been a “hidden war” on the people of the earth, whilst this evil group of people, whom we call the “Cabal”, also known as the Khazarians based on the area of the world they came from, and then later on also called the Globalists, has worked “behind the scenes” to the point where it came to control virtually every government on the planet, as well as most of the “mainstream” media.

They had to do their evil in secret, through hidden puppeting and control (as through blackmail) of government agents, election fraud, and use of propaganda, because had the people of the earth known what was happening, we would have organized and stopped it. You can see more of the history of the Khazarian Cabal here:
Clif High also has a recent video explaining the origin of the Khazarian Cabal:

Over the last century, however, and in particular over the last few decades, more people have begun to realize “something is wrong with this picture,” and have begun to ask questions about one or more world events, or aspects of government. The numbers of people whom we call “awake” (as opposed to “woke”) has increased dramatically over the last few years, particularly the last 2 years. This movement is what we call “The Great Awakening.”

During this time of Great Awakening, the rift or divide between those who begin to understand at least some of what’s been happening for hundreds if not thousands of years, and those who are still in the dark or “asleep” to all of this, has grown wider. Those who are still unaware or asleep to all and every aspect of this, who have not started to ask questions and wonder what the f is going on in the world and ask whether they are being told the truth, we call “Normies” or “Sleepers.” As well, there are many who are “awake” to one or a few aspects of the fraud or crimes that have occurred in recent years, such as the covid plandemic/scamdemic, or election fraud, but are not aware of the connection of these things to the whole Khazarian Cabal, or the Cabal’s prior takeover of nearly all governments. These people not aware of the size of all of this and the history of the Cabal, are also to be regarded as “Normies” in some sense.

What follows is a Letter to these Normies.

Dear Friend:

For the last few months/years, you’ve been dismissing everything I have been saying to you about election fraud and the fact that we don’t have a “pandemic”, rather we have a “plandemic” or “scamdemic.” You’ve called me a nutter or a conspiracy theorist, you’ve scolded me for believing ridiculous half-baked theories, and/or you’ve maligned me as a “Trump Supporter.” You’ve asked to see evidence for what I’m saying, and at times when I’ve shared such evidence, you have dismissed it as fake news, lies with statistics, or at odds with “the established science.”

I and all the others who see and know what I do, have had to wait patiently, as we’ve all experienced being completely dismissed in this manner by friends and family. We had to watch helplessly as paid agents of the Cabal, in the form of Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists, burned and vandalized cities, and toppled statues around the nation and world.

Cabal paid agents topple American historical monuments

We have had to sit patiently watching a criminal Cabal apparently succeed in massive election fraud, overthrowing a legitimate election and president in an election fraud coup, installing their puppet Biden, while the legitimate President, Donald Trump, was pushed to the sidelines. We have had to endure all manner of unlawful actions by governments, public health departments, businesses, schools and more, as unlawful mask and vax “mandates” were unlawfully imposed. We were chased out of stores and schools for refusing to be “masked” and asserting our rights and speaking up for the freedom that you so willingly allowed to be trampled upon. Some of us have lost our jobs, even our entire career, for speaking the truth.
We have been censored and had our accounts terminated on the Cabal-controlled social media, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more, when we spoke the truth. But it didn’t bother you when Twitter removed a sitting president, Donald Trump, from their platform, and it didn’t bother you when millions of Americans were removed from Twitter within a few days in January 2021, because we spoke the truth and defended freedom.

Once the vaxxes became available, we warned you again that this entire “pandemic” was a Cabal plot, and a plandemic, and that there was very little danger of dying from “covid”, whatever that was. We told you that if you’d done your research, you could have known, as we did, that this “covid virus” had been manufactured and indeed patented by one of the pharmaceutical companies that was involved in producing the so-called “vax”.
You dismissed what we were saying, cited as truth the lies you received from mainstream media, and closed your eyes to the truth that could have saved all those who subsequently died or were injured from the so-called “vaxxes” that were in fact experimental drugs if not lethal injections.
You ridiculed us as “not following the science”, while you supported universal masking, ignoring all the science that told us that masks don’t do anything to prevent spread of a virus, whose particle size can easily go right through a mask. You supported mask mandates, which obliterated our freedom and demonstrated visual support for the Cabal’s plan of turning humans into their slaves. You then supported everyone getting the “vax”, which was never needed, and was never FDA approved as it remained an experimental drug. You ignored our warnings, such as pointing out that the inserts in the vax packaging were completely blank, so that those receiving the injections were not told what was actually in the injections, and you ignored our warning that Big Pharma had been given exemption from liability for adverse effects from these injections.

You ignored us when we sent you lists of dozens of state and federal laws, including the Constitution and Nuremberg Code, which the mask and vax mandates violated. You ridiculed us when we told you that mandating someone receive an experimental drug, was a crime against humanity, and could lead to the death penalty, as had occurred in WWII with Nazi coercion of medical experiments done on unwilling subjects. Please recall that during the Nazi era, those who were found to have collaborated with crimes against humanity, including doctors, nurses and members of the media, were convicted and hung for their crimes. I anticipate that many “heath care professionals” will receive death sentences as a result of their participation in the vax genocide.

You then ignored us when we pointed out that, in contrast to the Swine Flu vaccine which was pulled when 53 people died from it in the 1970s, we were now seeing thousands, and then millions, of deaths and injuries from the covid vaxxes, all of which data the government, CDC, FDA, Big Tech, Cabal-controlled social media, and Big Pharma were actively suppressing, while they continued to pump out lying propaganda all over the mainstream news. We told you that thousands of medical professionals, nurses, doctors, virologists, and more had spoken out about the dangers of these so-called “vaxxes” and as a result had had their videos and posts removed from YouTube or Twitter, had lost their jobs, even their careers, and you didn’t care. In Australia, the levels of government tyranny reached astonishingly high levels, with people forcibly confined to their homes or within 5km from home, people arrested for not wearing masks, and you didn’t care. In Canada, a Freedom Convoy appeared, people protesting against government tyranny, and you thought they were misguided. When police arrested people peacefully protesting for freedom in Canada, you didn’t get angry. When Trudeau announced that he would be seizing the bank accounts of those who participated in or donated to the Freedom Convoy, you still didn’t see the headlong plunge of a “free democratic nation” into communism.

You shrugged your shoulders when more and more public figures, athletes, young people and even children were dying of blot clots, myocarditis, and heart attacks, after receiving these “vaxxes.” Airplanes were falling out of the sky, cars were careening off highways, because pilots and drivers were having “vaxxidents”, but you didn’t pay attention.

During all this time, you didn’t believe it when I told you that the “health care system” was motivated to find false positives and artificially increase the number of “covid deaths” and use remdesivir, which treatment generally kills them.

Hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for COVID, every COVID diagnosis and every ‘COVID death,’ as well as any time they use remdesivir and mechanical ventilation.

Meanwhile, you supported “Joe Biden”, and continued to parrot the hate rhetoric about Donald Trump that the Cabal-controlled mainstream media and Cabal-controlled Democrats had taught you to parrot. You ignored all the idiotic things that came out of the mouth of this “Joe Biden”, and what should have been obvious signs of someone in serious mental decline, because you’d swallow anything, as long as Donald Trump was not president. Whenever Trump said anything, you reflexively dismissed him, perhaps blurting out something about his alleged unlawful ties to Russia, or “racism” or “White Supremacy” and all the rest of the Cabal propaganda that was so effective in hijacking your ability to think freely and clearly.

As all these things were happening all over the world, and we were suffering as we watched it all happen, you didn’t seem fazed, and so we wondered about you, “What level of overt evil will it take for you to wake up?” How has it happened that you have been oblivious to the nascent totalitarianism all around the world, which the Cabal attempted to usher in through manipulating people’s fear via a fake “pandemic”? How is it that you didn’t realize that the vax wasn’t created for the virus, but the virus was created for the vax?

You believed everything that you were told by these criminals through their propaganda, and so it appeared to us that as long as the Cabal-controlled mainstream media remained in place, you’d never wake up. You’d simply be drinking their kool-aid forever.

I want to point out to you now, that you will not be receiving a reward for doing what you were told to do by your government. Rather, there will be many who will receive prison terms and perhaps worse, because “they did what they were told to do” or “were just following orders.” Didn’t we learn this lesson after the Holocaust, in World War II? I thought everyone around the world was sickened by Nazis who from 1939 to 1945, “just followed orders.” How is it that here we are in 2022 and so many people apparently still think it is a good thing to “just follow orders” and do what your government tells you to do?? How is it that the same people who condemned Nazis, now applaud the modern brownshirts, who ask to see your medical papers showing you got an injection, before they allow you in to their restaurant, gym or yoga studio?

The same Democrats who screamed about “fascism”, after being fed propaganda to think that Donald Trump and other freedom-loving people are somehow “fascists”, have now avidly supported fascism and medical tyranny for over two years. How did you not see this, my friend??

Police in UK, Australia and Canada have beaten and arrested innocents who refused to be coerced to wear masks, they will say “I was just following orders.” Did you know that the CDC actually created plans to forcibly quarantine Americans? Absent any intervention by “good guys”, we could easily have seen concentration camps set up on American soil, and I’m concerned you would not have stood up even when your own friends, family and neighbors were forcibly taken away and imprisoned in these camps, because they refused a coerced medical experiment.

Truthers, the White Hat Alliance, and the Q Movement

We’ve been spectacularly patient with your being so oblivious to what is really going on, and a big part of why we have been patient, is that we have been given information to allow us to understand and be comforted by the fact that the Cabal has been in a process of being dismantled, for many years already. Let’s start with the fact that you have NO idea who Donald Trump is. You’ve spent years parroting back and believing every lie about Donald Trump that the criminal Cabal has indoctrinated you to believe. You believe Trump is a “racist”, yet the whole basis for this accusation comes from Cabal propaganda. There is no massive “racism” problem in the United States.

All of the “identity politics” and “critical race theory” attached to the Black Lives Matter and Social Justice movements, is is nonsense propaganda, which has been put into universities and schools, and gradually into most all corporations, by the Cabal, in order to intentionally divide people, and lead them to think that the real “enemies” are other Americans, so that they are less likely to be able to recognize the real enemy, the Cabal, the elitists at the World Economic Forum pushing for a Global One World totalitarian government where “you will have nothing and you’ll be happy.”

Evil personified

Far from being a doltish and egotistical “racist”, Donald Trump is one of the greatest heroes the United States, and even the world, has ever seen. He’s not a perfect man, but God doesn’t choose perfect people. He chooses the right person for the job.

Ever since the assassination of President Kennedy, which by the way was done by the CIA, eg, elements of “our own US Government”, there were a group of high-level US Military, who realized that something had gone seriously wrong, and that there were a group of criminals running our US Government from the shadows, which has come to be called “The Deep State.” This shadow Deep State government was controlling everything from behind the scenes. These high level Military leaders thus began making plans, 60 years ago, to put an end to this Deep State. As they worked, they realized that the “Deep State” was not just in the United States, but was controlling nearly every government around the world. Thus the task they had on their hands was absolutely staggering in scale, size and complexity.

Unbeknowst to most of us, Donald Trump didn’t freely choose to run for President in 2016. He was asked to run for President. By the team of high level Military who were planning to take down the Cabal. And his entire Presidency was oriented to this task. He began working with these high level Military leaders in a group that has come to be called the “Alliance” or “The White Hats”, and now includes military groups from at least 35 nations around the world.

During his Presidency and thereafter, Trump has endured the most horrendous and disgusting accusations and lies, all because Trump was not Cabal controlled, and represented a very serious threat to the Deep State. He willingly endured all this in order to save our nation, and the entire world.

How do we know all this, since it’s supposed to be “secret”?

When the US Military White Hats came up with their plan to take down the Cabal, they had intelligence which revealed to them what the Cabal would do, with the plandemic, election fraud to commit a coup to steal the Presidency from Trump, and much else. Because the White Hats knew there would be an attempted coup, they also arranged to undermine that, via the process known as “Devolution” which has been written about in great detail by Patel Patriot.

The White Hats also understood that Americans who supported freedom and were somewhat awake, would have a very hard time with the plan that these White Hats intended to carry out, which involved a very complex, years-long sting operation. The sting operation meant that the criminals would be allowed to freely commit their crimes, and freely carry through with their coup and election fraud. This had to be done for many reasons, which I write about in another article here:

Hence, in order to help those of us who were partly or fully awake, and give us patience to endure the years-long sting operation that had to be done in order to catch the criminals via various traps set up for the to fall into, the White Hats created what has become known as “Q.” Starting on October 28, 2017, there began to appear what came to be called “Q Drops”, a set of messages, totalling over 4500 at present writing, which gave information, sometimes quite cryptic, about what was to come. These messages can be seen in numerical order here:

Many people have cynically asserted that “Q is a psy-op”, but if Q is a psy-op, you need to ask towards what purpose. Many of those asserting this voted for Trump and are ostensibly Patriots. They believe that the Q material “makes people passive” and has somehow kept people from taking the action that would get “Biden” out and ensure the election fraud was properly addressed. Well, if the Cabal had created the Q material, ask yourself why they would encourage Anons to do exactly the thing that has been most helpful, eg being digital soldiers and speak the truth, as opposed to pushing them to do unlawful and violent kinds of things (like the Cabal paid BLM and Antifa had done without consequence, for instance) that could get Patriots set up and arrested.

I note with interest that Truth Social, the long-awaited censorship-free social media platform created by Trump and allies, premiered on February 21, 2022. Prior to this date, no one could create accounts on this platform other than Truth Social staff and employees. Yet, intriguingly, the account @Q was created on February 9, 2022, well before anyone but staff had access to Truth Social.

A great many people who supported freedom and voted for Donald Trump, simply gave up when they saw “Biden” be inaugurated in January 2021. Even in spite of the fact that there were so many “odd” things about that inauguration. Even though Q made it clear that we were “watching a movie”, and even though there were many “odd” things that occurred that made it very clear that “things are not normal” about the “Biden” presidency (including “Biden” himself), many people had a very hard time believing Q, or anything else being asserted about all this being a movie.

The more time elapsed after “Biden’s” inauguration, the more ridicule was dumped on Q followers, who were known as “Anons”, and by the way these Anons were not simply passive followers. We have been very active digital warriors, writing and speaking about the truth wherever we can. We were ridiculed for “trusting the Plan”, by those who assumed that such a long amount of time with “Biden” in office surely clarified that “there is no Plan.” Let’s be clear: when none of us have been told exactly what the Plan is, no one can assert that “there is no Plan.” Particularly as we realize the extent to which a massive multi-year sting operation has been set up, it makes sense that the Plan is not necessarily as fast paced as most of us would have liked.

Moreover, it was silly to think that Joe Biden was actually in office. Had anyone who voted for “Biden”, taken a good look at this “Biden”, comparing the “Biden” who ran and was “inaugurated” with the Joe Biden who was Obama’s VP? Looking at photos of the two side by side, it should be quite obvious that these were not the same person.

There were so many other clues that something was “off” about the “Biden” presidency, such as the fencing around the Capitol and White House, and all the indications that no one was occupying the White House, as well as the “story” that Kamala Harris was not able to occupy the Vice Presidential house, even 1 year after “being inaugurated”, supposedly because of “renovations.” Then there were all the dufus things “Biden” and company said, such as in this video:

The bottom line is that, as mind-blowing as it may be to those just awaking to the reality of the Cabal’s activities on this planet, Trump and the White Hats have been taking down the Cabal behind the scenes for years already. Hillary Clinton was arrested and executed for crimes against humanity, years ago. Same with Obama, Joe Biden, and many other top Cabal criminals. When you see these people on TV or in social media now, what you see is not these people. You’re seeing actors in masks, or CGI. How is this possible?

This is how it’s possible:

The White Hats have actually made good use of the stupid face masks, as this helps them hide the doubles and actors they have put in. This may seem incredible or unbelievable, but there is much that is starting to come out that will blow your mind, so you best get ready. As Bette Davis said, ” Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”

The fact is that “Biden” was not inaugurated as President in January 2021. That was all for show. Donald Trump has remained the President, as a “President in Exile”, all along. The fake “Biden” and Cabal have allowed to do a lot of damage, through the mandates, vaxxes, inflation, porous US southern border, and all the rest of it, as part of the “movie”, to try to wake people up, because it’s of vital importance, in order to avoid Civil War in this nation, that a sufficient number of people will be receptive when Trump “comes back” and reveals he has been President all along, or is “given” the Presidency back when at least one state decertifies their election based on an audit that reveals massive election fraud in that state. And this WILL occur.

Anons and Q people do not know everything about what Trump and the White Hats are doing, or why, we can only piece together hints and go with clues. As you might imagine, a world-wide military operation to take down a worldwide criminal Cabal, is a very complex and delicate as well as unpredictable effort, and has to be largely covert. Thus, we don’t know when Trump will “come back” or how. One of the greatest and most painful frustrations of awakened people, has been to see the extent of the outright lies and fiction put out by the Cabal-controlled mainstream media, as well as the extent of censorship on Social Media and Big Tech. It’s been very hard for us to understand why this was allowed to continue, when White Hats could have used Trump’s Executive Orders 13848 and 13818, which permitted seizure of assets of those corporations who participated in election fraud or corruption, and taken over MSM, Twitter, Facebook and all the rest, and thus allowed more truth to come out much earlier. Why the lies have been allowed to go on and on, is a mystery to us.

That said, we are now seeing more and more truth coming out on the mainstream media, by drips and drabs, such that it appears that this gradual exposure to truth is part of the Plan. This is all happening at the same time as the Durham indictments and their repercussions are ratcheting up, and while the World War that we have all been in the midst of, but which so many have not even realized is happening, has moved to a more overt phase. President Putin has begun to take out Cabal facilities in the Ukraine, which if you study maps, you will realize is in the same region of the world as Khazaria. In fact, Ukraine is Khazaria and is a center of Cabal activities, and has been for some time, which is why Clinton, Biden and other high level Cabal crime families, all are tied to property or businesses there.
And Ukraine is NOT a democracy.

So, no, Putin is not an evil tyrant “taking over” another county, Putin is, like Trump, a heroic good guy being demonized by the Cabal run media, who by the way is using fake photos and fake videos to completely misrepresent what is happening in the Ukraine. In fact, some of these fake media stories actually were using footage from video games and presenting it as “war in the Ukraine”, and have been sued for copyright infringement by these video game makers.

It’s also become apparent, as was reported by one French journalist, that the CIA-trained Cabal-run Ukrainian military, has been bombing their own Ukranian people, in order to obtain footage and “evidence” to use to frame Putin up as an evil invader. This is the length to which these very evil people will go.

What kind of Cabal facilities is Putin destroying in the Khazarian Ukraine? Among them are US Bioweapons labs.

The Truther intel at present is that the next phase in the overt takedown of the Cabal, will be in Taiwan, when President Xi of China, who by the way is also a “good guy” who is NOT working with the CCP and Cabal-run Chinese Communists, will “invade” Taiwan to take out the Cabal in that region. And then, at some point, as Q wrote, “we will save Israel for last” and see the Cabal takedown there.

Now as I’m telling you this, you may argue that if this were the case, then such-and-such should have been done instead, some other plan than the Plan, some other route, some other method. My question to you: are you a 5-star Military General, with experience in very complex, sophisticated war maneuvers? If not, then I’m going to tell you to sit down and STFU, because you are in no position to second guess high level military leaders who are literally saving humanity from a nascent, totalitarian Evil Empire.

Yes, it is certainly confusing that “Trump promoted the vax” (see this article on that: ) and “Trump is condemning Putin” for what Putin is doing in the Ukraine, but one cannot take what Trump says at face value. There is no much more going on than what appears on the surface: Trump is having to play to many audiences at the same time. To a great extent, what he says is more for the Normies, than for us who already know what’s happening behind the scenes.

We’re all frustrated that any innocent lives were lost, that good people suffered, that this wasn’t all done faster. We can all ask, if the high level Military White Hats knew in 1963 about the Cabal, how did they allow 60 years to go by, apparently without “doing anything” about it? How’d they allow the Cabal criminal Obama to control the country for 2 presidential terms, and all the rest of the damage? And I haven’t even gotten into the topic of the child trafficking and crimes against children that have been perpetrated by the evil Cabal, to the tune of 800,000 children going missing every year, and a massive worldwide system of underground tunnels used in these appalling operations. You may very well ask how good military men could have allowed this to go on, year after year, for so long, apparently without lifting a finger to stop it. It’s heartbreaking to even think about.

Yet even more heartbreaking, would have been a poorly thought out military operation, which was more oriented to “winning the battles” than winning the war, which perhaps jumped in too early to save children, with the result that the whole war was lost, and humanity as a whole was lost to the Globalist Cabal Evil Empire. These are the kinds of painful choices that high level military generals have to make: often there are “no good choices”, in that innocent lives will be lost whichever plan is chosen.

In the end, we will obtain answers to all these questions, but in the meantime, we just have to do whatever type of activism for freedom and truth that is in our power to do, while we patiently wait and support the emergence of truth where it’s within our power to assist that. We have to appreciate that the removal of a worldwide, very powerful Organized Crime Syndicate that has been running governments in nearly every nation, would be exceptionally complex, and can’t be done quickly. And that in the time it takes to complete this operation, sadly, innocent lives will be lost.

You may ask why, if we knew the vaxxes were dangerous, even lethal, and were being used to intentionally commit genocide upon the world population, did the White Hats not allow more information about this to come out, in order to save you and your friends and family from harm? Sadly, I need to point out to you once again, that those of us who have been awake, who by the way include thousands of doctors and medical professionals putting out warnings about the vaxxes, have been “screaming from the rooftops” about the danger of these injections for most of the last year, since the injections came out. And you’ve ignored us. The information was out there, and you ignored it. You have to step up and take responsibility for yourself, and if you don’t do that, you need to accept the consequences. We are not responsible for physically intervening and physically stopping you from getting potentially lethal injections.
Common sense itself dictated that there was no need for a vaccine, for something called “covid” that had such a huge survival rate, where 99.5% of those who contracted it, would survive. Common sense dictated that once information came out about how the CDC had massively misrepresented the number of deaths from covid, by labelling it a “death from covid” if someone died in a motorcycle accident, and subsequently tested positive for covid, (using tests that were intentionally rigged to produce false positives!), this should have led you to ask questions about what was going on. But you didn’t ask questions, you didn’t question authority, you just believed all the kool aid that was fed to you, and as a result, you are responsible for the consequences of that. You and you alone are responsible for your stupidity in allowing yourself to be injected with an experimental drug which was not approved by the FDA, and whose ingredients were being intentionally hidden, as each vax package came with a totally blank insert.

The truth is now beginning to emerge, and the truth will eventually emerge about everything that has been hidden from all of us. This will be difficult for you, but your collective ignorance has been very difficult for us during the last 2 years. Therefore, excuse me if while you are crying because the truth you can no longer deny has come out and smacked you upside the noggin, I begin playing the world’s smallest violin.

Me when when the truth you’ve been working so hard to deny, finally comes out and smacks you upside the noggin, and you are upset about it.

None of the unlawful lockdowns, business closures, or mandates could have stood a chance, if from the start everyone had had the guts and the common sense to stand up for freedom and against these forms of unlawful tyranny. It’s only because so many complied with these criminal actions, and chose to be doormats for tyranny, that they had any effect. We held up signs saying “This all ends when we say NO”, but you and thousands like you acted more like mindless sheep than like people, and kept saying “yes” to the tyranny, the overreach, the unlawful government actions, the masks and the vax mandates, and this made our lives all the harder. Your compliance has indirectly caused our suffering for well on 2 years now.

Thus, we’re not inclined to have a lot of empathy if you suffer now, when the truth comes out. That said, we also care much more for the awakening of all humanity, than for punishing those who were oblivious and compliant sheep during this time. We don’t wish to see you punished. The only ones we want to see punished, and indeed removed from this earth, are those criminals who knowingly perpetrated these crimes against humanity upon all of us. And we have been wanting to see them punished very soon.

So while we are not exactly going to feel empathetic to your difficulty receiving the truth, to the extent that you do wake up, we will celebrate that and invite you to join us in helping awaken the whole world, and restore legitimate governance to our nation and world. And by the way, the ways in which our governments have become fraudulent and criminal, would shock you down to your socks, once you hear the truth. It’s about far more than election fraud and “installed” government officials. The amount and type of fraud and crime is vast and deep, and so complex, and so incredibly criminal and fraudulent, that it’s mind-blowing and very difficult for people to believe.

Psychic Shielding: Techniques to Protect Yourself, Your Energy, Your Sacred Space

As I journey through this adventure of life, one of the things I’ve frequently noticed, whether in friendship, family, business, spiritual or political or interest group community, is that many people have difficulties with “boundaries” issues. Such that I find a surprising number of conversations, anecdotes or stories lead me to use the expression, “Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!” in encouraging others to realize a critical issue that they may not have realized was in play.
I believe I’m in a “privileged position” to notice this, as the particular circumstances of my life story and temperament, have resulted in my ability to have “strong boundaries” and protect my own energy and sacred space, the temple in which I travel through this wild world. These strong boundaries are in essence a psychic shield, a form of protection and psychic self-defense, which can be viewed as an invisible bubble or “aura” that accompanies us as we walk through life. The psychic shield serves two functions. It both keeps inside us and protects our own wellspring of sacred energy and power, and the gifts in our life that come from the divine, flowing out like a fountain from within us, and also serves to keep out negative or harmful energies, or that which is not beneficial for us and depletes or drains us.

Me in my psychic shield

From this position of living within strong boundaries, I am able to discern and quickly sense people or situations in which there seem to be compromised or overporous boundaries. This is related to some of the reasons I have strong boundaries: I experienced boundary violations early in life that led to what can colloquially but quite accurately be termed a “yecchy feeling.” Early on, I learned what it felt like to have important boundaries transgressed, and that feeling created a memory-intuition which became part of my “boundary whisperer” armamentarium. I can approach people or situations now, and if there is someone or something there that involves poor boundaries/weak boundaries, I will almost instantaneously feel a smidgen or more of “yecchy feeling” or “boundary warning sign” arise in my intuitive perception.

In order to realize the importance of boundaries, you will first need to realize the importance of energy, psychic energy. If you don’t know what you are trying to protect, you will have a harder time understanding the need for protection. If you don’t realize you have a room or chest full of treasure in your soul, in your psyche, you will have a hard time understanding the need to protect it. If you don’t see that there are thieves about in the world, seeking to break in and steal from your chest full of gold, you will have a harder time understanding the need for protection.

One of the most frustrating things for me to see, as someone skilled in intuitive awareness of different types of energies, and in psychic shielding techniques, is how poorly many people manage their figurative “treasure chest of gold.” They build up their treasure on one day, and the next day they bring it to the marketplace and leave it in the middle of the market, so that random passers by can easily filch from it. Then they come back and cry when they discover the chest is empty. Or they are given a precious treasure, but don’t realize how precious it is, and the next day they trade it in for a bunch of worthless cryptocurrencies. Then they wail when the value of crypto goes to zero, while the value of gold and silver rises.

Learning about your inner treasure, and psychic shielding, is related to learning about psychological and spiritual truths and processes, and spiritual practices. For ultimately, our inner treasure is God: it is all those divine gifts we receive from God, most especially our love of God, our faith in God, our ability to see or experience God in all beings, all creatures, and in all situations. The soul subsumed in God, wrapped completely in God, dissolved in love, is the soul who has indeed become that inner treasure they quested after. We may start life on a treasure hunt, with a treasure map, and spend our lives seeking the “buried treasure”, but at some point we realize that, as Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you”, or as is said in myth, “I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.” The Holy Grail, the buried treasure, the alchemical gold, nirvana, enlightenment, the end of all desires, lies within you.
If you do not experience God or don’t believe in God, I am sorry to hear that as you’re missing something quite enormous in life, indeed in my view the whole point of life, but you can still learn psychic shielding techniques as I explain them here. You would just need to identify what are your inner treasures or energies that you wish to cultivate and protect, and then follow the process I outline about how to do this.

Then again, some people who believe in God and strongly identify as Christian, may view it as somewhat unseemly to talk about or be conscious of “energies” and may view work for psychic self-defense as part of the magic or occult practices that they are now viewing as part of the Luciferian or Satanic Cabal. For those, this article by Anna von Reitz, herself quite a Patriot and founder of the American States Assembly, may be illuminating. She highlights the importance of psychic self-defense.

Many of us have “spiritual practices”, but we may not realize that we also have a lot of “un-spiritual practices” by which we can unwittingly end up “un-doing” the work we did in our spiritual practices.
Others have “religion” or “faith in God” but don’t realize that without actual spiritual practices which help build them up in God, that faith or religion won’t do enough, in and of itself.

So as I write about psychic shielding, I will begin writing about that treasure within you which you want to uncover/discover, and then work to protect from people, situations, energies or forces which would cover it up, steal it, or deplete you of its sacred gifts to you.

A note about this article: my style is that I like to cover things thoroughly and express myself fully. So I tend to write long articles, and I do not “dumb down” what I write for the less intelligent or adept. I believe that having high expectations for people allows us all to grow. So, it will be pointless for you to respond to my article by saying it should be shorter, or dumber, for those with less attention span, or less understanding. I’m not writing for them. I’m doing me, you do you. I write for whoever is able to receive, whether that be many or few. Starting early in life, when I first went to public school, I cared virtually nothing about being accepted by others, when this conflicted with my being myself. I “did me” from a very young age and I have “done me” all my life, which means: following God’s guidance for me. I flow with the universe and trust in the universe and I am not attached to the outcome of my efforts.

Your Spiritual Treasure: Not a set of Rules but an Experience of Spiritual or Divine Energies

Many people will say that they “believe in God”, or “am a Christian” or “am a Muslim, Jew, etc” which may include talking about God, reading the Bible or other sacred text, quoting from the Bible, discussing about morality and ethics, trying to follow Jesus or be a good Christian or follow whatever religion or spiritual path theirs is. However, as we move into the Age of Aquarius, the days of being a “religious follower” are passing, and it’s now the time for people to become more evolved and developed. Instead of being a “follower” of God or Jesus via a script or screed or set of rules and dogmas, we are being called to be “experiencers” of God. This means having an inner, personal relationship with God in your own soul, not just hearing about God in church or reading about God in the Bible, Koran, or other sacred text. It means having a “spiritual practice”, such as prayer or meditation, which involves not just “being a good boy or girl” and saying the “right words in the right order”, but actually feeling something during your practice, having a “movement of the heart”, which you realize the significance of, even as you feel it.

Types of experience of God that you may have: you may feel an opening up, an expanding out, a surge of a feeling of love, a sense of being more connected to and similar to other people, a connection with animals or plants too, all other created beings. You may begin to smile and feel more delight when you pass by strangers, with a new ability to see the divine or inner child in them. You may feel more hopeful, more optimistic, more energetic and positive. You may feel loved and cared for. You may feel “like the top of my head flew off!” or that the limitations of your thinking vanished, if for a moment, and you saw new horizons and landscapes opening up on a vast terrain before your “inner eye.” You may feel a new potential for intuitive capacities within you. You may feel an inexplicable joy. You may feel that you see everything in creation with a new perspective, a new gratitude. You may now see “the light within the light”, which is God within and beneath and behind all things. You might “smell” (in a subtle way) sweet fragrances but can’t figure out where it’s coming from, “hear music” (as if in an inner ear) but not know it’s source, “see” colors and images that come and then pass by, by your inner eye. You might burst out and decide you now want to be a photographer or a painter because everything newly seems so beautiful in the world. You might want to write because words seem so precious and beautiful. You might begin to more deeply treasure your time alone with God, and seek out more quiet time in solitude, more alone time, away from your busy life.

Experiences of God open us up and flood us with love

Once you experience one or more of these things, you will begin to understand what the “sacred treasure” is that you have inside you. These types of experiences, and their beautiful and radiant unfoldings inside you, is what you will understand, you want to protect. If these experiences are new to you, then what in essence you have is a type of small tender plant, just shooting out its little green buds through the surface of the soil. This plant in its young phase can easily be trampled, so it needs to be protected, much more so than the mighty oak which has lived 200 years and grown into a massive tree 40 feet tall and robust. Or, your new experiences of love are like a small puppy dog, that needs to be tended and taken care of, because it’s not old enough yet to fend for itself and protect itself.

In addition to speaking about ways that you can experience God or divine energy directly, I want to address the issue that some people get confused or unwittingly deceive themselves about what they believe are experiences of God, which are not, but rather are experiences of ego-inflation. Unfortunately, what is really “spiritual” is not that easy to understand, for those who have little experience of these realms, or inadequate psychological development. Ego inflation can result in a feeling of expansion, so that people can be misled into believing they are having a powerful spiritual experience, when in fact all that’s happened is their ego swelled up like a big balloon.

So, as it should be obvious, people are in for a lot of confusion and/or danger if their judgment is so distorted that they are thinking that they need to protect their experiences of their own ego massively swelling up, because this is some divine treasure.
It takes having real spiritual experiences to be able to have adequate perspective on the “fake” egotistic experiences masquerading as spiritual ones. There are some tips for discerning the difference between these, for instance: in a real spiritual experience, you don’t react to it by beginning to feel that you are one of the most important or accomplished people in the world, and that you need to get out and teach others. When really experiencing God, you’ll feel your ego shrink, not grow in size. And you will experience this as liberating, not threatening. You’ll feel it as a relief, sort of like, “oh wow, glad to be rid of that pesky business! Now I feel a lot less inner turmoil.” That said, it’s extremely unlikely that one spiritual experience, no matter how lofty or blissful, is going to remove you from your ego and bring you complete enlightenment. The ego tends to gradually recede, through life, and take a “back seat” rather than always be in the driver seat, as opposed to being suddenly vaporized. It would be very unusual for it to vanish completely.

If you have difficulty telling the difference between what in you is of the ego, and what is “liberated” or opened up into God, you may not yet have had enough real spiritual experiences. Be patient, though, because whatever you really want, will come to you, as Jesus said, “Knock, and it shall be opened. Ask, and ye shall receive.”
The ego shrinking doesn’t mean you become more passive in life and let people trample on you, that you have no strength. Rather the retreat of the ego and the rise of the divine in you, means that more often, when you act in life, or speak, it increasingly feels like you have “stepped back” and that someone far wiser and older has stepped up to act or speak through you, who has more patience, wisdom, gratitude, ability to surrender and “let go and let God” than you previously had.

These “false” spiritual experiences which are really ego inflations, form the basis of other topics, such as sham or fake gurus, con-artists or even some “deep state pedos” who may in fact be leaders of large Christian churches, as well as the topic of “Spiritual bypassing” which involves unskilled use of spirituality to “bypass” or avoid central life issues that we are required to face head on during our journey through life.

Building Your Psychic Shield: Parts of the Process

How do you go about protecting and prospering the growth of these lovely treasures? There are several elements to this process. I will enumerate them here and then expand upon each. I like symbolism and also like the Tarot, so I’ll be using 22 items here to describe parts of the Psychic Shield or Psychic Self-Defense process, to correlate to the 22 trump or major arcana cards in the tarot.

(1) Work to develop your ability to use feelings to identify clearly what it is within you that you want to protect, which could include some of the beautiful experiences I mentioned above. The more you can “feel out” the feelings and energies you want to protect, the more you’ll be able to discern whether you are in contact with them or not, and whether you are “losing” contact with them. What are your treasures? What elements of your personality, your spiritual life, your relationship with God, your creative or emotional life, are most important to you, which you might describe as your “inner treasures”? These might be memories of the most joyful times you had, which you still revisit often to find new joy. These might be skills you have that allow you to enjoy interacting with people and enjoy their company or companionship. They might be inner journeys or prayer practices that you always find sustaining and nourishing. They might be songs, “inner places of refuge”, a knowledge base, a source of love, anything that gives you delight and sustenance, places where you feel God lives inside of you.

Your inner treasure will also be things like: your optimism, your joy, that part of your health related to your mental and emotional state, all that you are grateful for, your contentment, your equanimity, your wisdom, and/or your desire for psychological or spiritual growth or your quest for wisdom.

(2) Identify what parts of your life (eg, parts of your routine, activities, situations, work, practices, people, places, situations) are supportive of those feelings, energies, parts of your inner treasure, and which parts of your life are not so supportive of those. Doing this may be greatly facilitated by writing or journaling about this. As you spend your time in different activities, with different people, in different work or community situations, develop the ability to have an “inner witness” watching over your “sacred treasure” while you are outwardly in the middle of the activity or other engagement. This is like setting up an inner “monitor” or sensor, that can “detect” the quality of your inner treasure, and “detect” when you lose touch with it or sense intrusions upon it, while you proceed through your day. Write lists or make notes of those kinds of things that seem most to support your “staying with” your inner treasure, and those which seem to deplete your energies and lead to you losing touch with it.

For instance you could make a list like this:

Also, it is useful to note that places or practices which you find to be supportive of your inner treasure, can be more fully fortified, even imbued with your inner and spiritual treasures, over time. So for instance, let’s say that there is a park in your area, let’s call it Mount Merlin Regional Park, after the Merlin character in the Arthurian Grail legends. Say that you find it particularly nourishing to your soul to hike in this park. Over time, as you go on dozens, hundreds of hikes in this park over many years, praying there, singing there, you are actually in a relationship with the land there, which grows and develops, similar to other types of relationships. The more you pray, sing and have experiences of God and of joy there, the more you imbue the land with all this sacred energy. You bring this energy to the land, the land in some mysterious sense receives it and holds it, and over the course of many visits and many years, there’s a mysterious way that you “store up” quite a “treasure” in that area, somewhat analogous to depositing money in the bank each time you go to the bank. This treasure that you have “stored up” in that land, is now available for you to experience when you go there. You can view this as a treasure house of memories, of all your collective experiences in the area, radiating back out at you, or you might view it as your transformation of “ordinary” things, scenes and places in nature, into things and places more radiant with God’s light.
In terms of Psychic Shielding, these places are locations where, because you put in effort to glorify God in these places, God is more fully available there to strengthen you in spirit and protect you from depletions of your energy.

Because of the way in which particular places can become important in building you up in your inner treasures, this is a reason why I think people need to very carefully reflect upon impulsive acts, such as the desire to move from a place where you’ve lived a long time, based on something negative or something you fear. Be sure to base your choices, and all you do in life, in love, not in fear. For “there are but two choices in life, love or fear.” Choose love, always.

(3) By the way, if you have never done much journaling, I strongly encourage you to try it out. Journaling is a whole spiritual practice in and of itself. And it’s one that is very well suited to help you in your Psychic Self-Defense practices. It’s a powerful way of building up your inner witness, your ability to pay close attention to what is happening in your life, to your energies, others’ energies, to the whole process of growth and staying close to your inner treasure. It’s also very soothing, because so often in life when it seems that we can’t find anyone to listen to us or really understand us, when you start journaling, you will realize that God actually is hearing you, even as you write, and listening and understanding. You may well find that journaling ends up being a form of prayer practice and helps you center yourself in God.
Journaling can involve just writing, or it could involve an art process, such as drawing or adding photos in the journal, or using rubber stamps to put in images, which actually will more deeply engage your spiritual self, since art is a right-brain activity which supports the symbolic communication process whereby our deep or subconscious/intuitive self communicates with our mundane or “muggle” daily self or ego self.

One concern that some people have about any type of psychological growth, whether it be Psychic Shielding or something else, is that they feel it takes “too much work”, specifically, too much attention. They may feel they are being expected to analyze everything they do, all day long, 24/7 and that they can’t do this — it would feel quite oppressive to have to do that. But that isn’t actually required, and journaling is part of the answer about why you don’t have to do that.
You don’t need to analyze everything all day long, but if you want to grow, you do need to reflect on your life and bring awareness to it. However you can bring that awareness only during certain limited times of the day. Such as the time you devote to journaling. Which could be as little as 15 or 30 minutes a day. Or more if you have time for more. That is when you engage in reflecting on what challenges the day presented you with and how you met them. Apart from this time specifically set aside for that, you need not do any more reflection or inquiry than you are comfortable with.

Let’s look at an example of how journaling can help you identify what elements of your life are supportive of you staying “centered in God” and protecting your energies, and which are depleting you.

Let’s say that an example day with our friend Ron involves getting up, spend time in morning meditation or prayer, having breakfast with partner and 2 children, going to work at an office where he does statistical analyses, stopping at the market on the way home, coming home and having dinner with family, then either playing a board game or going out on a walk, or bicycling or playing tennis or swimming with a friend.

As he goes through the day, here’s an example of our hypothetical journaler Ron and what he writes in his journal:

7am I got up and began my daily prayer. I opened the Bible at random, to see what God had to say to me today, and opened and put my finger down on Psalm 119 verse 50, commencing, “This is my comfort in my affliction, for thy word hath quickened me. The proud have had me greatly in derision, yet have I not declined from thy law.” I thought this related to so much of my situation in life, where I’ve been mocked or criticized by my friends for my health freedom views that they can’t respect. I felt uplifted, as if God were telling me that he is there to comfort me in spite of all of this.
8am Breakfast with Mary and the kids. I find I’m saddened by the way that all of a sudden everything became a lot more “chaotic” at breakfast, after the quiet of spending time in prayer. People talking over each other, rushing to go out. Sad sense of something missing.
9am Arrive at office, notice I feel comfortable in this quiet enclosed environment. Happy to see the colors on the computer screen, my data books lined up in order on the shelf. Really like working quietly here and feeling comfortable, physically and mentally, emotionally. Notice that as I work, I have time to reflect on things, think of God, recall the feelings I had this morning in prayer, and feel a sense of happiness as I look forward to spending more time with God this evening.
noon Walter comes in and asks me to go out to lunch at the corner cafe with Joyce and John. I say sure, but as soon as I put my coat on and begin walking out with him, I notice I feel less happy, more tense. We order food at the cafe and start chatting, and I notice I feel sad about our conversation. I thought I’d enjoy spending time with them, but most of the conversation is spent with Joyce and Walter complaining about one of our co-workers, and it feels depressing. I leave early because I find my energy being depleted.
7pm After dinner, I go out for a walk, and notice I feel very relieved to be alone again, it feels like a big open space before me, and I’m invigorated by the sense of possibility. Turning at the street corner, when it dawns on me that I could head any direction, and walk anywhere, I feel elated at this “mini” possibility. I hear a bird singing and this seems to reverberate in a more intense way than typical, and I’m curious about what kind of bird it is and what colors are on its plumage.
9pm I have private time with Mary, as the kids are in their own room and quiet now. This feels special, and I feel that something softer and gentler opens up in this private time with her. I felt more happiness and joy talking with her tonight than I recall feeling with her in the last couple weeks.

(4) Use your exploration/analysis of your day or week, to draw conclusions about things that help you protect energies you want to protect, your “treasures”, and those people, activities or situations which deplete you. For instance in this example, after several weeks of journaling about his experiences each day, Ron learns that he finds being alone or being with just one other person to be most energizing, and finds that situations in which he’s with large groups are most depleting. He also begins to be aware of how the content of discussion affects his energy, to where he begins to be able to predict how a particular meeting, gathering or discussion with others, will effect his energy. He begins to understand what type of subject matter is not only of no interest to him, but may even have a negative effect upon him.

Having gained clarity on this, Ron is now better prepared to make choices in his life, that boost his spiritual life and protecting his “inner treasure” while minimizing his exposure to negative or depleting energies.

Realize, that as Gautama Buddha taught, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we create our world.”

This particular point about how we create our reality with our thoughts, as well as what we say to ourselves and others, is very important. Janine discusses this at minute 10 in this video:
She points out that we actually create the future by the way we talk about things. If we remain based in fear, and constantly talk and worry about what will come, always putting energy into bad outcomes and fear based scenarios, that is what we are creating with our energy. Whereas if we use our energy to focus on what we WANT to see happen, what we dream of and long for and pray for, then that is the future we create.

As well…be alert about thought patterns you observe in yourself. Here’s an article helping understand these:

(5) When you understand more about what energies you want to protect, and what situations or energies are depleting for you, explore or analyze what you can do to better structure your life so you get more of what you want and what protects your inner treasures, while reducing negative energies or depleting situations. You may need help from others to assess these things, for instance from a career counselor, psychotherapist, spiritual director, mentor or trusted friend.
As you assess this, you may find that you feel a need to change your career, or the company you work for. You may need to change your relationships: either letting some go, or finding new ones. You may need to draw boundaries in existing relationships. You may need to develop skills to notice more quickly when something is depleting for you, or skills in how to extract yourself from a social situation that is draining. You may need to learn to be more assertive and have more confidence that your own needs and mental/emotional health is important.

Often when people feel a need for a change, they move to a new house, new city, new state, or even new country. It’s easy to believe that a big outward change will result in a big inward change. But I would caution you about making big outer changes in your life before you examine your inner state, and make sure you’re not mistaking something outer for something inside yourself.
For instance, right now as I write this, from California, in late August 2021, many people have left California because of the growing fascism or totalitarian element in the criminal governance here. They are fleeing to places they view as having less of this, like Idaho, Florida, Texas. If you don’t own a house, your job location is flexible, and it won’t take much energy or effort to move, it’s certainly worth considering. However the more logistics are involved, the more I suggest you wait and see how things turn out. We are in a time of unprecedented change in the nation and the world, we are literally in the midst of World War IV, and the war hasn’t even gone overt yet. Many many people have no idea we are in a war. So I’d suggest you wait to see how things transform when this happens, before making any big decisions.

(6) In addition to learning about how the things you go through in ordinary life effect you, you’ll need to do an exploration project to learn about all those things which can support and nourish you, give you energy and positivity, power, joy and health, beyond what you may already be doing. This may mean you look for additional ways to support yourself and your inner treasure, that you do not currently have in your life.

This is where following your intuition or inner guidance can be important. And where, if you haven’t yet cultivated a strong ability to follow your inner guidance, you might begin with that. For this can be a very joyful and fun, playful project, to use your imagination and all your senses, and your sojourns through life (especially when on vacation!) to see what attracts you and gives you excitement, enthusiasm, kindles wonder or joy.
For instance: if you’re an active person and like outdoor activities, maybe there are other outdoor activities you’d like to try that you haven’t yet. Maybe if you like nature and feel inspired when in parks and nature preserves, you can begin to look for the natural places that seem to speak most deeply to you, and aim at spending more time there. If there are places you are very drawn to, like a mountainous area in another state or nation where you’re not going to be able to visit soon, if at all, maybe just looking at pictures of those or reading books of adventures there, might stimulate you.

If you love being in gatherings and listening to or dancing with live music, maybe you can find a way to do that more often. If you love imagery, photos and art, maybe you can make a point to spend more time looking at photo books, art books, or getting more involved in a photography hobby or a hobby of outdoor sketching.
Sometimes letting your imagination run wild can provide guidance. Ask yourself a question such as, “If I had a limitless amount of money and didn’t have to work, but could just do anything I wanted every day, and if I also had enough energy and athletic ability or skill or talent to do any sport or hobby, what would be the top 3 or 10 things I’d most like to do?”
You may argue that this is pointless to ask if you don’t actually have an unlimited amount of money or time, or skill, but if you look at it this way, you’re missing the point of this and other imaginative type exercises. These are not meant literally, but often have symbolic meaning, or will point to something that then highlights something else, and allow you to discern a theme or pattern, or desire in your soul, that you may not have been able to find otherwise.

So for instance, one of your first responses to the exercise might be that you’d like to spend a month on a safari in Africa, seeing big animals up close in their natural environment. Maybe you never realized you’d like to do that because you didn’t previously allow your imagination to wander. Now that you’ve had that thought, you understand you can’t go to Africa anytime soon, but you realize that you live on the coast of California, and the image of elephant seals comes into your mind, and all of a sudden you get it in your mind that you want to travel along the coast and visit the elephant seal haulout sites. Then you do that, and by chance, a few things happen as a result of that. First, you bring an old camera with you, and develop a renewed interest in wildlife photography, based on taking photos of the seals. Second, as you travel the coast, you camp in a few different campgrounds, and there meet up with some interesting people, conversations with whom now have you engaged in some new reading and exploration projects. Third, in that adventure, you meet up with someone at a wildlife rescue center, and one thing leads to another and pretty soon you’re volunteering to help in your local wildlife rehabilitation center and are able to work up close with seals, mountain lions, foxes, bobcats, vultures and hawks in rescue facilities.

This is how the universe works, once we begin to trust in the process and allow ourselves to dare to dream, dare to imagine, and start following our inner guidance. We can go from feeling “in a rut” where “there’s nothing to do,” and end up discovering a whole exciting and stimulating, breathtaking universe out there. You don’t know what you’ll find until you actually get out and begin the adventure. As we open to being led by our inner guidance, which is in essence the same as being led by God, there’s no telling what exciting place we will end up in.

(7) Now that you’ve identified several things (either activities, people, situations, objects, practices) that give you joy and support your inner treasure, draw a diagram showing your connection to these things. This will help you in one way begin to “visualize” your Psychic Shield, through understanding its components. You could draw a diagram with you in the center of all the supportive elements, like this:

Another way to visualize your Psychic Shield could be to view it as a globe or aura around you, perhaps like something in these illustrations, that you carry with you at all times:

(8) Select the main sacred books or inspiring books (could be books of poetry, or subjects that inspire you, or even fiction) and comb through them to find some of your favorite quotations or sayings. Create a journal or notebook that could be called “inspiring words” or “treasure-house of wisdom” or something like that, and write these quotes or poems or phrases in the notebook. I suggest that you combine your favorite most uplifting sayings/quotes or poetry, with images, such as those cut from magazines, or perhaps your own photos, or drawings, that help you feel you are illustrating or honoring the sentiments or ideas expressed in the sayings. I also suggest you choose a “special” notebook, something nicer than a cheap stationery store notepad, because this is supposed to be a special place for valuable writings. Perhaps get one of those fancier (but not expensive) types of journals with art covers or even a leather-bound journal.

Green art journal: special places for special thoughts

Consider that you will use this book for the rest of your life, adding many of your favorite quotes or sayings that bring you “closer to God”.
I first created one of these “treasure house of wisdom” books in the 10th grade, in high school, and 40 years later, I still find myself moved to tears when I go to this notebook and page through it!!

A classical leather journal can help evoke the sense of an ancient tome containing timeless wisdom

(9) Determine what spiritual practices are most energizing and supportive for you, in prospering your relationship to God. In order to determine this, you may need to explore more possible practices. There may be some things you do, that you do not realize are spiritual practices, but that turn out to in fact be spiritual practices because of the effect you perceive they have upon you.
For instance, there may not be a priest, pastor or spiritual leader in your spiritual community or tradition, that ever recommended you pack up the car and go camping, and sit in an empty place in the desert or amid trees in the forest, and talk to God, walk and talk with God as you walk along, and sleep under the stars and express to God your feelings. Yet you may have done this, once or perhaps more than once, and discovered quite by accident, that you were praying instead of “recreating” or “doing an outdoor sport” when you went hiking along.
Some people may think they are “supposed to” pray best while at church, but may discover they pray best when swimming in the ocean. Or when walking next to the ocean. Or while singing sacred music at home by themselves or with family or friends. The more you understand those particular activities, practices, hobbies, that allow you to feel closest to God, most uplifted, closest to your inner treasure, the more richly and powerfully you will be able to build your Psychic Shield, as I will explain in a bit.

(10) Now, as you go through daily life, look closely and carefully at situations where you discover, possibly only afterwards, that your energy went from high and excited, happy and joyful, to depressed or angry, anxious, fearful or in any other way “negative.” For most of us, early in our process of learning about managing and protecting our energy and how to build a shield for ourselves, we will find that it’s hard to rapidly notice how we “lose” connection with our inner treasure house. We are likely to only realize that afterwards, perhaps hours later. Or even only a day or more later. But the more you practice being aware of this in the moment, the more you will begin to develop the ability to address the matter sooner, even at the very instant it is happening, and to extract yourself from a “toxic” situation almost instantly. Awareness begets skill. It’s not possible to develop skill in so many aspects of the spiritual life, without having built up a sufficient level of awareness, both of your own functioning, and that of others around you.

Each time you have an awareness of something that was some type of “downer” for you, that felt it was depleting you of energy, talk to a friend or a mentor about this, and/or write about it in your journal. This exploration of the matter can help you identify exactly what it was which impacted your energy. Sometimes you will identify that someone else brought in a negative energy, perhaps a cynical or pessimistic point of view, a “doom and gloom” orientation, perhaps an overly fearful or doubtful or critical mindset. At other times, you may identify that your energy was negatively impacted not necessarily by someone else’s negativity, but perhaps just by what seemed like their not listening to you, not giving you enough time, subtly dismissing or minimizing the value of what you said, or even just changing the subject before you had enough time to talk about what you wanted to share. Sometimes you may not easily be able to see why you felt your energy negatively impacted, without help from discussing the matter with someone else who may have more experience in understanding interpersonal dynamics.

(11) Obtain clarity about what in your life you have control over, and what you do not have control over. Try to get really clear on this, the boundaries involved in this matter. There may be some situations where you have some control but not full control. There may be other situations where you might have more or less control, depending on the technique or strategy you use or what you’re hoping to get as a result.

You may wonder how this has anything to do with Psychic Self-Defense and Shielding, but it has a very big role in your self-defense, given the number of people I see who end up depressed, angry, feeling depleted, hopeless, lost their joy, struggle to connect to God, all because they were invested in something happening, generally obtaining some outcome, that they had no control over. People very very readily deplete themselves, because they are trying to control something that only God can control. Learn to very clearly understand your own limits and boundaries of control, and make this saying one of your most oft-repeated mantras: “Let go and let God.

What I am advocating here is difficult to fully attain, but that doesn’t mean we can’t strive. As with so much in life, we make progress baby step by baby step. One step at a time. I was out hiking yesterday, on the east flank of Mt Diablo in Contra Costa county, on a new trail I’d not been on before, up to Mt Olympia, the eastern “little sister” of Mt Diablo and North Peak. From the trail on the valley floor, the view upward to the top of Mt Olympia and North Peak, was intimidating. It was a steep and narrow trail all the way up from Three Springs Trailhead. If all I could do was look up at the summit of Mt Olympia, and cry out “it’s so high! It’s too hard! ” I would be tempted to give up. My Dad had me out hiking when I was quite young: I ascended to the top of Mt Whitney as a 10 year old child. Thus, I learned very early in life to ignore the fact that the trail up Mt Whitney had 500 switchbacks or whatever obscene number, and was a 7000 ft elevation gain. I just focused on the next switchback, set my sights on the next bend in the trail. And that is how you get up a mountain.

Some of Mt Whitney’s many many switchbacks!

So, every time you catch yourself being invested in an outcome, stop yourself and ask “is this in my control?” If not, say “Let go and let God” and try to do that. This is powerful Psychic Self-Defense, because you’ve just extracted yourself from a trap of cyclical negativity.

In exploring this subject, you may need to explore some logical fallacies or false assumptions you are immersed in. For instance, I’ve been surprised to discover that many people think that if they aren’t attached to an outcome, they are somehow failing in trying to support that project. But if you stop to think about it, you can realize that it is never your attachment that brings about results: it is your effort which can bring about results. And you can put in a lot of effort, without being attached to the outcome. Of course, it’s natural to want a certain outcome, and hope that it comes about. For instance, on my hike yesterday, I really was hoping I’d end up standing on the top of Mt Olympia. I wanted that outcome. Yet when I began the hike, I also made an effort to ensure I was not overly attached to that outcome, by saying to myself, “I don’t know if I’ll get all the way up, but I will just enjoy the hike and let’s see what happens.” This would actually be a wise attitude to have for any hiker who is contemplating something that based on weather, degree of strenuousness, or their own limits, is contemplating an outing which they may decide isn’t suitable based on all these.

I did get to the top of Mt Olympia. It was a 2000 ft climb up a steep and narrow trail, but was an exquisite experience.

For instance, an experienced marathon runner recently went running in a park in Pleasanton on a very hot day, when it was 106 degrees. His body was found some weeks later.
We don’t know exactly what happened in this case — but it is also an example of where being overly attached to outcome could endanger us. Instead of having the view “I’m going to do X run today”, if we go in with “I’d like to achieve X but I’ll see what happens”, then this puts us in a bit safer position.

I’ll give another example which pertains more to impacts on your personal energy. This is a common situation that I’ve read about on various health freedom groups I participate in. Many of us have rightly been quite outraged at all the retail stores that unlawfully are requiring all customers to wear masks to come into their store. Many are trying to go in a shop with the face God gave them, as is their legal right. However, what many are failing to consider in this situation, is what they have control over, and what they don’t have control over. You have control over actually going in without a mask. It’s not likely the store employees will physically block you from even entering, though I will say I have had a situation where I was physically assaulted and shoved out of a store, for going into a store maskless. So that does happen. However, in most cases you can get in. And, because items in a store are on shelves accessible to you to pick up, you can also pick up one or more items.
What you cannot control, is anyone else’s behavior or choices.
This means that if a cashier refuses to ring you up because you have a bare face as God created you, then you can’t force them to do that. No matter how much you stand there and tell them the laws they are breaking, or that you’ll sue them, etc. They may be convinced by you and end up ringing you up, or they may not. You have no control over the outcome.
So, in order to avoid setting yourself up to leave the store very upset, angry, outraged, hurt, depressed, etc…the matter from a Psychic Shielding perspective is simple: don’t invest in an outcome you have no control over. Every time you invest in an outcome you have no control over, from a Psychic Self-Defense and Shielding perspective, it’s as if you just taped a big sign on your behind, that says “kick me.” Attachment to what you have no control over is literally setting yourself up for loss of positive energy, depletion or theft of your inner treasure.

Are you unwittingly walking around with a kick me sign on your back?

This doesn’t mean you have to wear masks everywhere when they tell you to, but it does mean that if you don’t, you might end up not being rung up. Or you might find they are calling the police on you. (Even if these things happen, you can still buy a few items if you want, using the “cash drop” technique.) See my article on tips on maskless shopping for more info on this.

Not being attached to outcome or what is beyond your control, involves not expecting from others, outcomes or actions, opinions or other things that they are not likely to give.

(12) Learn to attend to your own needs before those of others. This is a difficult thing for those who’ve been brought up to be “helpers” or those who naturally gravitate towards helping others, or who have a lot of energy invested in seeing themselves as “kind and compassionate.” Also, for many, the idea of tending to your own needs before those of others seems selfish and in contradiction to what Jesus said when he said (Matthew 22:38) that the 2 greatest commandments were (1) To love God with all your heart and soul, and all your mind, and (2) to love your neighbor as yourself.
However, if you think about what was said here, I think you can readily understand, that meagre is his love for his neighbor, in a person who does not adequately love himself. Thus the entire ability to love anyone else at all, is first of all predicated upon loving ourselves. And it follows from further reflection upon this, that if you are troubled by the idea that loving yourself first and foremost is selfish, ask yourself what kind of love of yourself, could Jesus be talking about, if he means that you can extend it to your neighbor. Selfishness can’t be extended as love to others. If you are overly self-centered, also called “egotistical”, there is something about that stance which almost excludes the ability to love others — or to love them anywhere near what is being seen as the “love for self.” These reflections should help you understand that love for oneself is not selfishness — or egotism — those are entirely different things. And I’d argue that anyone who really loves themselves, with some desire to do so as deeply and tenderly as we read in the Bible that God loves us, is actually much less likely to be “self-centered” or “egotistical”, because love is of a whole different nature than egotism and self-centeredness. We could say that egotism is a result of lack of love for oneself. It’s what results when people are unable to love themselves, and instead, can only engage in a fake expansion of themselves, an artificial self-importance. None of that has to do with love.

But why do I say attend to your own needs first? Why not at least equally to those of others? To be clear, I’m not talking about an emergency scarcity situation such as in a natural disaster where there’s a limited food supply, and you try to hog all of it, thinking to take care of your needs first. That is not the typical situation we have in everyday life. Rather, I’m talking about more common needs, and particularly about inner needs, those of our hearts and minds, not those of our bodies for basic survival.
I say attend to your needs first, because you are the first person who has responsibility for attending to your own needs: no one else is as responsible for that as you are. And the same with other people: they are responsible for their own needs before attending to those of others. And many needs we have, involve things that only we can provide for ourselves. Such as the need to determine what is supportive and nourishing for us. The need to arrange our lives accordingly.

When you begin focusing on and attending to your own needs, really believing that you have a right to these needs, this can lead to a revolution in your thinking. Many of us grew up in family settings where we were essentially taught that our needs didn’t matter. For instance, in my family, my parents never acknowledged when we as children experienced any kind of emotional pain. They ignored all of that. We were never comforted by our parents when sad, angry, depressed, lonely, hurt, etc. Thus we were essentially taught (by omission) to ignore or downplay those kinds of feelings, because the lesson being taught subconsciously, was that “if you feel sad or upset, hurt or angry, you won’t be taken care of, so you better not have those feelings.” Thus, we in essence were taught that we didn’t have a right to have the needs that come from such feelings, such as the need to be comforted when hurt or upset, or even the need to express anger when angry. It took me many years to learn to be able to cleanly express anger: I was well into my forties before I was able to do that.

As those of you reading this are likely aware, we now live in a bizarre clown world where even

the need of people for unrestricted breathing, is something many people have failed to stand up for, either for themselves, or their children. They have compromised this and other normal human needs and God-given rights, and allowed many boundaries to be violated, because of their own fear.

If we more deeply analyze this situation of the “cohvid culters” and the sheeple in a time of totalitarian overreach, I believe we can find that the people who fell into the propaganda campaign, are folks who lacked the Psychic Self-Defense skills, to realize when important boundaries were violated. Such as the boundaries of bodily integrity and unrestricted breathing. Had they possessed adequate skills at Psychic Self-Defense, they could have realized that their own needs came first, before anyone else’s, and so that even if there had been a real v!rus instead of a scam, and a p@ndemic instead of a scamdemic, their own need to breathe without restriction, would not be something that could be compromised.

It’s happened several times that I’ve gone out hiking and told someone bicycling past or hiking past, who had a mask on, that they were endangering their own health this way, and their reply was that they were trying to protect my health. When you see how distorted people’s thinking can become when they think they have to take care of others before they take care of themselves, you see how the cabal can exploit this type of backward sense of ethics these people demonstrated. If people are pushed to believe there is a danger where none exists, as well as pushed to think that they should be more concerned of taking care of other’s health before taking care of themselves, you can more readily get these masked zombies everywhere. The “f that, I’m taking care of my own health first!!” is what is actually needed here. When your needs and rights come first, ironically, the whole nation is less likely to see their rights flushed down the drain.

(13) Becoming aware of psychic vampirismenergy spongers, and power theft: learning to give people back their own stuff.

Note: I am not going to be discussing actual “vampires”, I’m using the term psychic vampire to refer to a psychological phenomenon.

As we continue on in steps to build your Psychic Shield, we will be getting into more subtle areas and more complex or advanced skills, where you’ll need the solid foundation of previous exercises and practices to continue. I’ve spoken about the practice of exploring or analyzing situations in which you find yourself, to learn about how you lost touch with your inner treasure or how your energy was depleted or drained. In some cases, you may have a hard time identifying just how that occurred. Especially if, for instance, in the interaction which resulted in you feeling drained, the person you spoke with said nothing negative at all.

Let me give an example to illustrate.
Many years ago, I chanced to make the acquaintance of someone who lived in my same apartment building, a pleasant woman who, it turned out, liked to talk about spiritual topics. She would ask me questions about spiritual matters, and I would share my views. Before long, I realized that I felt angry after each of these conversations with her, and at first did not understand why. After all, she said nothing negative, expressed enthusiastic interest, and was talking about a subject I had a lot of interest in.
What I finally realized was happening, was energy sponging, through a process of psychological projection. We often think psychological projection, whereby a person projects their own disowned or unconscious psychological content onto others, is mainly a negative process, where we see negative things in others that are actually in ourselves. For instance, constantly accusing others of being competitive and trying to “outdo” others, when you yourself are the intensely competitive person.

However, psychological projection can also be done for “positive” qualities, and it so happened that, because I am a person blessed to have been given many skills and abilities, I had begun to realize that several people were projecting upon me, their own disowned skills and abilities. In high school, everyone saw me as the “brain”, the smart one. Later, I was the creative artist, for those who had not worked to uncover their own creative abilities. I was the skilled do-it-yourselfer, for those who had not put in the effort to learn to use a drill or hammer a nail. And I also to some extent became the “spiritual guru” for those who either lacked the capacity or were not able to do the work to explore their own psyche. Even though I grew up in a family that was completely non religious, never spoke of God, had a father who insisted all his life that God could not exist, I had had the blessing and enormous gift to have been given the facility to “talk to God” and have personal experience with God, such as feeling God’s love, seeing God’s beauty everywhere, from an early age. Then too, I explored many spiritual paths and religions, studied them in college, read on my own, went to spiritual retreats, studied the Bible and other sacred texts, explored different types of sacred music, and engaged in various spiritual practices and was involved in several different spiritual communities.

So what happened with this neighbor of mine, was that she had projected all her own “spiritual self” upon me, and was in essence expecting me to “be” her spiritual self for her, to answer all her questions, to know what she didn’t know, to be the summit of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Now some people, such as scammer gurus, new-age con jobs, like it when people project their disowned inner spiritual selves onto them, and expect them to have all the answers. Because they profit from this. But a person truly grounded in divine reality, does not like to be put in the position to live someone else’s spiritual life for them and answer the questions they should themselves be seeking answers to.

So I experienced her as an incredible “energy sponge”, a leech, who quite unconsciously I’m sure (unaware of it), was draining my energy and leeching off my life experience and all my growth work.
When I realized what had been happening, I began to refuse to answer her questions, and began to tell her that she had to do her own exploration to find her own answers. After I closed this door, I found her trying to leech off my energy in other ways, and had to close those doors too. Our friendship deteriorated after this, but I had to protect myself in this situation, and give her back “her own stuff.”

In this situation, notice that what helped me understand what was happening, was paying attention to my own anger. There was a good reason I felt angry after my “spiritual conversations” with this woman. That anger was a very important message and clue to me, it was my inner guidance. If I had continued to ignore that, suppressing it and saying to myself “you aren’t being nice, to be angry in a situation like this”, I could have gone on allowing this energy sponging to continue for quite a while, to my own detriment as well as hers.

So this is an example of why we all need to pay close attention to what we feel. Sometimes our feelings are not related to what someone else has said or done, but are related to our own past trauma. In those cases they can help us do our own growth work. But at other times, our feelings issue from intuitive guidance that is trying to help us with our Psychic Self-Defense.

Another topic related to this issue of energy spongers, is that of taking pro-active measures about how to defend yourself from attacks. One thing to mention about this, is that if someone succeeds in upsetting you, it’s best for your psychic shielding, if you do not let them know they succeeded in upsetting you. This is where many people may make a mistake, believing that they will get mileage from pointing out how someone else has misbehaved. But that is only productive if the person you’re dealing with cares about their misbehavior relative to you. If they don’t, why are you wasting your breath on them?
So for those who really don’t care if they upset you, don’t let them know that they “got under your skin.” Because if you let them know this, then you are helping them in their work to upset you, by giving them ammunition to do this. If they do not know that they upset you, if you remain “stone cold” and pokerfaced, then it’s less likely they will utilize the same method again, because they don’t see that it worked this time. Capiche?

(14) Refuse to be a victim. Realize that you can learn from everything that happens to you, and seek the lessons in all your experiences.
Another element of Psychic Self-Defense involves detaching yourself from all forms of victim thinking. The victim mindset is a dangerous and disempowering one — think of it as a diseased mindset. Due to the disturbing prevalence of identity politics, which has encouraged many forms of disturbed and distorted thinking, it actually became fashionable for people to think of themselves as victims. This distorted thinking pattern is rooted in negative thoughts, and so it’s very unhealthy to let yourself be drawn into it. Yet, under identity politics, people are led to believe and feel that somehow they are more valuable or are more morally righteous, if they can claim one or more categories of victimhood.
This quest to be a victim is not only dangerous to your own energy, and your inner divine self, because of how it causes you to be attached to negativity, but it is morally repugnant, at least as viewed through the lens of identity politics, because it causes people to develop distorted and unkind, untruthful and essentially hateful views of other “categories” of people. For instance, if you believe you are a victim because of your race, you’ve not only diminished yourself with this view, and disempowered yourself, but you’ve also maligned whatever other people or groups of people whom you delusionally believe are the perpetrators of some widespread effort to oppress you, or whom you view as are innately flawed and in need of some type of “education.” So you harm both yourself with your disempowering views, and harm others with your hateful or bad faith views of them. These views are decidedly unspiritual, unChristian, as well as fundamentally dishonest, because again they involve projection. The person identifying as victim accuses others of hate, yet in fact, they are the one exhibiting uncharitable views.

Identity politics has also emphasized division: “divide and conquer” is a primary strategy of the globalist criminal cabal. They’ve perpetrated war on us by infecting universities, corporations, government agencies, even public schools now with hateful, divisive and racist identity politics garbage ideologies that attempt to indoctrinate us into focusing on differences, rather than our similarities. White people have been vilified, accused of having some perverse form of original sin. We need to say NO to this garbage, these lies, and this indoctrination and stand firm in our inner guidance, our love, our sense of commonalities and relatedness to all types of people and indeed all creatures on earth. I believe that people really can only fall into the evil globalist indoctrination in the first place if there is something lacking or distorted in their spiritual life, because these ideologies are so obviously at odds with the counsel to stand fast in love, centered in love, and a holistic and wise understanding of the psyche.

While it’s natural to feel deflated by unpleasant situations in life, it’s very important that you do not ever cling to a view of yourself as a “victim.” To take on this identity seriously erodes your ability to protect your inner treasure. I encourage you instead of thinking of yourself as “victimized” to think that you had a learning opportunity. Always try to look on the positive side of things: try to glean lessons from even the most unpleasant situations. Something in that experience made you stronger, taught you something, or possibly prepared you better to be sensitive to and help those who went through similar experiences. I had a series of very painful experiences in life which through a “standard” and unimaginative viewpoint would just look like victimization, but out of these experiences I developed a lot of wisdom, ability to write creative and humorous articles, and ability to offer helpful advice to others.

(15) Become aware of the Superego: negative self-talk, and learn skills to talk back

As we develop greater self-awareness, we will learn about a part of the self called the Superego. Sigmund Freud theorized 3 parts of the self: the Id, the Ego, and the Supergo. The Superego is also known as the “Inner Critic”, and it can unleash absolutely devastating attacks on us. It comes from introjected parental voices and/or early shaming experiences, and will say things like “You’re worthless, why did you even bother to try.” Or “Another stupid thing you did.” Or “You will never accomplish anything” or, perhaps when you are first learning to stand up for your needs, “You’re so hateful and angry and self-centered”

These can be all the more difficult to protect ourselves against, as we may be unaware of these attacks when they occur, and talking back to a part of your own self is harder than talking back to someone external to you. A good book about the Superego and how to fight back, is called “Soul without Shame” by Byron Brown, who is a spiritual teacher I worked with in the Diamond Heart school for a few years.

Part of what can make the Superego difficult to fight back, is that you may not actually hear it say anything. A Superego attack can be experienced just an inner collapse, as if a bridge fell down in the inside of our soul. We feel the devastation but don’t know why it happened.
Learning about your Superego, how it attacks, and how to fight back, can take many years, just in and of itself. (In fact, as you may notice, many of the skills associated with building your Psychic Shield can take years to develop…suffice it to say this is an elaborate work, a lifetime of work)

But it’s so important: many people have no idea how massively their entire life is regimented and “boxed in” because of their Superego, how their freedom is restricted, how their creativity is stunted, their dreams and deepest desires crushed, all because of this nasty, tyrannical parental introject that they don’t even know they have. In terms of our fight for freedom in the world, your fight for your own inner freedom, experienced within your own soul, freed from the ways that parts of your psyche restrict you, is more important than any outer, political or social fight for freedom. Because no amount of political freedom can ever liberate you from your inner chains and prisons.

Don’t be dismayed by the magnitude of the task before you: as with everything else you learn on the path of growth, just take it one step at a time, focus on the next step, not the distant goal, and realize that every tiny little baby step advance is something to cheer about.

(16) Learn more about what is behind or below others’ actions or words. Learn to read others’ energy, develop a good radar and BS detector. Develop your intuition.

Many people say that women are more intuitive than men. This may be true “on the average”, and I believe that this could well be, because women being physically weaker than men, have more of a need to beware of dangers in their environment, since we have less ability to physically fight them off than men do. So, we have more “radar” about dangers around us. The more you understand people, begin to sense what might be going on in them below their surface presentation, how to read their energies, how to get clues about their motivation, how to get clues about their character, what their tone of voice expresses, what they may be invested in that they don’t realize, how what they really mean may be quite different from what they are saying, why you have a strong reaction to them of whatever type you do, then the more readily will you be able to respond rapidly and perhaps more appropriately in a situation where you are in interaction with others.

The development of one’s intuition is a huge subject which, like many topics related to Psychic Self-Defense, and the Psychic Shield, one could study for years and years. There are many good books and practices on developing your intuition, which is an invaluable tool in Psychic Self-Defense, perhaps the most powerful tool of all.

I will share three things I’ve found very helpful in building intuition. One is a practice of “stream of consciousness” writing in which I just write anything that comes to me, without judgment or censoring. This can be difficult for people who have a strong Superego/Inner Critic that they may not be aware of, which tends to shut down any type of spontaneous activity or expression. But once you learn tips on how to release stream of consciousness process, even if just briefly in a contained environment, you can immediately come into contact with a realm of insights and intuitions, and this can leapfrog you to other insights.
Another practice is journaling and exploring/analyzing situations that I get into during day to day life, perhaps getting help from friends or mentors to analyze what happened.
A third practice, which for me is the most exhilarating and fun, is various kinds of divination using symbols, such as tarot reading, rune readings, geomancy, oracle card decks, I Ching. Sometimes these divinations are confusing because I don’t get a clear answer or can’t figure out what the cards say. But other times, the symbols speak so eloquently and marvelously accurately, that I am astounded by the wisdom of God being presented here in symbolic form. Our subconscious mind operates using symbols, not language (language is an operation of consciousness), so we can get in touch with deeper parts of ourselves, as well as collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness, by working with symbols.

There are many kinds of tarot and oracle decks, and working with them can powerfully support your ability to intuitively understand symbols.

(17) Learn when to disengage or not engage in the first place.
This is something I see very often, which readily leads to many people having their energies drained. They have not learned how to disengage from someone, or how to avoid engaging in the first place with the wrong people or conversations or situations.

Let me give an example, which I used to see all too often on Twitter. Back in the days before Twitter started banning everyone with a “different” opinion, sometimes someone with what we might call a “woke” viewpoint, would challenge someone with a “different” viewpoint, meaning, a common sense point of view. Often the challenge would begin with what “sounded like” an earnest question or sincere interest in “discussing” a matter. However, if you were attentive to the energy issues involved in the “earnest invitation to discuss”, you would be able to avoid being drawn into what amounted to a “gotcha trap.” The “woke” person might say, “Here’s the truth, now, if you disagree, please list your reasons and give your sources for each of your statements.” They might also add, “The sources you give must have these qualifications: X, Y and Z.”

If you have your antennae out, you could immediately detect that this is not a reasonable way to begin a discussion. You don’t set up any discussion with the presumption that only one side needs to “prove” their statements with sources, and the other side need not, because “webewoke” or whatever nonsense by which they justify setting up “different sets of rules for different folks”.
Something that can be a bit harder for some to quickly grasp, is how unlikely it is that anyone who supports the “prevailing narrative”, aka the “globalist propaganda”, is going to be truly open, on a social media setting, to listen to someone (who they don’t know personally), who will disagree with them on every point. Perhaps because so many of us have been so completely censored and shut out of so many conversations, we are more likely to succumb to false hope when it seems that someone finally demonstrates some level of openness. But I’ve seen several such “invitations” become traps, where just after someone is lured in and starts to respond, SNAP slams the trap, and the person who lured them in slams down on them immediately with name-calling or other inappropriate and mean-spirited response.

When talking about any topic where you know there is the potential for huge and contentious disagreement, to the point even of people being shunned from families or losing friends over differences, it’s important for you in your process of Psychic Self-Defense, to be wary of talking with people who you have any reason to believe are either not likeminded, or who, if they see things quite differently from you, have too strong an attachment to their views to really be able to hear you openly.

Moreover, we should all realize that it’s of the very nature of the cabal campaign of indoctrination and propaganda, with their identity politics and critical race theory, that they have in effect lured many people into a secular type of fundamentalist religion. People holding these views that the cabal has inculcated in them, have a degree of fanaticism, intolerance and narrow-mindedness, that they are quite unaware of, because the disturbing ideology with which they’ve been indoctrinated, is also promoting them to believe that they are the most virtuous people on the planet, the ones who should rightly be preaching to everyone else about the only correct views/values. This stance should be recognized as the same stance of a religious fundamentalist. In fact, a few years ago I created a video in which I explained how identity politics is a fundamentalist religion: a view point shared by many.

Thus, you should not go naively into discussion with these folks, but realize the futility of trying to “dialogue” with the equivalent of a religious fundamentalist. If you view the situation in this manner, which shows the actual energetic nature of the situation, you can better protect yourself and form an appropriate Psychic Shield with such people.

As well, be wary of discussing or engaging with anyone, even a friend or acquaintance, who too often tends in a negative direction. People can be “likeminded” to you in many ways, in terms of having similar political views or “truther” views on what is going on now in the world, but can be quite different, in that they are more pessimistic or negative. They may tend to fixate or overfocus on the negative in any situation, or even invite negative situations into their lives, unbeknownst to themselves.
For instance, I had a friend who would end up putting quite a lot of his energy into negative directions. He got hung up on why people would do things that he and I both could see were foolish, stupid, ill-informed and often outright hostile.
If you’re spending your life, wondering why people do foolish or stupid things, or complaining about this endlessly with others, it should be clear that this is not a productive use of your time.

(18) Be careful about what news and information you take in.
A major strategy used by the globalist criminals, to capture people with their propaganda, is to generate fear in the populace. People in a state of fear will allow or tolerate many things that they would not, absent the fear. Fear is used to create “emergency measures”, which are accepted by far too many, even though these measures are clearly unlawful, in violation of the Constitution and people’s God-given rights.

How were these people infected with fear? Through not being sufficiently careful about what news and information they were taking in. I used to read the New York Times every day, not for their op-eds and letters which didn’t match with my views, but at least to keep up with “major” news stories in the world and nation. I did this, until I began to see that every day’s headlines, began to include stories about “racism.” I realized that the New York Times had turned into a propaganda machine. This had likely begun many decades before I awakened to this, but when NYT became a veritable advertisement for the twisted identity politics ideology poisoning our nation, I closed the tab on the NY Times website and never looked back. This in spite of the fact that I’d found ways to read it for free so I never paid them a dime.
The problematic, fake or negative news is not limited to the MSM. Even some of the Truthers can start putting out a lot of negative material, which Janine in this video explains comes from their fear: When we hear fear-based talk, pessimism, negativity, “doom and gloom” scenarios being indulged in, we should “change the channel”, close the tab, turn it off and go refresh ourselves in what is nourishing to our souls. This doesn’t mean ignoring what is happening in the world around us, which sometimes is depressing and dark. But keep a balanced perspective, and when you hear a really negative take on things, you should reflect: does this particular “negative slant on things” line up with all the other intel/info that I’ve heard from those I trust? As I’ve proceeded through the last 1.5 years, I’ve seen a lot of cause for hope and optimism, that the “doom and gloomers” seem to assiduously avoid or underplay. It’s clear to me then that they WANT to see the “glass half empty” instead of half full. I perceive them as having an attachment to a negative outlook or pessimistic view, and when I see that I create a boundary between myself and their toxic energy.

Are you pessimistic or optimistic by nature? If you are pessimistic, your basic orientation in life is at some level self-destructive and depletes your energy, and you’ll continue to struggle with trying to build up your energy against your own inner tendency to destroy what you accomplish through taking a negative or cynical view on things, rather than a positive and hopeful view.

When taking in news or information, even if it’s from “alternative news sites” or those you regularly follow, beware of taking in too much negative info, details about things that you have no power to change or do anything about. Get into a habit of asking yourself what is the purpose of you taking in or delving for more details on any given subject. Carefully monitor your energy and your degree of positivity, as you take in the information.

As an example: we in the truther communities have heard about child and human trafficking, the tunnels and underground locales where these people have been kept, and things that go on related to this. It’s quite unnecessary, and really detrimental to your health, to dig for details on what happens with these kidnapped and trafficked children and people, and/or various sick or wicked rituals the globalist criminals have. It helps to know basic information about what’s going on, and have some basic idea about who is involved and at what scale these crimes have been occurring throughout the world, but leave the digging into details, for the military tribunals. Don’t take on that toxic stuff and allow it to infect you. Staying on a high love vibration is best for your health in all respects, and to give minimal attention to details of evil works is also a way of staying with the truth, because in the spiritual realm that is our true home, none of this evil exists. Those things by their nature cannot enter into the presence of God.

(19) Use humor and creativity often to boost your energy or to transform negative situations or news, through the magic of laughter and lightheartedness, and the whimsy and wildness of creativity, as well as the power of symbol and archetype.
Psychic Self-Defense and learning the skills to work a powerful Psychic Shield is a psychological practice, it is also a spiritual practice, and there’s also a way to consider it a magical or creative practice. What is the difference between magic and creativity? Some people, such as those who’ve seen the amazing life-transforming power available to us through creative processes, may say these are the same thing.
In trying to understand what is special about creativity, it may help to realize that, depending on your particular path, spirituality and religion do not necessarily support creativity. In fact sometimes they condemn one or more aspects of creativity. The Protestants found something dangerous in images, and many of their churches became barren and sterile, depriving people of the nurturing, nourishment and soul-food to be found in imagery, such as sacred icons.
Today, there are some Christians who view things like yoga or Harry Potter books to be “demonic” and dangerous, virtually doorways to Satanism.
An overly serious approach to spirituality, even one as ostensibly open and psychologically modern as Western Buddhism, can deaden the soul. I’ve encountered a fair number of Buddhists who energetically I read as people without much “zest” in their lives: I think there may be something about the Buddhist path, at least as practiced in the West, that does not readily support the soul in all her color and wildness, her paradox and wonder. We all need more than principles, teachings, dogma and meditation.

This is where the “salt” element comes in. I come from Eastern European ancestry, and the Eastern Europeans had a degree of salt that Americans for whatever reason seem to have less of. Salt relates to the elements of paradox, irony, and earthy wisdom. Jesus said, “Ye are the salt of the earth”. Salt is symbolic of an important earthy wisdom, such as that of the peasant folk in Europe, or Zorba the Greek in the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, without which we are at risk of too “thin” or cerebral or ungrounded or frankly overserious an approach to spirituality and religion. Being strident and dogmatic is completely at odds with the element of salt. There is quite a lot of “salty” wisdom that seems unavailable to many, because they have a too rigid understanding of spirituality or religion: a view which in my opinion does not come from real spiritual experience, but rather from dogma.

An example of the use of humor to boost one’s Psychic Shield: humor, as well as abundant self-love, can be very effective in fighting off Superego attacks. Having talks with various of the “characters” that you identify inside your own psyche is something that is facilitated with imaginative skills. Engaging in this practice might seem “weird” to some people who will worry that they will be viewed as mentally ill for talking to themselves. (By the way, such self-criticism as “it’s weird and neurotic to talk to yourself” or any other “opinions” that have the end result of weakening you in the face of the Superego, comes from…guess who….the Superego!)

Yet in fact if you shrink at talking to your Superego or any other “inner characters” you identify, then in effect you give the Superego lots of space to criticize you while you give yourself no space to fight back and reply. So, the whole idea that there’s something “wrong” about engaging with the Superego in imaginary conversations (or, sometimes just by bluntly saying “shut the f up, dingaling”), weakens your Psychic Self-Defense and pokes lots of holes in your Psychic Shield. One way to make this easier is to do work to “objectify” various inner characters like the Superego, by using imagination to see what they might look like. Journaling, particularly “stream-of-consciousness” journaling, about this matter can help. What kind of face do they have? What kind of clothes? Are they male or female? What is their name? Perhaps you’d like to come up with a dorky or dweeby sounding name to make fun of this nasty inner character.

If you can laugh at your Inner Critic, that really disarms that nasty character. They don’t really know how to cope when laughed at, because their whole attacking armamentarium is based on you taking them seriously. If you laugh and say “Oh you’re such a silly beastie, why such a negative view of the world? Do you have no spiritual awareness, you Negative Nancy (or Downer Dan)?” Very often, humor is vastly more powerful than we may expect.

Humor can be powerfully used to boost your whole attitude during a time when the news is depressing.
I a series of films, called “Homeless Zombie Apocalypse” (where my website name and Twitter handle originated) which uses toys as characters. This film started out as a way of using humor to cope with government ineptitude and corruption vis a vis the explosion of squalid homeless camps and open-air drug dealing and sidewalk drug use in many cities, whereby it was clear that the city governments intended to use public spaces like sidewalks and parks, as open-air insane asylums and drug dens. I eventually realized corrupt cabal-led governments were intentionally destroying cities by allowing these squalid camps to fester in them. I also saw that no amount of letter-writing, speaking at city council meetings or shaming government figures online, or attempts to “vote someone better in”, would have any effect, because back of the whole government was the globalist cabal. So, I perceived that the work needed to right this, was quite massive.

While I worked in practical ways towards establishing rightful governance locally and beyond, Through the use of satire, I was able to better cope with how disturbed I felt about all of this. The making of these films and the weaving of an elaborate story, allowed me quite a bit of power and control in the situation, power and control that I may not have “in real life”, but which I had in plenty in my own stories.
This brings up another issue which bears mentioning.
In the “old days”, by which I mean, the 19th century and before, people used to gather to tell stories. Not stories about “the news”, but made-up stories, tales, their own creations, or traditional stories passed down through generations. There was an enormous wisdom in this storytelling tradition, which we in our times have mostly lost contact with. This wisdom ties in quite deeply with Jungian Psychology and the power of myth, which I studied and wrote my thesis paper on in graduate school. Story telling, tales such as the classical fairy tales like Cinderella or Jack and the Beanstalk, the Ugly Duckling, Aesop’s fables, have a magical power in that they uses symbols and archetypes to speak to us (eg the “trickster” archetype, the “fool” archetype), and thus we are able to receive the symbolic meanings, themes, the information or “moral of the story” at a less than conscious level.

This is powerful because the conscious mind can limit us, in that it sets up obstacles (like the Superego) who, unbeknownst to us, censor or “guard” what we take in, in many cases judging and rejecting it before we’re even able to contemplate it. But when we hear stories told with archetypes and symbols, we are “hearing” things at a deeper level, and we can “take in information” at this deep level without it being obstructed by our inbuilt and dysfunctional “censoring or judging mind”. Thus, for instance, if we hear a story about a king with 3 children, who gives them a task, and the 2 smart children fail to accomplish it, but the “foolish” child succeeds, we begin to learn an important lesson which actually is also a lesson to be found in the Bible, about how the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men.
So, when we stopped telling stories or reading fairy tales and symbolic stories, we lost connection with the realm of symbols, which can speak to us at a deep level, building up our wisdom and intuition.

Carl Jung emphasized the importance of symbols, such as the mandala of wholeness

(20) Maintain awareness about who is “making the rules” , or who you allow to make the rules, define the terms, define the battle or delineate the battleground.
This is another one of the more subtle issues involved in Psychic Self-Defense. I bring this up, because I’ve seen some people “box themselves in” or let themselves be confined in spaces that do not allow the fullness of their lives and expression, in part because they are attached to assumptions or erroneous beliefs about what is “right”, which unbeknownst to them, may have been defined by their enemy.
I explained above how the Superego, an “enemy within”, does this to all of us by mercilessly criticizing us.
But the cabal can also accomplish the same thing, if we allow them to “make the rules” or define terms. For instance, I’ve seen some people who now avoid using the word “understand” because they’ve been made aware that the cabal through their fraud has tried to change the meaning of this word such that if a police officer asks if you “understand”, and you say “yes”, you’ve unwittingly agreed to “stand under” his authority.

Please don’t fall into the trap of believing that the criminal cabal gets to make the rules and define the terms and all you can do is flee backwards, and retreat into smaller and smaller spaces, and have to invent new words to replace those they have abused with their fraud. When you do this, you’ve allowed a boundary violation, your Psychic Self-Defense is faulty. You are participating in your own disempowerment and willingly ceding territory to the enemy. Criminals do not get to make the rules. The fact that people have abused some word or some thing, does not make that word or thing anathema. Imagine if the cabal had begun using an image of Jesus or a crucifix to symbolize something evil, trying to change its meaning to their meaning. Would you respond by saying “well I guess I can’t be Christian any more, Jesus is now part of the evil cabal, as is the crucifix.” Of course you wouldn’t, at least I hope not. That a criminal tries to seize upon something innocent, good, beautiful, does not change the nature of that thing and make it theirs, and part of their evil.

I’ve seen some people recoil or respond with wariness, even accusations of “demonism”, to much that is innocent, creative and beautiful, because they have “seen the evil cabal” using it. The realm of imagination, creativity and magic can be viewed this way by the fearful. When people fear or flee from imagination, creativity and magic because “that’s the cabal’s evil stuff, the doorway to Satanism”, they are handing off some of the most beautiful things in the world, to the enemy. They are actively participating in their own disempowerment and thus in essence are allowing the evil ones to run their lives.

We should not be calling evil what God has made good. As stated in Isaiah 5:20, woe to those who call evil, what is good. And Acts 11:9 “But the voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’ “
The realm of the spirit, the inner temple of God in our souls, is vast, it is fertile, and it is a fountain of love and abundance, creativity, awe and wonder and magic. As you develop skills in knowing your inner self, working with your own energies, understanding the flow of energies in the world and others, you will experience more and more liberation and sense of being protected, your “treasure house of wisdom” well-guarded and fortified, as well as available to you to enjoy for all your life.

(21) Develop a more complete sense of your personal space, your needs, your boundaries, both in your personal life and your business and relationships.
A key part of best Psychic Self-Defense is based on understanding what your own “rules” or boundaries are in all kinds of situations in life. Beyond understanding those kinds of activities, situations, people and places that either support or deplete your energy, you’ll want to understand what your own “rules” or “best practices” are. To do this effectively, you may need to be assertive and insist that only you can determine your own personal needs and rules, not anyone else, and that you won’t put up with being judged because someone else doesn’t agree with how you arrange your own life to live comfortably and prosperously in it. I mention this, because I saw that with one of the businesses a friend is involved in, I discovered that it’s quite possible to get quite a lot of “flack” from people who have their own rigid ideas about how YOU should arrange your private life and run your business.
My friend rents out rooms in his home, in which he also lives. He has a set of rules he uses to help ensure that he is comfortable in his own home, such as clarifying about quiet hours, not leaving your belongings all around the house but keeping them in your own space, etc. Over the years he shared various stories with me, indicating that some people, thankfully not very many, but a few, had a really hard time with his assertion that he had a right to set things up, in his own home, so that he could be comfortable living in his own home. They would accuse him of being a “tyrant” or a “nazi” or an authoritarian. As if anyone was forced to live in his house! “My house, my rules” seems to be a phrase these people never heard. So, realize you may be attacked just for coming to clarity on your own needs and boundaries.

One of my personal “rules” is that I don’t loan out my belongings. Some will view this as “unkind”, but I’ve had some very bad experiences with loaning out my belongings: some rising even to the level of trauma. Eg, boundary violations by those who received my things on loan, who then turned around and loaned my belongings to others without my permission, which led to theft and loss of very personally meaningful items. Other times I’ve had people borrow something of mine and never return it, or say they were going to keep a loaned book of mine so they could write on it, and would soon buy me another. Suffice it to say that I’m done with all these kinds of boundary violations and now never loan out my belongings to anyone, even a best friend.

(22) Use “creative license” or strategic methods in conversation and online posts, community discussion, to conceal what you do not want to risk being revealed, because it could lead to incoming negativity or attacks, or just more expenditure of energy than you are up for. One could call this psychological practice “developing your Psychic Shield through use of a magical invisible cloak”. Your clever strategies about what to reveal and what to conceal, are your working of an invisible cloak.

By carefully and very artfully using boundaries in your communications, and limiting what you expose about yourself or vis a vis your point or argument on a certain topic, you can “foil” the attacks of enemies, or just negative people or people who can end up wasting yours and everyone else’s time by focusing on irrelevant aspects of the situation.
An example: I realized that when I participated in a particular online “interest group” that involved posting dilemmas we experienced relating to being self-employed, that there were certain “predicable attack points” that some members of this group unfortunately would engage in, almost as if they were trained attack dogs, trained to lunge in for an attack whenever they saw a certain color, word or symbol. These were often “woke” people who had drunk all the identity politics koolaid, or who had a very rigid agenda on certain topics.

So, for instance, I realized that even if you were innocently telling a story and trying to give some descriptors to make the story more interesting, if you happened to mention someone’s nationality, or any specific details about a person at all, some of these “attack dogs” would rush in and attack you as xenophobic, agist, racist, bigoted, ignoring everything else you said about what the actual issue was you were trying to deal with, which might be something like someone refusing to pay you for work you did. I realized that it was “provocational” to some if I mentioned marijuana in the context of any discussion of a business related problem, because some would rush in and ignore everything else I said, but attack me for being “against recreational use of weed”, when I’d never said anything of the kind. So, in a sense what I was trying to do in this group was “remove potential triggers” from what I posted, so that I could mitigate the potential of identity politics or other fanatics responding irrationally to trigger points.

Another method I used in this business chat group, was that sometimes when I was sharing events or stories from my own life, I would state that the situation was one that “a friend of mine” experienced, when in fact it was one I experienced. By creating a fictitious person who had my situation, I was thus able to create a “protective shield” using a form of “invisible cloak magic” around the contents of what I shared, so that if people in the group were critical of anything I said, they were critical of a fictitious person and his decisions and situation, not of myself. Thus I could distance myself from their potential criticism, attacks and negativity.

Other examples of strategic and “magical” methods to protect yourself are: using pseudonyms online, rather than your real full name. Many have failed to understand how risky it can be for instance to post your political opinions on social media, while using your real full name. Some of the people who did not understand that risk, may now understand it after being fired from a job or even losing a career because of things posted on social media or said to someone who could identify you. I recall a story about a woman in San Francisco, who went outside one day, found a man doing a chalk drawing of a pro-BLM signage on the sidewalk, asked him if he lived in the area, and low and behold, both she and her husband ended up fired from their jobs that week. Why? Because woke insanity. But if you live in the midst of woke insanity, it doesn’t help to just deny that or argue how insane it is: you need to find ways to protect yourself from it.

Another tip: use a disguise if you appear online, so that your face doesn’t show. When writing to city council consider using a fictitious name rather than your name, when city council posts as “public record” all communications they receive. When calling police to report a prowler or package thief in your area, don’t give the police your name, because some of the “woke” bullies (who may be paid off by the cabal, in their multi pronged efforts to destroy cities) are now calling in to police with records requests to find names of those who actually call police to report crimes. The “BBQ Becky” story was one such. The cabal loves to use such situations to increase hatred and division between blacks and whites, or really any groups of people. Don’t assist them.
In general, learn about where you or others are vulnerable, and take care to protect those vulnerabilities.

There is a much more sophisticated or elaborate level of this “magical invisible cloak” technique, and it is has been used by the White Hats in the World War IV which we are in the midst of. It is called “the Fog of War” and employs the art of deception.

That this strategy is in use, is part of why it is so difficult for us to figure out what is going on. We cannot assume that in a time of war, what we see on the surface, is all there is. This is an extraordinarily complex war, and actually it’s the first war in perhaps a very long time, that has actually involved the real enemy. In all the other wars, the enemy (the globalist c@bal, which according to some has been in existence for at least a couple thousand years if not longer) has orchestrated wars fought by others, while standing safe outside them. The war we are currently in has thus far been hidden from sight to the “normies”, but is about to bust out into the open, and eventually, it will be seen overtly. When that occurs, the war will be over, because the entire strategy of the evil ones has been that they hide everything they do behind various kinds of smoke screens. Once they are exposed, they immediately lose. So the whole strategy of the “good guys” has been to devise techniques to expose the evil ones without making themselves vulnerable by taking aggressive initiatory action. Thus a set of ingenius traps or sting operations have been set up to ensnare them, and this all has taken quite some time: many years. The November 2020 election was not an election: it was a sting operation.

In many ways, in accordance with the Fog of War, the good guys (as well as Trump) have actively sought to look weak, incompetent. Trump has intentionally created the illusion that he unwittingly surrounded himself with corrupt associates and got bad information from them. The military has been intentionally made to look “woke” and stupid, eg with General Milley preaching critical race theory. While we can’t know what is going on behind the curtains, we also should not assume that everything is as it appears on the surface. Discernment is needed, as is faith and trust in God.

We are in the very strange as well as tragic situation though, that the casualties of this war, those upon whom “bombs” were dropped, may not actually be seen until the war ends. The quackzine casualties may not appear en masse until the war is well over.

(22 bonus) I said I would include 22 elements here, to match with the 22 trump or major arcana cards in the Tarot, but I have another element to add, so let’s call it the “22 bonus” element. It’s a bonus to all you readers who made it this far.

This is one of the most complex or psychologically “sophisticated” aspects of Psychic Self-Defense that I will mention. This is one for the adepts. It involves understanding something about the “shadow” element in our psyche, and how we unwittingly give energy to things we ostensibly aim to avoid or repress, through imbalance, or an over-energetic or over-strong avoidance or reaction against anything within us, or through an extreme embodiment of one element. Thus, anything taken into an extreme, can lead to a process called “enantiodromia” whereby that thing turns into its opposite. For instance, someone who goes to “extremes” to be compassionate, who ends up becoming cruel. Someone who works very hard to be healthy, ends up becoming sick. Someone who takes being Christian exceptionally seriously, can become harsh, mean, unChristian, even to the point of becoming evil. This process can perhaps be understood intuitively as a result of excess, a loss of balance and moderation.

The reason this relates to Psychic Self-Defense, is that if you want to regulate and protect your own energy and inner sacred space, you need to monitor your susceptibility to go to any “extreme” or overstrong orientation, as this could put you at risk of enantiodromia.
Given our circumstances at this time, we are seeing an absolutely Biblical battle between good and evil here on earth, something that not only have we never seen before in our lifetimes, but the likes of which, has probably never actually emerged openly and visibly, in anyone’s lifetime. Most of us who are clear-headed about what is happening, will take a strong stance “against evil”, against the cabal, against all that they do and represent. However in taking this stance, I would recommend we be wary of “overloading” ourselves with oppositional energy. Relevant here is the distinction between types of battle that require heavy effort and tire people out with the high effort required, depleting them, versus warfare or battle/fights which uses a minimum of energy, like aikido.
We do not actually need to carry around a constant inner high-level tension or oppositional energy, in terms of the evil globalist cabal. We can remain soft and supple within, not tensing up inside, but only exerting as much energy as any particular situation calls for, no more. To maintain too much oppositional energy, could result in some type of fall into enantiodromia. In aikido, if you come at your opponent with way too much energy, your opponent can easily make use of that and end up being (in essence) able to tip you over with his pinky finger, using your energy against you. There is psychological aikido in addition to physical aikido, and those who are adept at Psychic Self-Defense understand this art.

How would that show up if you had too much oppositional energy, in these circumstances now?
One way this could look, is just that the amount of energy required to maintain a “high” oppositional level, is such that it weakens us, because that energy is then not available to us to put into positive avenues and directions, such as spiritually uplifting actions or practices.

Another possibility was suggested to me by something Clif High recently experienced. He described sudden experiences of apparently intrusive thoughts as if coming from an outside source. He spoke of a “weird woo” experience he and some others had where he felt freaked out by having sudden images come to him where he “was relieved to take the jab” and he was trying to figure out where these weird thoughts or visions came from. In Clif’s case, he is a high-functioning and spiritual person, so it’s quite unlikely that he was experiencing enantiodromia, because though he describes himself as “paranoid”, I believe he’s rather balanced.
It’s actually always been possible that “somewhere in the ether” there are “negative energies/entities” that could effect our thoughts. This isn’t completely new. However, when we are really robust in our spiritual development and grounding in God, we are much less vulnerable to these things. But, for those who are not able to put as much energy into their spiritual selves, it’s also quite possible that thoughts like this could result from a type of enantiodromia, and be a result of having spent too much oppositional energy outward towards a certain particular idea.

It’s not that someone who clearly sees the quackzine is deadly, is going to go out one day and get jabbed. That is quite unlikely to happen (though it is conceivable: particularly in those who are low-functioning or who may suffer from mental illness) . What I am suggesting is that there can be a rise of perhaps troubling “subconscious” content, that may “pop out” as “weird images/thoughts” in those who have too much oppositional energy about something.

So, quite ironically or paradoxically, we can actually be psychically safer, if we moderate our energy, and temper our “oppositional energy”. Metaphorically speaking, we do not need the temperature of our opposition to be 10,000 degrees F. We can just as well oppose something with very clear thoughts and feelings about the matter, at a much lower temperature. And in this way we can probably better protect ourselves from being scorched or suddenly finding our temperature has flipped to arctic cold.

All in all the “moral of the story” is that you will be safer from the “evil thoughts” or “evil energies” or “evil curse spells” or manipulative electronic/5G or psychic phenomena that these sick people try to send out into the world, if you are in a calm, tranquil, loving, grateful, soft and clear state of equanimity, taking good care of your health in all respects, avoiding extremes, staying quietly centered in God. This Godly and loving stance by its nature is a Psychic Shield: the darts of the evil will bounce right off it, you will find that, as Psalm 23 says, “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.”


Our world is in a time of enormous change. We are at the cusp of a new era, the Age of Aquarius. The great religions were born in the age of Aries or the Ram, and we’ve spent the last approximately 2000 years in the Age of Pisces. Perhaps the Age of Aquarius will bring us a renewed ability to understand the depth of our spiritual selves, as it becomes clearer to us all that we cannot learn spirituality in books, from dogma or teachers, pastors or gurus. Rather we need to learn it directly from our own hearts, God within us. There is the true treasure-house of wisdom.

Will there be mass quackzine casualties?

If you’re like me, you are really tired of this “movie” that has been playing out for many months in America, with the fake president, and the mass psychosis all around us. When on November 4 2020 I woke up and realized the level of crime that had just been committed across the whole nation, I expected it would not take more than a month to set things right. I had no idea we would be in for a LONG movie with a fake president, in which those who got suckered into the propaganda and mass psychosis would end up dying.

Excellent article (and video) on mass psychosis, as discussed by Carl Jung:

Good film short on mass psychosis:

That part about deaths from the quackzine ( I will use alternate spellings here to avoid censorbots and shadowban bots) was something I really did not expect. I thought for sure the good guys would have intervened to make sure all the injections were placebos, and harmed no one. But given how stubbornly so many ostensibly intelligent people clung to delusional views about “the illness” as Tarot by Janine calls it (I always get a laugh out of how many words or phrases she ends up having to mime or use “replacements” for), I realized that, very tragically, it just might be the case that we actually are in World War IV, and that “war has casualties”, and that in this war, the ones to die will be largely those who fell into the mass psychosis and were oblivious to the signs that “something is really wrong here”, the truth that should have become increasingly evident over the last 1.5 years.

Like most of you I had close friends and family members who got quackzinated. In fact it’s quite possible I am the only “family member” who did not get a “jabberwocky.” All of those in my existing circle of friends fell into this psychosis….I ended up finding a whole new circle of friends over the last 1.5 years of the non-psychotic. These old friends are people I’ve known for many years and care about. I tried to open their eyes by sharing my concerns with them and asking them if they didn’t think there was something “weird” or disturbing about the scamdemic, including how government had become so overreaching, and was doing so many illegal things with the shutdowns, lockdowns, mask mandates, which were all completely unlawful. I sent them information about how the CDC info about the number of illness deaths had been fraudulently inflated and was now corrected to a mere 6% of the original number. How the PCR test had been shown to give false results. I sent articles or videos produced by doctors and leading scientists such as Peter McCullough, Dr David Martin, Dr. Robert Malone, Michael Yeadon, Judy Mikovits, who were being censored all over the internet, and later, sent them information about the large number of people dying or being injured from the quackzine, and the America’s Frontline Doctors lawsuit asking to stop the quackzine and with whistleblower declaration suggesting there have been over 45k quackzine deaths.
But regardless what I sent to my friends, they didn’t bother to actually look at this material, and simply dismissed the ideas outright, that there might be something involved in all of this, that they should be questioning. They continued “drinking the koolaid” and conforming to the mainstream globalist criminal propaganda. It was really hard for me to believe that even when I suggested that their lives could be in danger, my friends refused to even look into the information I gave them. At best, they would ignore what I sent, or say “you and I have completely different ideas about how to assess our sources of info”, and at worst, they would respond with sarcastic comments belittling my views, or treat me like a pest.

All this while I kept seeing more and more reports of quackzine injuries, deaths, as well as some predictions that most everyone who’d received the jab would end up dying eventually, likely within 2 or 3 years. One person expecting a large number of casualties is Clif High, in his “Woo” universe videos:
In that video Clif says that he expects “die offs” to begin in fall and continue for several years, through 2025. He predicts this die-off will cause cities to empty out, leaving many vacant buildings, and also a collapse of industry, as in many situations, too many employees of a given company will have died, for the business to continue.

More news from Clif:

And if you are starting to really like Clif, as I found I was, here’s his BitChute channel:

Having any idea of what is coming down the pike is difficult even in “normal times”, but is particularly difficult now. While none of us can know for sure what is around the corner, coming in the near future or months or years out, I find that it can be helpful to make “educated guesses” on the one hand, and to be entertained and gently guided by Tarot readings on the other hand. Clif’s approach seems to involve educated “guesses” or theories, using an elaborate system he has developed called “predictive linguistics”, with which he’s had success. Janine uses Tarot readings. I have used various kinds of divination for many years, such as tarot readings and astrology charts, to try to find answers or “hints” for issues that I have been curious about. Some people don’t believe that divination gives us anything that is “real”, yet I believe that we are all innately intuitive and psychic, and that use of tools like tarot decks or astrology can help “boost” our innate intuitive or psychic abilities. When using or looking at a divinatory approach, it’s important to be able to “take this with a grain of salt” and not get literal about it. In fact, the process of divination is completely contraposed to a “literal” or purely factual, physical, material, 3-D approach to anything. I believe that “the letter of the law killeth the spirit”, so I am generally not interested in a purely or 100% literal approach to things. I believe in balancing facts with one’s inner guidance.

In this alchemical process we are all part of, whether we like it or not, our entire planet is said to be in the midst of a “Great Awakening.”

We are in the midst of an alchemical process

In this Great Awakening it is said that we are moving from “3D to 5D”, which means we are being challenged at this time to not be as limited by the physical, material world and the limited perspective of those who are overly focused on the physical, and not viewing things through a spiritual lens. In this process, it can be a challenge to both be open to the spiritual realm and intuition on the one hand, and on the other, to avoid being overly gullible and believing every single claim or theory we hear, on the other. Being able to balance thinking and intuition, discernment and wisdom with insight, is something that we’ll be able to do better now, if we’ve already been practicing this our whole lives. Jungian personality integration is the goal here, as is described in his writings about personality typology (see Myers Briggs personality type information).

Given the magnitude of the question and the degree to which we really do not know what’s ahead, I wanted to do a tarot reading on the question of whether there will be “mass casualties” of the quackzine. Let me say at the outset that in general, we should not be asking questions, if we don’t actually want an answer. Some people will cringe at this very question and realize that it’s too grave or depressing a matter, and that for this reason, they do not want to know. Or, they may feel that they want to or need to remain optimistic. If some feel this way, they are having a good understanding of their own personal boundaries, and should respect those. Do not ask questions if you actually don’t want the answer.

In doing this or any reading, I take the results “with a grain of salt” and realize that this is only an intuitive glimpse, it is not something that can be definitively known, so any results should be held lightly in this manner: if any information, even intuitive, about such a grave situation, can be held lightly.

I asked this question and used the Rider-Waite deck to seek an answer. In interpreting the reading I got, let me point out that I am not a highly experienced tarot reader like Janine. I use a combination of “traditional interpretations” that I’ve gleaned from several sources, as well as my own intuition. How much of each to use, is “my own recipe”, and other people may interpret the cards differently.

I drew 4 cards to give the answer, and in my card readings I view the cards as giving some information about the order

The tarot reading on the question of whether we will see mass quackzine casualties

or sequence of events in time. The cards are laid out in a line which points to the progression of time. Hence the first card drawn, Strength VIII, points to what comes first in time, what is in the past, or what is the “context” in which the whole situation or question can be viewed. The other cards point to later events or parts of the story.
So the way I read this is as follows:

First, I wanted to point out something noticed by a reader of this article. This individual noticed something about the cards as laid out, which I hadn’t seen, that points to the value of many different sets of eyes on a situation. People see different things in the same situation and these diverse views can add to the mix and create a more complete and complex view. This individual saw the cards, read left to right, saying “ALOT” as the answer to the question! We see the O and T pretty clearly… A and L can be deciphered also. Pretty simple and amazing too!

Now let’s look in more detail.

The Strength card symbolizes the power of the higher or spiritual self, over our base nature or animal instincts. So right there in the first card is the 3D – 5D theme being presented, as the “context” or world circumstances of this time. With regard to quackzine casualties, this 3D – 5D theme is being pointed to as significant. I believe we are being given to understand here, that each person’s ability to transcend the “merely physical/material”, which includes their ability to transcend “fake news” and propaganda, will be determinative of their own outcome. At another level, we are being given to understand that the death of the physical body should also be perceived in this same context, and that in the spiritual sense, no one ever dies.

The next card is the Knight of Swords, which I interpret as the powers that be of the cabal-run government, aggressively and rapidly approaching with the jab-o-death, here symbolized by a sword. I interpret the presence of this card as indicating a “yes” answer to the question about mass casualties, albeit with some caveats. It is interesting to note that the Knight is heading in the direction of the past, not towards the cards on the right of the series, which represent the future. My interpretation of this, is that in one or more ways, it’s already been determined who’ll die, and/or that though these deaths will be coming, in some manner this situation is even now being supplanted by some other more important news. Yet another possible meaning for the Knight with the Jab running into the past, could be that because of deaths from the quackzine, we will all be in for a certain period of “reversal” during which things seem to go backward and fall into disarray, difficulty, and hardship, before we can move forward again as a whole society. Yet another possible meaning, is that most of the deaths that will result from the quackzine, have already occurred. Maybe the others will have injuries or illnesses but not death?

The World card comes next: this is the final card in the series of Tarot trumps. The World card is often viewed in a positive way as the culmination of our whole tarot journey and process of integration, the attainment of “cosmic consciousness” , the discovery of the alchemical gold or Holy Grail. Yet also note the planet associated with this card is Saturn, who governs discipline, order, limitation, responsibility, and, I could also associate with governance by Saturn, any hard outcome or painful consequences that is a result of failure of responsibility, such as “drinking the koolaid” when you were supposed to be using your noggin and thinking “something weird is going on.”

Symbolically the World can also represent our “worldview” or philosophy. Might this be pointing to the manner in which any individuals’ worldview is determinative in the sense of their being a casualty in this situation? Eg, if their worldview caused them to believe and unwittingly support the globalist criminals and their propaganda, then….sad end for them.
In the context of this reading, World could also point to “the world to come”, through world-shaking events such as those hypothesized in the question of this reading. I believe that the World card here points to the subject matter of the question, and the answer received as “yes”, being of such magnitude and extent, as to effect the entire world. That said though, we’ve already as of this point at August 19th, had enough deaths and injuries from the quackzine, for this to be a world-shaking situation. It’s only the fact that this is not publicly acknowledged, and broadcast from the rooftops, that has kept this all from shaking the world to its core in the way it ought to. Still more deaths would shake the world up even more: as well as create a level of functional disruption that we have not seen yet.

The final card in the reading is the Hanged Man. This card symbolizes paradox, surrender, or things turned topsy-turvy. I think the card is also an apt symbolism of crucifixion, and indeed of Jesus the Christ, and his whole teaching. Interesting to note that both the World card and the Hanged Man card contain crossed legs symbolism. The planet related to this card is Neptune, which can represent dreams and fantasies, or delusions. As the last card in the reading or outcome card, I believe this card points to the result of the mass casualties indicated. These deaths will expose paradox and turn the world topsy-turvy.

Various types of paradox, pointed to by the sideways leg of the Hanged Man: those who thought they found security in conforming to views based on what was deemed “mainstream” or common knowledge, will find that their lives are in danger via this “security.” Those who thought they would be safer if they received a “vaxx”, will find that this choice has put their health and indeed their lives seriously at risk. Those who smirked in contempt at “conspiracy theorists”, will find themselves dying in large numbers, and given comfort and prayers by those same “conspiracy theorists” they derided, who will go on to survive them and be the ones to co-create the new world. Those who abused their power and committed criminal acts to try to force others to receive a quackzine, even to the point of seeking regulations that would prevent people from being able to work or shop if they did not submit to the needle of death, will find the tables quite turned on them, and I would guess that at some time not far distant in the future, most of them will be at the mercy of those they would have murdered with their crimes against humanity.

One very intriguing possibility regarding a possible complete ironic switcheroo: we’ve read evidence suggesting the cabal was preparing FEMA camps to send the unvaxxed into, basically modern concentration camps.
However, Truthers including Monkey Werx and Tarot by Janine at 30 seconds in on this video, have reported “an exponential increase in flights to Gitmo”, and Janine got a “very reliable” report that Gitmo is “full to the brim” with “the usual suspects”. This suggests to me that the FEMA camps that the cabal players wanted to put unvaxxed in, will instead be filled with those very cabal criminals themselves.

I am reminded of the paradox that is taught through the Christian “Beatitudes” or sayings of Jesus in Matthew 5. Because from the perspective of the “worldly-wise”, completely oriented to the material world and success as measured on the material level, the spiritual among us are fools. But from God’s perspective, we are the only ones with real wisdom. This is the paradox that permeates our world, to which the materialist is utterly blind, with no ability to understand.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
 Blessed are those who mourn,
For they shall be comforted.
 Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.
 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
 Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 
 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

And as is said in 1 Corinthians 3:18:

“Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.”

The whole gospel of Jesus is paradox, “foolishness” to the worldly-wise, as written in 1 Corinthians:

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent….hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For after that, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe…because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men….God hath chosen the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise.”

Finally, I wanted to point out that this 4-card reading included 3 “trump” cards or major arcana, which is a strong sign of the power of the reading. Generally the more major arcana cards in a reading, the more “power” seems to be imbued into it. There are 22 major arcana cards in the 78 card tarot deck. This means that the odds of selecting a major arcana card, as opposed to a minor arcana card, is approximately 28% with each card drawn. I’m not a whiz at statistics, but I believe that the odds of pulling 3 major arcana cards out of 4 would thus be calculated as:

0.28 X 0.28 X 0.28 which comes to 0.02 or 2 percent.

Thus there was a statistically quite small likelihood of me pulling 3 trump cards in this one reading, and the fact that this occurred I believe points to the power of the answer provided. I believe we will see “mass quackzine casualties”, however, it’s not known what exactly are the numbers involved. I doubt it would be as high as “everyone” who got a jabberwocky, particularly since some reports are circulating indicating that a large number may have received a placebo, and that in some parts of the world, medical professionals who’ve awakened to what is going on, have started secretly replacing the death jab with a benign saline jab, to save lives in this genocide. Many would say that the deaths we’ve already had (many of which have apparently been criminally concealed through fraud, as whistleblowers have reported CDC taking deaths OFF of their VAERs website of vax adverse effects) would already constitute mass casualties, never mind having many more to come.

So regardless the actual numbers involved, the cards suggest that mass casualties from the quackzine will have an upending effect on the world and turn things topsy-turvy.

Why Trump had to Support the Quackzine

Many people get confused about why President Trump would support a quackzine which has been demonstrated to be clearly dangerous.

See some of these resources regarding the danger: and and and and and and and and and and and and and

So I wanted to present some info and resources on this question.

This is a post that I found on one of the Telegram channels that sums up the issue well:


1) He is part of a military operation.
2) Globalists’ plan involved starting Cohveed once HRC won.  When she didn’t, they waited until the last year of DJT’s term to roll it out for several reasons:
     A) Cover for election fraud
     B) Start the depopulation
     C) Begin fear/control
     D) Not give him enough time to make a quackzine so they could present one that could be approved by the FDA and MANDATED FOR ALL.
3) DJT had to countermove…  to get rid of Covid/Fear/Control, expose big pharma, and ensure a quick quackzine would have to be labeled experimental, NOT be mandated.
4) He had to weigh both options:
     A) Tell America the quackzines are a big pharma / globalist plan to depopulate the world.
     B) Endorse it.
     A) If he warned, the media would mock him, call him a failure, hype Covid all the more, demand a real quackzine, and then he wouldn’t be able to expose election fraud, make thousands of arrests, expose the Deep State plan, and turn things around naturally with the public waking up.  He would have had to stop the election fraud before it could be seen, taken office for the second term, and forced his hand resulting in chaos and a certain civil war with MSM stoking the flames and increasing public terror or let it play out for election fraud and a Biden takeover which would let the Deep State to create an approved, MANDATED quackzine, killing millions more.
     B) By endorsing it but placing truthful info in alternative news sites, the Deep State’s quackzine HAD to remain experimental and not mandatory, which was NOT part of their plan.  

If DJT can turn this around naturally, in the upcoming month or so, he can stop the momentum, have WAY less deaths, and get the quackzinated sheep to med beds.

In war, sometimes you have to choose between two bad options.  Given the globalists’ strategy, DJT and the military chose the path with the fewest casualties, and that is to keep going with the facade of endorsing the toxic but NOT MANDATORY quackzine publicly.  The alternative would have been FAR more deadly for all of us in so many ways.

At minute 22 in this video Clif gives a good explanation of why Trump had to support the vax:

Also consider this:

Clif High speaks again about why Trump had to support the vaxxes in these videos: and

This is the specific part of the Quack Up Woo video where Clif speaks on this:

In addition, Patel Patriot, who has done the whole magnificent Devolution series, wrote about Trump’s vax stance in part 15 of his Devolution series:

“One thing I will state for certain: Trump’s pro-vaccine stance is directly related to devolution and his dismantling of the Deep State….I’m going to prove to you that Trump knew the enemy’s pandemic plans in advance. That advanced knowledge made Trump and team able to make appropriate countermoves….I believe EO 13887 and OWS are the two primary steps Donald Trump took to fight Covid-19 and the plan of control brought about by the Deep State…..When I look at the above results, it tells me that Trump’s pro-vaccine stance isn’t geared towards his base. A majority of his supporters will still vote for him regardless, and those same supporters still won’t get the jab even though Trump supports it. Trump knows all of this. Trump has taught his base to question what the mainstream media and government officials tell us. Trump has taught us to do our own research and use our freedom of choice to make the decision we feel is best. So if his pro-vax stance isn’t geared towards his supporters, we can logically determine it’s for those who don’t support him.

I had a thought about all of this, which correlates to the many truthers who talk about 3D vs 5D. They speak about how we have to move from 3D, which refers to the “everyday” or muggle perspective on the conventional material world that so many people assume “is all there is”, and move to 5D, which refers to the way of living which understands the interpenetration of the spiritual realm in reality, and the fact that the spiritual realm alone is what is ultimately real.

Likewise, we are now in a worldwide situation that can be observed in a “muggle” manner, similar to 3D, by looking only at the surface and at things at face value. Or, things can be viewed in a deeper and more sophisticated way, similar to 5D, one which understands that we are at war, and that when you’re at war, particularly an information war, you just cannot take things at face value. One of the things that has been repeated many times within the truther community, is from Sun Tzu in his Art of War, where he says that “all war is deception.”

In spite of how often this has been repeated, it still seems to me that the majority of folks in the “truther” community are unable to really understand the meaning of this. They are unable to assimilate this, and alter their outlook based on what they are being told directly about war strategies. While it may be disappointing that we can’t just read events or statements at face value, that is part of what is meant. We cannot take all of what Trump says at face value. We have to learn to “read” his statements in context, allowing for the whole context of the world war in which these statements are placed.

Because some people have great difficulty perceiving these various things in context and NOT taking things at face value, they can respond with resentment or great doubt when Trump makes statements supporting the quaxxines, which really bother them. Some immediately assume Trump is either stupid or a deep state operative. Which is a pretty ridiculous thought, given the whole context, and all that has taken place for the last 5 years.

So, if this article is anything, it’s an effort to warn you away from the perspective of taking all things that Trump says at face value, and instead developing the skills needed (such as capacity for a big picture view) to orient yourself to a larger perspective, where you’ll have more likelihood of grasping what is going on in a wartime situation.

So, I can understand from all these reasons, why Trump had to support the vax. What I don’t understand yet, is why the White Hats and US Military could not have intervened in the vax delivery, (they should have had the intel to know that the vax was intended to be injurious) and replace the deadly vaxxes with harmless saline solutions.

More info was shared in this article from Badlands Media about there possibly being a totally separate “vax” which was developed by the military: Also there is a theory presented that Trump worked with Johnson and Johnson, in a manner such that their covid vax was not dangerous like the others, it was not Cabal-produced. Which may be why the Cabal tried to tarnish it for awhile. So, it could just be that everyone who got the Johnson and Johnson vax got a safe product, and those are the lives that Trump “saved.”

UPDATE September 1 2022

A very exciting update. A new Anon, SGAnon, has started doing podcasts on Rumble, and today he presented the amazing and very welcome news, that the White Hats have already worked for years, and have developed an antidote to the deadly covid vaxxes!!

The Restoration of our American Republic: What will our new “Old” Nation Look Like?

I had no idea what’s been going on “behind the curtain” for many years while President Trump was in office, but starting on November 4 2020, I began to discover many amazing things that delighted me, while at the same time, commencing an incredible level of anticipation. Like so many, I’ve been living with a great deal of impatience for the last 2.5 months, eager to see “the drop of the hammer.”

It would have been wonderful enough just to discover that Trump could easily solve this apparent serious crime of massive election fraud that was perpetrated on our nation, essentially depriving so many Americans of our right to vote. But beyond that, I learned that he had worked with a team on a years-long plan to save our nation from the Sh@dow Government which had been controlling it for so long ( I will use intentional misspellings in this article to help deter nefarious Big Tech b0ts). And not only that, but this team’s plan would not just rescue our nation from these criminals, but would also free most of the rest of the world from this vast criminal organization!

But wait…there was still MORE! MUCH MORE!!!

American revolution

Like many of us, I’d had no idea that our nation was in essence stolen from underneath us, 150 years ago. We the People had been cheated, betrayed by those who we had elected to protect our nation and our freedom, when because of national debt after the Civil War, our leaders, between 1871 and 1938, essentially “sold out” our nation to a few very wealthy families and powers, and secretly substituted our original legal system and financial system, with a new and unconstitutional legal system, and enslaving financial system. Our so-called “justice system” has been operating illegally and unconstitutionally ever since. Our original American Common Law system was replaced with Admiralty or Maritime Law, also called Statutory law. Our original Gold-backed financial system, was lost to a debt-based system centered on the “Federal Reserve”, which is a privately owned entity, and enslaved to the Central Bank.
Many intelligent Americans, delving deep into law books, have actually discovered this on their own. But good luck to anyone who’s tried to assert their rights under the original and only truly legitimate legal system, because the “powers that be” have done their best to obscure the real legal system and squash anyone who tries to assert their rights under it. People have been fined, arrested, even jailed when they have tried to assert their inalienable constitutional rights under law.

Like so many, I’d encountered much in our alleged “legal system” that seemed incredibly unjust and unfair. I had always bristled at the idea that the government should have a right to take so much of our income, particularly when it was quite evident that the wealthiest people, and those who did not work at all, as well as the largest corporations in America, had easily found ways to pay no or very little personal income tax or little or no corporate income tax. I’d felt outraged that after spending a life savings to buy a home, homeowners had to pay enormous annual property taxes, (taxes which continued to increase every year as well) for the rest of their lives.

But most of all, I had been outraged at the injustice I’d seen and experienced in our civil “justice system”, which was no justice at all. I had seen others have horribly unjust experiences in the civil system, and had suffered with it myself, and found myself quite furious when I realized that no one could get real “justice” in this system if they weren’t either wealthy, or if they had no “cause” that an attorney could find a way to profit from, and thus take their case “on contingency” and not charge them to represent them. The system worked best for those who wanted to abuse it to extort others: work in cahoots with an unscrupulous attorney, and for the price of filing a lawsuit, you can be virtually guaranteed a multi-thousand dollar “settlement” payment, eg, extortion payment. Because if they won’t pay you this, you threaten that you’ll take their car or their home.

How did things ever get so unfair? Why didn’t anyone care to do anything about this? And there was so much more in the “legal” system that seemed so unfair — so many different kinds of taxes, ordinances, statutes, licenses and permits required, and so many rules and regulations for nearly every small part of life.

Well I was amazed when in conjunction with learning about what would be done to save our nation from the criminal organization that had come to run it, I learned that the nation would be restored to its original, Constitutionally-based system of law, called “Common Law.” And that we would also go back to the “old” financial system, a system based on the Gold Standard, rather than the Federal Reserve, which would be abolished.

1832.3, 69

What was this all about? What kinds of changes would be coming? What is Common Law and why is it important? What would be the elements of the new financial system?

Here is a document which describes how the nation was “lost”

The Constitution Now

I first want to say a little about Common Law, the original system of law in our nation, and how it differs from the “legal system” that we have now. Information on this topic can be found in books like these:






And read history of Common law in books like these:






These books and other articles on Common Law, help explain that Common Law, which was formed in indigenous Old Europe, and bears resemblance to the customs of indigenous nations all over the world, is a system of law that unlike the oppressive system that came after it, upholds the natural dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. It exists to protect our God-given rights, which no system of law may be justified in taking away. The fraudulent system of law that has been thrust upon us by a corrupt and criminal ruling elite, by contrast would remove these God-given rights and turn us into tax-paying wage slaves who seem to be born to serve a system of law, rather than having a system of law designed to serve us.

One example of the difference between the Common law system and the oppressive “fake” legal system, is that in Common Law, you do not have “victimless crimes.” Many of us have rightly felt outraged at the level of control being exerted by a “nanny state” which has created a huge number of controlling regulations and laws, laws which make victimless crimes and compel performance for no reasonable end. A good example of nanny state illegal overcontrol, is “seat belt” laws. We are required by this fake legal system to wear seat belts, but there is no “victim” of our not wearing seat belts: no one is harmed by our refusal to do so. The government and its apologists may argue that we harm ourselves by refusing to wear seat belts, and cite statistics showing that more people die in accidents if they have no seat belt on. However, Common Law does not recognize a government right to step in and restrict our freedoms and create numberless laws to (ostensibly) try to prevent us from any possible harm to ourselves, while harming us by restricting our freedoms. Such offensive and oppressive laws clearly offend the dignity of the free human being and our own sovereignty under God.

So in our new “old” Republic, we shall have no more of seat belt laws, or anything else of the kind. I expect that, along those lines, we would also have no more laws requiring “permits” for concealed carry of firearms, much less laws prohibiting concealed carry or permitting local politicians and sheriffs to refuse to issue concealed carry permits (as is the case in many municipalities), because carrying a concealed firearm is another “victimless crime.” It is something that harms no one. Irrational gun control advocates have long refused to acknowledged this, and seem stuck in a delusion that physical objects themselves somehow commit crimes or cause people to commit crimes. This delusion will in no way be supported by Common Law, and as well, Common Law cannot be used by globalist criminals to try to disarm an entire populace. Which is why they’ve so hated it.

1832.3, 69

One change in our move back to Common Law which I and many businesspeople eagerly anticipate, is the restoration of the concept that two adults could be trusted to meet and create a contract, and do business between themselves, without the government meddling in their contract! Many of us have been quite outraged at the many ways that a “nanny” or overcontrolling government, has managed to get involved in what should be our inalienable right to create contracts with other adults. One example of how government meddles, can be found in “rent control” and “eviction control” laws which exist in many municipalities, whereby private property owners who enter into a contract with a consenting renter, are deprived of their rights under that contract, in fact are denied the right to uphold their own contract. Renters are allowed to terminate such a contract at any time with 30 days’ notice, and move out. But the property owner is denied the very same right to terminate the same contract with the same 30 days’ notice, by the meddling and interloping government. Some property owners are even being told, by the government, in terms of “eviction controls” that the government seeks to impose, that they are to be imprisoned for life in a contract with a renter, whom they may long ago have ceased interest in doing business with. This is an incredible intrusion and affront to human sovereignty under God and our right to freely enter into contracts with other adults.

There are many other examples that can be found of government intrusion into business contracts, and I believe that this illegal and offensive whittling away of our rights to create and enforce our own contracts, helps explain the demoralizing and distressing phenomenon many of us small business owners have experienced, of how unfortunately many customers seem to have little care about performing the terms of their contract. They’ve essentially been taught, through ever-present government overreach and intrusion into our private affairs and private contracts, that they are not really expected to follow through on their responsibilities under that contract, since the small business owner has no realistic way to enforce those terms.

For instance, I have a friend who owns rental property. He reports that it’s common for those renting a unit from him, to fail to read the rental contract and his rules, and/or to break the rules, because they know that even if they breach the contract (for instance by illegally subletting, smoking in a nonsmoking unit, even vandalizing the property) , due to the “politics” in his area, meaning the meddling by the city and local government in his contract, he would have a very hard time evicting them or penalizing them in any way. While large multinational corporations (mostly part of the corrupt c@bal) have preserved for themselves the right and the ability to severely punish customers or users for trivial offenses or even innocent actions (eg Twitter banning hundreds of thousands of patriot accounts), small business owners are by comparison deprived of power to enforce reasonable terms of their contracts. The end result is the proliferation of a culture where many people are being “schooled” to be dishonest, to feel they have no responsibility to carry through on the contractual agreements they freely and consensually entered into. There is also a result of widespread demoralization as people see that there is no point in following the law. For instance, my property owner friend has more than once been sued for things he never actually did, by malicious scammer tenant attorneys who invented completely fictional allegations, and one of his conclusions has been, “If I end up sued even after I very scrupulously attempted to follow the letter of the law, why am I bothering to follow the letter of the law? I might as well just break the law if I’m going to be sued anyway.”

While more freedom for all and a move away from “victimless crime” statutes (such as many traffic and parking laws are) generally seems to be a good thing, I can also imagine ways that we might have greater difficulty, under the new “old” Republic, in addressing social/civil issues which may not really rise to the level of “crime”, but which certainly create nuisance. For instance — and this goes toward explaining the name of my website — I have spent several years observing and writing about many cities’ seeming inability to intelligently and effectively deal with the problem of homeless camps and homeless individuals (many of whom are more accurately described as addicts, persons with serious mental illness, and/or criminals) set up all over their sidewalks, streets, parks and other public areas, as well as what in some cases amounts to entire fleets of dozens or hundreds of RVs and vans of people using public streets to basically create a permanent living place for themselves. These spots may in some cases be in front of other’s businesses or homes. I would not like a brave new world in which it’s deemed acceptable for such massive nuisance to be unrestricted, even encouraged.

Yet I believe that overall, a return to the new old Republic, will teach honesty, will teach responsibility. It will be easier to enforce contracts, easier to go to court to get someone fined or have a contract nullified, if they fail to carry through on their responsibilities under contract. The justice system will by and large be functional again, and we will no longer have to be wealthy to receive justice. The general effect upon the culture, then, will be an increase in honesty and responsibility and indeed ethical behavior, as people will no longer experience being able to get away with breaching contracts with impunity, committing crimes with impunity, and people will also feel much happier about following the law when they feel the law is much more fair and respectful.

Declaration of US

While this change will be music to the ears of lovers of freedom everywhere, it must be realized that a good number of people (if still a minority of the nation) will find this freedom upsetting. Why? Why would anyone find freedom upsetting? Well the gun control anecdote may give a clue. Even though I believe they are a minority in the nation, there are quite a number of people who don’t seem happy unless they can control others or see that government is controlling and suppressing others whose views or even whose freedom they despise. Make no mistake, freedom is an existential challenge to human beings. Being free forces us to make choices, as to what we will do with our freedom.

On that note, which pertains to philosophy and the meaning of our life, let’s take a moment to consider the subject of philosophy. Parallel to and perhaps coming in part as a result of the corruption and crimes of the glob@list elites, we’ve seen the rich subject of philosophy become virtually meaningless over the last century. It has changed from a subject that could engage Everyman and Everywoman in terms of assisting us to thinking about the meaning of our lives, to becoming little more than a dead-end game played by academics in their narrow realms of specialization. Philosophy is now all but reduced to a dry existence inside academic institutions. But just as we are resurrecting our “old” Republic, perhaps we need to resurrect many other things, and re-discover old forms of wisdom, including philosophy. It might be that the existential dilemmas we collectively and individually face with the transition to the new old Republic, will make useful a re-discovery of the existentialist philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard. I recommend the book Irrational Man: A Study in Existentialist Philosophy by William Barrett, which has been called “the finest definition of existentialist philosophy ever written.” Existentialist philosophy deals with the struggle for self-realization in the modern age. More than perhaps any other type of philosophy, it can elucidate for us, why freedom can be so challenging, and thus help us understand the burden of freedom for those not psychologically or spiritually prepared to contend with it.

For those of us who are psychologically mature enough to realize its gift, freedom can release time, energy and imagination, and bring joy and zest for life. But for those not mature enough to expand in a large open field that it offers, freedom can be painful, for instance forcing people to realize how they have wasted their lives, how they’ve been heavily controlled by fear, or what shallow and meaningless pursuits they have been involved in. When people realize this, one of their first reactions may be to hate those who have given them the freedom to begin to have such realizations. They may struggle to resurrect some local or smaller form of an oppressive government, because in that, they knew their role, and felt safe, and seemed justified in their fear and eagerness to see others controlled. For a lighthearted comedy pertaining to this topic, see my satire video on “mask options”:

The illegal face mask mandate is a case in point of how some small-minded, fearful people seem to long to be controlled by being “required” to wear masks. Many of us are familiar with this sight: we see people wearing face masks in places and at times where there is absolutely no legitimate reason, even in the most fearful interpretation of an overreaching mask mandate, for someone to wear a face mask. We see people wearing a mask when alone in their car, or when out hiking, hundreds of yards away from other people, if not a half a mile away from the nearest person. These ridiculous people have either become hypnotized by the mass delusion and mass/mask hysteria of our times, or they have realized (perhaps unconsciously) that wearing a mask is a way for them to easily (and stupidly) and showcase their (fake) virtue, through shallow superficial actions. They can just put on a mask, far beyond times when there is any remotely rational reason for wearing one, and wa-la, suddenly they can be a “good person.”

This nonsense will very thankfully be harder for them to engage in, with the restoration of our Republic. As we move into this new old system, the truth will gradually (or perhaps not so gradually!) be revealed about everything, including the farce and fiction of this sc@mdemic and pl@ndemic, and thus it will be increasingly clear that these people are completely delusional. During the last few years, those of us who love America and love freedom have been vilified and hated by these delusional people, and the criminal c@bal who controls their thinking with its evil propaganda. This will change, and we will see sanity restored, so that as is appropriate, it will be those who detest freedom, who will be viewed as delusional and self-hating.

One other significant change that may soon be coming to all of us, is that as we return to our pre-1871 Republic, we’ll return to a Constitution that has only 13 or possibly 14 Amendments. It notably does NOT have the 16th Amendment, which was passed by Congress in 1909, which gives permission to the US federal Government to collect federal income tax, which prior to 1871 was illegal. This means that before long, we will have no tax on our income!

This leads to another topic…which is that as we see our original Republic restored, we will see significant changes in our financial system. What exactly these will be, is not yet clear. The essence of the changes is that we will move away from a debt-based financial system centered on the Central bank and Federal Reserve, toward a gold-backed financial system with no Central Bank and no Federal Reserve.

In mid 2021, I joined the American States Assembly, founded by Anna von Reitz, who is the Fiduciary for The United States of America. Anna has clarified some things about the restoration of the Republic. On January 12 2022 she wrote this:

Earth to Trump and Military

Trump can’t be the 19th President of the Federal Republic, because the Federal Republic has never been Reconstructed by the States.  Period. 

Reconstruction of the American Federal Republic is something that the State Assemblies in this country are working toward, but we still have a lot of educating and hard work to do to get that done. 

Meantime, the only valid international level government left intact for him or anyone else to be President of, is our good old Federation of States, the unincorporated United States of America.  

If he doesn’t understand that yet, he definitely needs to understand it now.  

The only people in this country with the standing to offer him a job in that capacity, did so nearly two and a half years ago.  

Crickets to the offer. 

So, it’s his lack of comprehension and lack of schmartz on the part of his military advisors that is keeping this from moving forward in a calm, orderly, lawful, and legally acceptable pathway. 

Any attempt by the U.S. Military to occupy the American Federal Republic without our explicit written permission and agreement is an illegal and undeclared Act of War by Britain and the Lord Mayor of London against America. 

It will be recognized as such by our Treaty Partners and the International Courts. 

So, as I have been saying for over two years, Mr. Trump needs to get his act in order and come talk to the American People who are acting in their proper standing and who have convened their lawful State Assemblies. 

Nobody else on Earth can give him the assistance he needs to do what he wants to do. 

So tell him to beat feet up to Alaska and sit down and get the information he needs. 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America 

I don’t know any details about the financial system to come, but some people have written about this. I present below a summary of info from a document about this new system, called NESARA for “National Economic Security And Recovery Act”, which some have been circulating.

American revolution

History and true story NESARA

Facts about NESARA:

Nesara info

Some Facts about Nesara/Gesara

NESARA / GESARA was the National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act – the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the US, but the planet (thus GESARA).

The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS, Shadow Government and more. NESARA implements the following changes:

-Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
-Abolishes the income tax.
-Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
-Creates a14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
-Increases benefits to senior citizens.
-Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
-Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.
-Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.
-Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
-Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
-Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
-Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
-Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
-Restores financial privacy.
-Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
-Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
-Establishes peace throughout the world.
-Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
-Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

What will be the result of all of this? Or anything even close to this?
It looks like it could remove burdens from a great many people, in quite an extraordinary way.
I’ve seen some videos which suggest that in the new Republic, everyone will have so much money, that no one will need to work. Or, alternately, that we won’t have to do much work at all!

I am wondering how this could work…imagining for instance, that if no one needed to work, while at a glance this sounds lovely for all of us, what if your plumbing sprung a leak, or your door needed repair, or you needed dentist work or your car fixed, or you wanted to buy groceries at a store, and there was now no one to do those things, because, well, why work when you don’t need to? It seems to me that we can’t very well get by if no one works.

Some renters have hated on landlords for half their life or more, but if property owners no longer had to “work” because they had no need for income, this could lead to no rental apartments or homes being available anywhere. What ya gonna do then, renters? Perhaps all renters in the new Republic would now have enough money to buy their own homes. But people do travel — especially if they have a lot more money and boatloads of free time now that they don’t have to work— where are they going to stay if suddenly there are no hotels or motels, or Airbnbs, because operators of those businesses have had enough headaches with bad guests, and heck, they don’t need the money any more!

So, it seems to me that a society in which no one “has to work” may not actually be ideal, unless there are enough people who are still willing to work even though they don’t have to work. Perhaps they would be willing to do so, once the legal system changes sufficiently such that there are now fewer risks (eg lawsuits) that are possible with them just operating their business in a routine and standard manner.

I may add to this article as I hear more information about what will come as we return to our old Republic!

silver coin stackgold bars

The Burden of the Truth: Psychological Impacts on Those Who Carry the Truth for The Unawake

Since I began to be “blasted awake” by the events surrounding the “Election Apocalypse” and its fallout, I have become increasingly aware of a mental, emotional, psychological and indeed spiritual burden that I am carrying, as a result of being one of the few “holding the truth” of these times, in my particular place and time in the world.

I suspect that many of us are aware of such a burden. Particularly if we live in a “blue” or Democratic/liberal Biden-voting area, or have mostly Biden-voting friends, or Trump-voting friends who could not “hold the line” and think Joe Biden is now our president. The political divide has certainly increased over the last 4 years regardless, between Democrat/liberal voters and the “Trump supporters” or MAGA people, but since November 3rd this divide has just become cataclysmic. Previously, at least we could agree on who was

earthquake massive rupture pavement

president and what was happening around us. Now the very fabric of reality is being debated. We “in the know” are quite literally burdened with the carrying of a truth for a large number of people who, for various reasons, have not been able to carry out their existential and ethical responsibilities, what I would call their human ethical “duty” to be aware, and to seek continually to discern truth from falsehood.

In this article, I want to elucidate and explore the nature of this psychological and spiritual burden that we the truth-bearers are carrying now, because I believe that the more we understand and honor ourselves for what we are carrying, the more we can cope with this difficulty, as well as seek ways to relieve it and find ways to boost our spirits.
Towards the latter part of this article, I also want to explore another related burden we face at this time, which is that of not knowing what is the truth! There are some things we do know, but there’s a great deal we do not know, and the stress of not really knowing some very important elements about what is going on in our nation, is very likely just as if not more stressful than that of carrying the truth in a time of lies and delusion.

It would have been unthinkable to me, 10 years ago, or even 5, that a presidential election should occur, and that the individual who clearly lost the election, should thereafter be “inaugurated” in a fake ceremony, and be thought by many to be the new president. This in spite of the fact that careful attention should have made it clear that the inauguration was “weird”, to put it mildly. Eg, some attendees were wearing different shoes at different points in time (Jill Biden’s changed color). “Hills” were seen in the background which do not exist in Washington DC. The swearing in occurred 17 minutes early, at an “illegal” time for a swearing in, such that it would seem we now have either 2 presidents, or 0 presidents. “Lady Gaga” sang the National Anthem in what I would describe as a bizarre outfit, with a giant oversized red skirt and a giant oversized bird pin, matching that of a star in the “Hunger Games.” This is not someone who is singing the national anthem to make a point about love of country. Actually quite the opposite seemed to be the case.

Lady Gaga Hunger Games outfit

The “Hillary Clinton” who appeared at Bill Clinton’s side, was at least 6 inches shorter than she had been, compared to his height, a few years before. The “Joe Biden” who was sworn in, is clearly not the same Joe Biden who was Vice President during Obama’s administration, as can be seen when you compare photos of the two. (see photos of these in my previous article) A couple people (Roy Blunt and Nancy Pelosi) appeared to be either detained or handcuffed by US Marshals as guests left the inauguration. There are some notable differences between the “Oval Office” where “Biden” signed his history-breaking spree of 42 Executive orders during the past week, and the real Oval Office. Such as different wallpaper, no secret service box on the desk, and reflections from stage lighting (eg, Hollywood set lighting) appearing in the “new” Oval Office. And, last but not least, the White House has been completely dark all night, every night, for the last 10 days, since January 20th. It’s also been dark during the daytime, as shown in this video evidence:
And then, what the heck is that huge new structure (construction of which began before Jan 20th, and is thus not something “Biden” is building) that is being built right in front of the White House, which by the way is still circled in fences and patrolled by thousands of national guard troops?

Structure next to white house under construction still Jan 30

This is not a small thingee being constructed there right in front of the White House.
Eventually we gonna all see what it is for!

Those who are “quite unaware” now think “Joe Biden” is our new and sweet nice president, after “Orange Man Bad” is gone, that nasty “dictator”, and are simply glossing over the inconvenient fact that in his first week in office Trump signed one executive order, and “Joe” has now signed 42. If you can call them “executive orders.” They are play theatre.

Biden 19 EO first 3 days

But it’s not only that we the truth-bearers understand who is the real president and who’s the fake, possibly in some kind of rubber mask, and that there’s a thing called CGI, and that a lot of people don’t know when they are watching a movie. We also know about a heck of a lot more that’s been happening and continues to happen, and what’s going to happen. We may not know everything, but we know a lot about what is fake, and we know a lot about what evil has been hidden that is about to be revealed. And we know about the great good that will come.

In the midst of this, particularly when we are isolated and do not have friends or community close by to be with for in person support, the emotional and spiritual burden we carry can be greater.

I now want to explain more about the substance of this burden we carry, explaining it using Systems Theory and Jungian Psychology’s explication of the shadow elements in all individuals and communities. I studied these in graduate school as I worked towards my Master’s in Counseling Psychology, in training to be a psychotherapist. I didn’t end up becoming a therapist, as I only did 1.5 years of my post-graduate internship before choosing to go in another direction.

Carl Jung gave us great insight into the “shadow element” in ourselves and communities. This shadow element is what is hidden and existing either in our own personal unconscious, or the unconscious area of a group or community. It is that part of us or the part of a community or group, which is disowned. The shadow need not be something negative: there are also positive shadow aspects, for instance when a person is unable to “own” his own ability or skill or potential in some area, and can only see that other people have this ability, not he himself. One of the best ways of discovering the shadow in any situation, is to look at what is being projected, via psychological projection. We always “find” in other people, what we reject in ourselves. We may adore them for what we believe they have that we do not, or we may hate and detest them for what we project onto them, that is actually a disowned part of ourselves. The same occurs in groups, wherein entire groups of people will “disown” some quality or attribute, and project it onto others, in another group. For instance, “we” are the good people who have the right virtues, views, and do not hate. “You folks” are the racists, bigots, white supremacists and haters. Yeah, we’ve seen a lot of that kind of projection for many years now, haven’t we? Still, it stuns me that otherwise intelligent people could go years and years with such views, apparently not thinking for a moment that perhaps they are missing something.

ML VOn Franz

Marie Louise Von Franz, a noted Jungian Analyst, wrote a book called “Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology“, which dealt with ways that we can all learn to “recollect” what parts of ourselves we have cast abroad, when we have disowned them and pasted these parts onto others.

So some may look at the last 4 years of what they call “political divisiveness” in our nation, and fret about it as though it were mostly a matter of people disagreeing. But it’s much more than that. It’s a situation of ever deepening psychological projections, and the “casting of shadow elements” on others. This projection became ever more extreme and unhealthy, from 2016 to 2020, with Donald Trump being referred to as “racist” and then later being referred to as “Nazi” and “Dictator.” Similarly, his 80 to 100 million American patriot supporters were maligned with increasing vehemence, as deplorables, then racists, white supremacists, and now even as “domestic terrorists.” While we understand that it’s a large criminal organization that is leading this brainwashing of so many in the nation, the fact that people are falling into such a level of brainwashing bespeaks also of the weakness of their own ego and psychological structure, and their spiritual weakness. Because people who “own their own stuff”, do not have this inclination, or at least this degree of inclination, to project their shadow material onto others in this way. People’s psychological and spiritual maturity can be gauged in part by to what extent they can own their own psychological material and baggage, and avoid projecting it onto others. Mature individuals have perspectives less contaminated by distortion, and also likely more informed by intuition, because good judgment and wisdom tend to build strong intuitive capacity.

Under Systems Theory, every type of group or community is considered a holistic “system” that functions like an organic organism. In a holistic system, you can’t change one thing in the system without impacting everything else in the system, because all parts are related to each other. There is a native interdependence in holistic systems, as on the earth in nature. For instance, how we’ve learned that if you try to reduce the number of deer in an ecosystem, this can have a negative impact on the mountain lions, which prey on the deer. You can’t just go in and interfere with a system and change one thing and expect nothing else to be impacted. Thus when you have an unhealthy part of the system, like a huge shadow element and large amount of psychological projection, that impacts the functioning and health of the entire system. There will be other parts or beings in the system who suffer or end up compensating for the imbalance.

Another way to understand systems theory and the holistic process, is to think of it like a group of workers who are working together on a project such as building a house. So, in order to build the house, some people work as carpenters and build the frame. Others are plumbers and install the plumbing pipes. Others as electricians put in the wiring so we have power. Still others put down tile and carpeting, others do the sheetrock and painting, the HVAC folks put in the heating and air conditioning, and in the end we have a house because each skilled tradesperson did their part. If one person doesn’t do their part, the house can’t be finished — for instance if the plumbers never showed up: no functioning house.

A vector illustration of workers working on home renovation

So, our system is like that, in terms of the different people in the system carrying different roles that go into the functioning of the whole system. A healthy system has people that run the gamut in terms of their carrying of elements of healthy human skills, psychology, awareness, and elements of truth and spiritual reality. Many of us have the intuitive skills to be able to go into a group, and “sense” if that group seems quite imbalanced in some way — for instance, if the entire group is composed of people who have disowned their own anger, this can be “felt” in that the group will have a certain fragility — a certain “tightness” — as its’ members can be perceived to be “on the lookout” for anger or those carrying the actually quite powerful embodiment that comes with those who can own and express their own anger. They will fear this healthy embodiment of anger. They will quite readily project their disowned anger onto others: “X is the angry one! Z is the hater!” The more elements that the group disowns in itself, the more numerous and intense its projections onto others.

What we are living in now, is such a community situation. It’s a very imbalanced system we are in. The most exceptionally imbalanced system I’ve seen in my lifetime, really. We are seeing, in essence, a brainwashed 10 to 20% of the nation, disowning the other 80% as some type of deplorables, and of that 80%, it’s likely a considerable majority that have taken the resigned and defeatist attitude and fallen into the “delusion” that the fake Biden is president and “all is lost”.
The few of us who are carrying the truth in this context, are burdened by the delusions or false views of both sides. To come back to my analogy of the team of tradesmen who work together to build a house: it’s as if the carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, sheetrock workers all gave up, and left the house building to the HVAC mechanics. Yes, we can do good HVAC work, but y’all have refused to help with the house we were going to put it in. So now we HVAC guys and gals are in a bind. We not only have to do our own work, but we have to learn all these other trades skills, on short notice, and build the house ourselves because everyone else gave up! It’s an intense amount of work and we are staying up late every night, reading how to do carpentry, reading how to do plumbing and electrical work, and working 12 to 16 hour days every day, while everyone else has drifted away saying this thing can’t be done, saying it’s a delusion to think a house could be built.

HVAC work
HVAC guy has to finish this and then build the whole house too????

So that analogy conveys the burden we feel, who are carrying the truth for everyone else, but let me use another analogy which can better explicate the pain and disturbance we feel.

My parents are immigrants, who came to the US at the close of World War II. My father was a Prussian refugee, whose family, along with millions of other Prussian refugees, lost their homes and all their property, when they were forced to flee their homeland of 800 years during Stalin’s invasion of the region with Russian forces. Some of my relatives were also executed by the Nazi regime, for expressing dissent from this totalitarian government. So there are several ways that this experience of my ancestors, helps me understand the burden of carrying the shadow material for a group system.

Prussian refugees
Prussian refugees on the road

The first is that my father was never able to express, or perhaps even feel, the enormous emotional pain associated with this experience. He blocked it out, and as a result, never spoke about such a huge and impactful part of his life. The fact that he and his father, mother and sister and other relatives, had to pack up and leave their home and farm, and set out in the dead of winter, to walk with wagons through snowy roads to Germany, where they suffered and starved, and some died. As well, our family unit (nuclear family of my parents, two brothers and myself) was dysfunctional, in that our feelings and needs were not recognized. I alone of the family unit, ended up carrying the emotions which both this family, and other family members just outside this constellation, had disowned: which included the pain, grief, sense of horror and devastation about what evil was wrought upon these Prussian people, and how much they suffered and lost. I did not actually consciously know what I was carrying, until well into middle age. At which point, I became quite angry about what I realized had been done to the millions of Prussian Refugees, and to my father and his family.

There were two other levels of shadow which I also ended up carrying some part of. The first was the suppression of this part of history, from public awareness, at least American awareness. Children were not taught in school that many German and Prussian peoples suffered in World War II. Rather we were taught that “Germans were the bad guys”. So, this suffering of our family members, their loss of their property and homeland, was rendered invisible, and we alone carried it, who were pulled towards awareness of the importance of consciousness of these truths. There is quite a parallel between this experience of my father’s family’s suffering, and the subsequent maligning and vilification of “Germans”, and the contemporary situation, in which evil-doers have brainwashed ignorant masses to believe that American patriots who love their nation pose some of the gravest threat to our nation.

The other shadow element that I find myself carrying, is the disturbing awareness that many “nice” and “good” people in my community, are blithely and ignorantly cheering on people, ideas and policies which issue out of a grave and massive criminal evil. At the same time, they may mock or dismiss me for my concerns, while seemingly having no concern about the increasingly totalitarian direction and intents of their “heroes”, or how people like myself increasingly find ourselves “in the crosshairs” of this evil criminal organization: first dismissed and vilified, then censored out, some have lost jobs for their political views or because they attended a Trump rally….and now, finding the criminals attempting to prevent us from having any way of communicating with each other. They have banned hundreds of thousands of us from Twitter, Facekook, Instagram, taken down our videos from YouTube and Vimeo, destroyed Parler by taking away its web hosting services and/or server, and have attempted to shut down our very few remaining means of communicating on Gab and Telegram. How can so many watch all this and not realize that this is what totalitarian and communist regimes do: they try to ban people who speak the truth, or truths critical of the regime and its lies. It only remains to deprive us of homes, our property, our children, and then our rights to have our own opinion or indeed still walk the streets freely. I sometimes wonder to myself, at what point would my sleeping friends awaken. Will it not be until people like me are all ferried away on trains, destined for far-flung “camps”?

Christ in Crosshairs
Christ in the Crosshairs

For me this experience links directly to that of some of my brave ancestors and family members, who when they realized the horrors of the Nazi regime and possibly the genocide, dissented or spoke out, and paid for their commitment to the truth, with their lives. Hence, with these ancestral connections so close to my heart and mind and soul, I find myself now living in a state of “trauma-tinged” tension, until this situation is resolved through the “Big Reveal” to come.

These elements of psychological burden may be unique to me based on my family and ancestor’s history, but in an archetypal sense, we truth-bearers are all “Christ in the Crosshairs” while the throngs of ignorant people cheer on the criminals. We live in a truly 0rwellian situation, as well. This 1984 and 0rwell aspect adds another psychological and spiritual burden to the situation. For it’s not just that people are not aware of a problem, such as, for instance, perhaps some people living in a community with contaminated groundwater, refused to believe that this problem existed.

In our case, it’s significantly worse, because people are not just denying a problem that actually exists, but are actively believing in enormous lies and scams, such as that “Joe Biden won the election”, or the fictions about COVID-19 and the f@ke facts associated with this f@ke pandemic. The f@ke test results, the f@ke deaths numbers, the lies that face masks have any value at all in preventing spread of the virus, the huge financial destruction caused by business closures, lockdowns, travel restrictions, the evil of curfews which are so nonsensical that any reasonable person should see the derangement therein involved.

So the wrong that is being done, by ignorant people, is not a passive issue, as would be the case if they just didn’t believe something, but it becomes an active wrong being done, by their support of a lie, a nationwide delusion, and all the f@ke facts and f@ke science that goes along with this ho@x. People are taking actions by which they lend their support to the crime. Yes, they may be “well-meaning” people, but so were the nice Germans who said they “didn’t know, didn’t know, didn’t know” and waved at the departing trains full of Jews. At some point, people are responsible for trying to know: for starting to ask questions when things don’t seem to “add up”, or there are too many concerning signs, or when they hear, or should have heard, if they sought out the truth, that Senate hearings with testimony from medical doctors are being removed from YouTube as “dangerous” information.

YouTube removed doctors testifying under oath on COVID

People lend support to the crime when they keep putting on face coverings, particularly in situations where even the criminal public health directives being issued, do not require face coverings. Such as when walking in a park, hundreds of feet or half a mile away from anyone else. People lend their support to the crime, when they put masks on their children. They lend support to the crime against their own health, when they keep face coverings on while riding bicycles or jogging, preventing themselves from having full access to fresh air. They lend support to the crime, when they vilify those of us who are taking care of our own health by refusing to allow a f@ke and fraudulent government, bully and harm us with illegal public health directives. They lend support to a crime, when they stop asking questions, and fall into a role of blind obedience and submission to the “powers that be.”

And all these people actively lending support to a crime, is experienced as intensely oppressive, when you find yourself walking alone in the midst of it, as I did today, in a park in my area. I saw dozens of people, well over two hundred, and of all those people, I was one of only about 10 who had no mask on. Other than one group of young people, and a few isolated pairs walking maskless, everyone else and their young children were engaged in supporting this fraud.

Good Sheeple Wear Their Mask

It’s in this context that we the truth-bearers walk, “Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death….”

Psalm 23 2

I want to discuss another socio-psychological element of the current situation, which will be more often experienced by those of us carrying the truth for the unawake. This pertains to the behavior of those feeling trapped by the increasing level of criminal government overreach and control, who are caught in the lies and mass delusion. This involves the psychological defense called displacement. See here for common defense mechanisms: or

In this context we are currently in, with a “government” which is in essence a large criminal organization, which has been using its criminal media and pushing out divisive and Marxist, totalitarian ideologies to divide us and cause strife between us, people respond in different ways to this situation. Those who have the capacity and skill, and the necessary ego strength, psychological development, and/or support of family, friends and community, have continued to work to discern truth from lies. Others will accept what they are told without questioning it, and submissively “obey authority.” But still others will take an approach that I believe is based in the psychological defense of displacement.
Now, most all behavior which issues out of psychological defenses comes out of an unconscious prompting, for the simple reason that for most people, most all of our psychological defenses operate quite unconsciously. This is not always the case, and more “awake” people may, for instance, be aware that we are “compartmentalizing” something that is disturbing to us, or consciously suppressing something painful to deal with. But the defense of displacement operates more unconsciously.
What happens with displacement, helps explain why a criminal and overcontrolling government, inevitably gives rise to at least some individuals, who in essence obnoxiously and oppressively will replicate that criminal overcontrol in the form of an “army” of “petty dictators” in various group and community settings.

Respect petty bureaucrat
Armies of petty bureaucrats, replicating the oppressive tyranny they experience

In essence what happens is that people naturally bristle at finding themselves apparently helplessly subject to a controlling authority, or many controlling authorities (various levels of government, many corporations and entities). While psychologically healthy people will consciously resent this and rightly question the legitimacy of such governmental and corporate overreach, others will inwardly, and often quite unconsciously, adopt a resigned and defeatist attitude. They will believe that they have no choice but to submit to these tyrannical and authoritarian authorities, yet they unconsciously feel anger at being forced into compliance like this. Their psyche then may use the unconscious defense of displacement, which allows them to cope with their anger and the helplessness that they feel, by themselves in turn becoming part of a new lower-level “army” or “battalion” of petty community tyrants. So, they “work out” their own pain at being forced to “obey”, by searching around and looking for others over whom they can attempt to enact the same tyrannical overreach that they are subject to, and thus displacing that oppressive feeling from themselves, by foisting it onto others.

The “classical” example of this given in training in counseling psychology, is the family man who, after being yelled at by his boss at work, returns home and in turn yells at his wife, or kicks his dog.

In our context, what we end up with is not dog-kickers, but “mask Nazis” who take it upon themselves to oppress others in the same way that they feel oppressed. Yet this displacement was already occurring well before the pandemic. Most of us who are attentive will realize we’ve already seen quite a bit of this happening, with the rise of identity politics and its toxic ideology that glorifies victimization. One of the reasons I believe so many of the most tyrannical people we see out and about scolding others, are white, is because many white people have felt “boxed in” by the hateful and racist anti-white ideologies that are rampant now. Those that essentially imply that there is something essentially “bad” about being white. These people, who have not had sufficient ego strength to question these sick and toxic ideologies, have rather submitted to them and absorbed them. They have been indoctrinated by them. They have resolved this oppression not with courage and honor and ethics and a search for truth, but rather, in bad faith (I use the term in the sense it was used by philosopher Soren Kierkegaard), and now, quite unconsciously, but certainly harmfully, they seek out other victims that they can oppress, in the same way that they have felt oppressed. So, they search avidly around for others to accuse of being “racist”, “white supremacist”, “you haven’t owned your white privilege”, “gentrifier”, etc etc. So, we see how evil begets evil, in this sense.

This, as should be evident, is not an ethically neutral response to a criminally tyrannical government. It is a response which replicates and continues the evil, carrying it on down the ladder, if you will, spreading it abroad. People who are using this psychological defense mechanism to cope, will eventually be held accountable in some manner (perhaps in a spiritual manner, not necessarily here on earth) for the harm that they are doing to others, so I suggest that they strain to develop some awareness about what they are doing, and cease and desist from their contemptible behavior.

Spiritual Burdens related to Carrying the Truth

Most of what I’ve been exploring here can be understood as relating to psychological and social burdens of carrying the truth. I also want to explore the ways that our burdens are spiritual in nature.

One of the most obvious ways that we are spiritually burdened, is through the way the sc@mdemic has led to criminal and illegal government overreach closing churches, temples, meditation centers, and houses of worship to in person gatherings. This cuts us off from the nourishment we could find in our spiritual communities. Meeting on Zoom does not compensate for this loss.

Another way we experience spiritual burdening, is through the intrusion of unhealthy and delusional behavior by others, into settings and landscapes that we previously could rely upon as settings of health and abundant spiritual support.

Utah landscape
Is someone standing here with a face mask on?

In particular, I refer to outdoors activities such as walks in nature, prayer in nature, seeking spiritual rejuvenation and sustenance from earth and nature. It used to be that, regardless what type of emotional pain or stress I experienced — including the death of a family member, which I experienced in October 2019 — I could go into nature and expect to find just boundless cradling there, from earth and other people there seeking out similar support. But now, whenever I go into nature, I see people irrationally wearing face coverings there, and so the entire experience that I have there is marred, to at least some extent, by the intrusion of the mass delusion, the mass hysteria and social sickness, and the lies and harm being perpetrated by the sc@mdemic. I have even seen people wearing face coverings in natural places where there is no one else around for more than a mile. For instance, a couple months ago I went on a hike in a remote park in Mendocino county. At the trailhead — which was at least 2 miles from the nearest other trailhead — there was only one car when I pulled up, meaning only one other person or party of people. As I sat in the parking area, I saw a person about 100 feet away from me, emerge from the trail…wearing a face mask. This person was all alone, quite far from anyone else…yet had been so indoctrinated and placed into such fear, that he was wearing a mask in a setting where there was absolutely no need for him to do so, under even the most fearful interpretation of the most overreaching mask mandate!

This type of intrusion of mass delusion/ mask delusion into natural settings may have different impacts upon different people. For me, what it means is that I’m not able to “let go” and be as fully myself there, as fully in my own spiritual vulnerability, as I would like to be. One reason for this pertains to my perception of these masked individuals as a type of disturbance — perhaps my deep unconscious self experiences them as a threat — and there is a sense, somewhat unconscious, somewhat conscious — that I have to “protect” myself from this threat. Another reason is that I experience these people as dissociated from truth and the Divine, rather than here living in the light of the Divine. This isn’t necessarily true: it’s likely that most of these people are actually seeking help and support from God in the same way that I am, but they just have too much fear and/or unhealthy or neurotic obedience, to take off their face covering, and so they unwittingly keep themselves enslaved and deprive themselves of their own God-given power and embodied liberty and joy.

Finally, I have difficulty accessing my deepest vulnerability when I am angry, as anger of any type rouses up our defense mechanisms and “armors” us, in a psychological sense. And when I see hordes of people marching in lockstep to the commands of the Deeeeap Stayyyte, living in fear, living their whole lives in face coverings, both indoors and outdoors, obeying authority submissively rather than questioning authority, I cannot be but angry about this. People have choices, and far, far too many people are making very poor, very cowardly choices in these times, at least in my area. I saw this statement on a sticker posted somewhere recently, and it contains much truth: “Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare.”

The frankly and overtly Orwellian environment that we live in, and the intrusion of this Orwellian environment even into our places of refuge, is disturbing and anger-provoking for many of us, and thus may block us from accessing our full vulnerability before God.

Ayers Rock
A face mask does not belong here.

Diving into one’s own deepest vulnerability, allows one to there find deep contact with the Divine, in that we can come closest to God when we are in our deepest need. Times of pain, grief, sadness, loneliness, loss…all these are sacred doorways. My experience is that these are times when the “membrane” between ourselves and God is thinner, God is felt as nearer to us, closer by, lifting and cradling us. I have more experience of God’s love for me at these times, than in “normal” times. Thus, if there are “barriers” to dropping down into this deeper vulnerability, it might be harder to fully feel this cradling of the Divine.

There is another spiritual burden we who are in some regard awake to the truths of this time are carrying, and this pertains to allegations/implications of the scale and depth of evil that has been done.
With regard to this, neither I, nor, I would guess, very many people at all, have borne witness to evidence showing the scale of the evil that has gone on in our nation and beyond, for many years, perhaps decades, perhaps even centuries. I have heard claims about what has gone on. I have not seen evidence of any of this, and frankly, even if evidence did exist, I would not want to see it, as it would be too disturbing.

The evil pertains to child s3x tr@fficking, a crime which the reasonable among us must realize exists at significant scale, due to the large numbers of “missing children” around the nation and world. Whether it is true that it’s this particular crime which is the “glue that holds the Deeeaap Stayate together” , remains to be seen. This is the allegation. The facts support that the Trump Administration had a particular focus on saving children, and there are claims by many with “insider info” pertaining to how the US Military has already done operations which have rescued many children and women.

Suffice it to say that if the evil exists at only a fraction of what has been suggested, it would involve a great spiritual burden for all of us. The way I experience this is that it’s debilitating and distressing to discover the suggestion, which seems quite plausible even if not yet “proven”, that such depraved and profound evil has existed on as large a scale as it has, around the world, among the rich and powerful, for many years. This distress feels heavy, like a weight upon me. It’s possible that even the Pope and Vatican were involved: many I listen to believe the Pope was arrested 10 months ago in April 2020, and that a “double” and/or CGI have stood in his spot since then. I hold an open mind and wait to see what will eventually be confirmed.

This evil that is claimed, is at least comparable to the degree of evil that we saw in the Nazi genocide, or Stalin’s genocide, and depending on what is discovered/revealed, may well exceed those horrors. Because these are children we are talking about: children, the most innocent of us all, who should be the most protected of us all.

The Stress of these Times

At the same time as the ignorant have been hoodwinked by the lies they are fed, those of us who are finding the truth, are being “amped up” in our energy with the intense expectation of what a joy it will be, when the Big Reve@l comes and the lies are finally revealed to all, the criminals are exposed and punished, and the nation is saved and restored to the original American Constitutional Republic. The combination of this emotionally intense expectation and eagerness, along with the intense frustration about all the delusion, makes for a quite stressful feeling inwardly. It can feel like being ripped apart, torn into two.

The Stress of Not Knowing What is the Truth

So I’ve been exploring here, various psychological and spiritual burdens upon us all, as we carry the truth and the light, for a nation of people living in darkness or delusion.
And yet there is another form of stress involved in not knowing what is the truth. The time we are living in is very challenging for this reason as well: we lack verifying information about what is true, regarding some very basic issues about our community, nation and world.

I’ve implied that, for those of us with “common sense” (more like uncommon sense!) or adequate insight, intuition or desire to know, we understand many elements of the truth as I’ve described them in this article and this one. However, though we know that the “good guys are in charge”, none of us really know exactly how this is, nor do we know what “the plan” is, nor do we know any details of what the military and the Trump administration have been doing for the last 3 months, or last 4 years, or indeed the last 20 years, to take down the bad guys.

I do not know why part of the ByeDen inauguration was said to have been pre-recorded and part may not have been. I frankly do not know if Donald Trump is “in charge”, or if the US Military is “in charge” of the nation, and I do not know if the fake ByeDen administration is “mere pantomime”, and has no real power, or if they have real power and are doing real damage to the nation. I do not know who has really been arrested, and who has not, and I do not know which of the bad guys are still up and about free to walk the streets, and which if any have been replaced by “doubles.” I do not know if over half of Congress has already been arrested, as some with “insider” info have stated, or if this is not at all the case. I don’t know why many thousands of National Guard troops were called to DC prior to January 20th, and remain there, (with several thousand apparently deputized as US Marshals) with apparently more still arriving. I don’t know why fences, some topped with razor wire, went up around the US Capitol and White House area, and remain there. I don’t know why there were multiple police vehicles with lights flashing, seen in the US Capitol live cam on the night of February 2nd. I don’t know if ByeDen is in an Oval Office at Castle Rock studios in California, or if he’s really in the real White House. I don’t know why a large structure, which looked like a viewing platform or a gallows, was built right in front of the White House, and is now being dismantled (as of February 5th). I don’t know why a fake ByeDen is being used, and why, if his face is a rubber mask, and he works for the good guys, the bad guys have apparently not been able to figure out his head is rubber. I don’t know why ByeDen was allowed to be “inaugurated” (in a fake way or not) on January 20th, when Trump clearly won the election. I don’t know whether Trump has activated the Insurrection Act, or activated Executive Order 13848 and begun seizing assets of persons and entities who participated in election fr@ud. I don’t know when overt action will finally be taken and the long suppressed truths will finally begin to be revealed.

Social, Relational, Economic and other Real-World Suffering and Damage caused by the Lies, Delusion, Hysteria and Illegal Sc@mdemic Policies

Many of us are utterly desperate to see some overt action finally taken, because it is so painful to live with the burden of truth, as well as with the burden of not knowing what the heck is the truth, about so much of the current situation. This is all the more true given how high the stakes are.

However, the burdens we experience are not merely psychological or spiritual. Some of the burdens are more overt and concrete, and may be social, relational, economic or in other ways affecting/impacting practical every-day functioning in the world. Because in several ways we who stand for normality and freedom at this time, are being scapegoated, sometimes quite viciously.


I regularly watch videos by “those with insider information” such as Santa Surfing at her Beach Broadcast , Charlie Ward , Nicholas Veniamin, Mel K , Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele, Sacha Stone, Michael Jaco, Joan O Savin, and more. Something that some of these people will often say, particularly Charlie Ward, is that he feels quite comfortable “watching this pantomime play out…I don’t know the path but I know the destination.” Others may refer to their joy in being privileged to live at the time of the Great Awakening.

Scapegoat with arrows
The scapegoat often takes on the slings and arrows of outrageous psychological projection

When I hear these folks saying things like this, I sometimes feel like asking them, “Hello, do you never have to go outside your home to buy groceries, go for a walk, mail something at the post office, or engage in any other type of routine business or ordinary outing?” Because in many parts of the world, one can readily be scolded, lectured, reprimanded, vilified, photographed, video-taped, reported to authorities or even virtually criminalized, simply for going about trying to do ordinary things and errands, whilst refusing to enslave oneself with the mask delusion, or be taken in by the mass hysteria. I have found that in my area, it’s now virtually impossible to go shopping normally without being scolded, harassed, refused service or even worse. On most hikes in local parks — where NO ONE is required to wear a mask, but virtually everyone does — I find that at least half the time, at least one other hiker takes it upon themselves to lecture me about not wearing a face mask. A friend reports that she knows someone who, on his first attempt at going shopping without a mask, after using a mask for these last 8 months, he was assaulted in the grocery store where he attempted to shop, by a store employee, who shoved him down the store aisle and out the front door.

I’d like to feel more joy about the Great Awakening — and certainly do feel joy some of the time — but my ability to find or remain in that state, is mitigated by struggles I have at present in the world, just trying to live ordinary life, since due to the degree of mass delusion and hysteria, what used to be “ordinary” has now too often become an ordeal. Thus there is a real and significant level of stress just existing and doing “normal” day to day things, in these bizarre times. How much, then, do we all collectively long for the coming revelations and changes that will liberate us from the lies, deceptions, fraud, crime and delusions that now cause us to suffer in several ways.

Ways to Cope with this Stress

To cope with this stress, I recommend two spiritual practices, one creative and two relational practices:
(1) prayer and song, perhaps meditation, visualization, or earth-based practices or devotional practices
(2) laughter, which is a powerful spiritual healing element

meditation and moon

(3) creative projects such as journal writing or creative writing, photography, filmmaking, drawing/painting, music, singing
(4) relational practices such as lots of leaning on family, friends, community, mentors who are supportive, and
(5) drawing boundaries and “psychic self-defense” by not communicating with and/or taking a “break” from friends you may have who do not support your views or your truth at this time, particularly if they cannot refrain from saying things that are dismissive or negative/critical. I have had to “put a pause” on or “re-structure” 5 different friendships, because these people either could not allow me to talk about any of the things pertaining to current events that are deeply important to me and to the nation, or needed to say things that were dismissive or negative and critical. With 2 of these friends, we agreed to avoid discussing politics. This is challenging but has mostly been working. I had one other friend who agreed to not discuss politics with me, but then broke that agreement and sent me MSM articles attacking Q/Anon, which angered me, so this basically caused our communications to break down. Kinda this way: “You don’t get to tell me not to send you articles about true events that you disagree with, and then send articles with fake propaganda lies to me.”

One of my favorite ways to pray, is to go on “prayer walks” in parks, though as I describe above, this is made more difficult now because of what I find on the trail (masked sheeple, “mask Nazis”). I also sing when I do my prayer-walks.
Other times, I’ll pray and sing as I drive, or at home, but when walking in nature in parks is my favorite way, as I feel the freshness and buoyancy of God’s presence all around me.

The other spiritual practice is laughter. Many people don’t understand this, but laughter, found in telling stories, and joking, is a spiritual practice. Laughter is very healing. It’s a powerful force for good. I am referring to earthy and salty laughter, or even laughter related to irony and satire, that is related to spirit, not “dark” kinds of laughter such as found in contempt for others or laughing in hatred of others.

I do a lot of creative projects to help me move my energy, to let it flow. Look for my films, on my YouTube channel (see my blog post about my films), which show how I use irony and satire to try to reveal lies and deception, and to tell the truth, as well as to provide catharsis for those who struggle with the burden of carrying the truth in this difficult time.

Patience, Grasshopper: The Election Crisis and How to Believe That Good will Win

The point of this article is to address the distress and doubt that many are experiencing right now, as they believe that “all is lost” and that the “bad guys” or corrupt criminal communists have won the White House and now through Biden/Harris, have taken office and control the nation. I’m here to say that things are not as they appear, and that “President Joe Biden” is a sham, and that the fake “Biden Administration” will fall rather soon: whether in a few days, or a few weeks, or a couple months, I am not certain, but I am quite confident that this fakery and crime will not stand. I want to explain how you can understand this either in a “general” way through a logical process, or, if you are able, to perceive more “details” about what to expect, if you are willing to believe at least some information from sources whose credibility you can assess for yourself.

Let me begin by giving a little background about my own worldview and political orientation.
I am one of the “Boomer” generation, a child of the early 1960’s. The first president of my lifetime was John F. Kennedy.

John F Kennedy and wife

Growing up in the 1960’s, and 1970’s, I was a product of a more legitimate “liberal” age, when we did in fact “question authority” and the “counterculture” sought their own answers. I am of an age when being liberal, being countercultural, did involve or embody some aspect of thinking for oneself, being unconventional. While it’s doubtless true that real unconventionality and independence of mind is quite rare in any age, there was a time, not that long ago, when we really were encouraged to think for ourselves. This viewpoint on what it means to be “liberal” has now undergone a 180 degree transformation, which I am made aware of nearly every time I go out of my house now and walk down the street, in my ultra-liberal neighborhood in the San Francisco Bay Area, and am scolded for not being a good sheeple and wearing a mask like every other conformist sheeple. Too few of these “good sheeple” are doing what the 1960’s was all about: thinking for themselves, questioning authority, and asking themselves questions about why people asking questions about the pandemic and COVID, have been banned completely from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other platforms.

Then and now question authority

I feel sorry for so many young people, particularly those under 25 or so, as the last 5 years in particular has been a time of indoctrination in academia and public schools such as we have never before seen in our free nation. As a result of the massive leftist indoctrination into rigid, intolerant and ever more clearly racist and Marxist ideology embodied in identity politics, young people, but also so-called liberals of all ages, have been “taught” that they must NOT QUESTION the “narrative”. And what is the “narrative”? It’s increasingly evident that this “narrative” with which people are being indoctrinated, involves a complete reversal of truth. Up is down, intolerant is tolerant, those who are not racist are labelled racist, those who are racist and say that you’re born wrong and bear an original “racial sin” if you are white are the “good” ones. Men are called women, and it’s virtually forbidden, called “transphobic” in some situations or places now to refer to biological women as women. This violent and misogynistic “erasure of women” is being called “woke”, and those who are really aware of the toxic ideologies daily spewed out upon the world, even in elementary schools now, are referred to as “cultists”. Those who are conformist are being called unconventional, to be nonconformist is virtually criminal, misogynistic Islamists and violent Antifa and BLM people who hate America are righteous moral leaders, to be patriotic and love America means you are likely a domestic terrorist, Christians are backwards bigots, child abusers are righteous people, and in so many ways, good is evil, evil is good.

MSM brainwashing

In sum, things could hardly become more Orwellian and 1984 ish than they are now, and yet so many are oblivious to all of this! Obedience, not questioning, is the culture of the left today!!

1984 Orwell

We are being told, now, that the real news is “fake”, while the “major media” publish propaganda. We are told that Trump is a dictator, while the Democratic party veers ever more visibly towards totalitarianism, and we can see one Democratic governor after another issuing lockdown and shutdown orders that decimate businesses and violate people’s constitutional rights. We’re told that patriots and people who love America are the gravest threat to the nation, so much so that they must be deprived of the ability to communicate. Hundreds of thousands of patriots have lost their Twitter accounts in recent weeks, including me ( I believe my acct was suspended because I retweeted Juan O Savin acct tweets and posted Simon Parkes videos), and some of the alternative social media that they have tried to set up such as Parler, have been shut down by Big Tech as well. The remaining places for lovers of America, freedom and the Constitution, to communicate and speak the truth, such as Gab and Telegram, are being attacked and demonized.
Many Trump voters and patriots have lost their jobs or suffered other “cancellation” for something as innocent as donating to Trump’s campaign, going to a Trump rally, or even just posting messages somewhere on social media indicating support of President Trump. Likewise, we are told that white people are innately evil, white supremacists and racists, the lot of us. We are told that men are women, and women are men. We are told that preschool children’s fantasies about being the opposite gender, are all that is needed to begin their medical “transition”, and that parents must not stand in the way.

And…those who do not conform to the narrative….just might have to be “cleansed” …

CLeansing America of Trump supporters talk

I believe all of this horror, this hateful, destructive, really evil propaganda is intentional, both to divide, and to demoralize people. I don’t know exactly what the origins of this “narrative” are, but when I perceive its toxic and destructive results, I know I have to stand against these despicable lies and deeply harmful ideologies.

Like many, for quite some time now I have been disturbed and saddened to see the fall of nearly all major news media in the US. I’ve also been disturbed to see that all of my “liberal” friends are nearly completely oblivious to the fact that the mainstream media are propaganda machines. Some will admit this media is “biased”, but they can and should have noticed things as obvious as how the mainstream media (MSM) have totally failed to report major news, such as the nearly daily violent riots in Portland by BLM and Antifa folks. How the MSM have pushed divisive and racist propaganda with “fake news” about widespread “systemic racism” in the nation, how they’ve demonized President Trump, as well as the 80 million Americans who voted for him. How the left in both MSM, as well as the left-controlled academia and corporations, have pushed extremely divisive, racist and hateful “identity politics” and “Critical Race Theory” as well as a perverse “gender identity” politics and legislation which ultimately seeks to obliterate gender, the difference between male and female, while promoting policies, such as claims that elementary school children are capable of “transitioning”, that are essentially a legalized form of child abuse.

Nation handed to Satan not today Jan 19
NOt today satan
Not today, Satan!!

Because I had awakened to the collapse of major media, I realized some time ago that if I wanted any real news, I had to find it elsewhere. As it turned out, Twitter was a good source for news, because there I found many independent journalists who posted photos and videos of what they had seen and heard around the nation. On Twitter I found links to the YouTube, Rumble or Bitchute channels of independent journalists and people “in the know” in some manner. I also was able to use Twitter to view short excerpts from the few remaining “real news” journalists or media, such as Tucker Carlson, OANN, Newsmax, and Right Side Broadcasting.

I voted Democratic for most of my life, but starting in 2016, as time went on, I grew to like Trump more and more, actually quite in proportion to the ungodly throttling of our freedom and ability to express ourselves, that was coming out of identity politics and other appalling leftist ideologies. The more that the left sought to crack down on free speech, referred to ideas they didn’t like as “hate speech”, and moved to nearly criminalize some opinions, the more I appreciated that Trump “had a mouth on him” and refused to abide by their stupid rules. If he was sometimes rude or crude, this, I sensed implicitly, was actually needed: this was the antidote to the rising totalitarianism on the left. To me a bit of crude earthiness bespoke the common sense wisdom of the “common people”, who so often in history turn out to be the realm where true wisdom lies.

November 3 2020 was a major wakeup for me, because on that day, and the day after, my eyes were opened like never before, to the breadth and depth of corruption and organized crime in governance of our nation. I readily perceived that a massive crime had occurred, with massive, orchestrated election fraud across multiple states. Prior to this, I’d clearly seen the disturbing and insane trajectory of the liberal left, but up until this point, I had not seen the criminal aspect of it.
Beginning on November 4 2020, I began to be very concerned and highly attentive to what President Trump would do in response to this huge crime. I read all the updates from Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood. I donated money to Sidney Powell’s organization, . I eagerly sought out every update. For the first time in my life, I began to use the term “Deeap Stayte” (intentionally mispelled here to try to avoid bots).

I quickly began to perceive that the corruption was so widespread, that I did not see much chance of the fraud being resolved via the Justice system. I began to follow Twitter accounts of people who were posting about all the ways that this situation could potentially be resolved, and learned about Trump’s executive order 13848 of Sept 12 2018 on Foreign Election interference, about the possible use of the 14th Amendment to remove people from office who were in open insurrection against the US, about the possibility of invoking the Insurrection Act or Martial Law. I was VERY encouraged to read some things, later corroborated by statements made by Sidney Powell, and elements of her lawsuits, that indicated that military intelligence units (Specifically, the 305th Battalion) had been monitoring the election fraud in live time, and had evidence of all the fraud. Remember, one of Powell’s witnesses was a member of this elite military unit. I was also encouraged to hear later on that there was hard evidence of foreign interference in the Nov 3rd US election by China, Iran, Serbia, Germany, and later, Italy through the Vatican and its Leonardo SPa satellite. When I saw news of the huge blackout effecting Vatican city, and subsequent videos showing many black security SUVs driving through central Rome, I knew something had gone down at the Vatican.

I also read with curiosity and great interest about all President Trump’s changes in military and DOD staffing in November, December and January. I had a lot of anticipation about January 6th, and while disappointed by what happened in Congress on that day, in terms of their upholding of a fraudulent election, I was very intrigued to hear (unconfirmed) reports about what “good guys” had secretly accomplished on that day. The (unconfirmed) word was that, although the “bad guys” had apparently paid BLM and Antifa folks to break into the capitol and cause a ruckus which could then be blamed on patriots and used to demonize Trump and his followers, the Trump team had long ago infiltrated BLM and Antifa with special ops forces, and that some of these special ops actors had gone into the Capitol and seized 12 to 20 laptops of various members of Congress, including Nancy Pelosi, during the “Capitol Seige.” When interviewed on 60 Minutes by Leslie Stahl, Pelosi did say that her computer was stolen in the Capitol Seige.

I watched with great interest as some 25k to 30k national guard troops were sent to Washington DC in advance of January 20th, who erected massive fencing, topped even with razor wire. I knew that this made no sense in terms of concern about “right wing” riots, since as we have seen since November 3rd, not a single business has been destroyed or vandalized by “right wing” rioters upset about the fraud or the fake claim of Biden’s victory. Patriots go to rallies, wave flags, sing and pray, they do not burn or vandalize businesses or property.

I gradually realized that some of the “patriot” Twitter accounts I was following, who posted news and insights about what was happening, were connected with a “Q” movement that I had known nothing about prior to mid November 2020.

Red hats and Q

I began to hear about a “QAnon” group, and the articles on this group from the “MSM” (mainstream media) were mostly quite disparaging. The group was being dismissed as wacko conspiracy theorists. And so, because it’s quite clear to me that MSM is now our communist “Daily Propaganda”, I realized this likely meant that this Q/Anon stuff contained some important truth, else it would not be disparaged this intensely. Still, I was less interested in investigating just what this “group” or movement was, and more interested in continuing to read some of the posts I came across on Twitter, where I was highly intrigued when I saw that some people seemed to have insight into what might be “going on behind the scenes” in Trump’s battle against the election fraud that sought to deprive him of his legitimate victory. Were some people somehow in contact with “insiders” in the operation, that they had these insights, or were given some information? It made sense to me that people close to the president, like Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and George Papadopoulos, might have such “insider” information.

The whole situation was very concerning, but also highly intriguing, like a good mystery novel. Particularly when I read reassurances from people like Lin Wood, Donald Trump Jr, or George Papadopoulos, or “Ron = CodeMonkeyZ” , the coding genius who early on got brought into the insider group, that “we have got this“, I felt elated but also very curious. I readily “grokked” that the Trump administration was using people close to the team to communicate to us that, in fact, we had no need to worry, that the saving of the Republic from fraud and from the CCP who seemed to have infiltrated our nation through so many corrupt politicians, was assured. If it was assured, this conveyed to me that the matter was clearly not dependent upon success in lawsuits or legislative hearings, which were vulnerable to many legal factors and serendipities, corrupt judges as well as the time limits involved. Hence, I implicitly understood, in these assurances of success, that a “plan” existed, and that it likely involved things like the EO on foreign election interference, the 14th Amendment, the Insurrection Act, the US military, and perhaps more. Because if success were NOT assured, why would people close to the Trump team who cared deeply about the outcome, be assuring us of success, which conveyed that no action was really needed on our part, instead of pleading unceasingly for us to act or go to rallies or take other needed actions?

Then, the more I read about and thought about this whole situation, Deeap Stayte and all, elaborate “plots and plans” and all, Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” (which several of the “insider” accounts had referred to), the fact that President Trump understood the problem of election fraud at least 8 years ago in 2012, based on his tweets from then, as well as a variety of cryptic tweets, as well as tweets from “insiders” that conveyed contradictory information…the more I began to assess that this was an exceptionally complex situation, with, very likely, an exceptionally complex “plan” that had been created to solve it. Clearly, and this is from Sun Tzu himself, part of the plan involved deception. Disinformation, misinformation, distraction, “psyops” and deception of all kinds.

all warfare based on deception

I understood that the Trump team was in fact “at war” with the Deeap Stayyte, and had been for some time. Certainly at least since 2016 when Trump first took office. And even if Trump had not been involved prior to that, the battle between “good and evil” had existed for long before this, if the “Deeap Stayate” was at all real.

Beginning to understand that misinformation was important in this “art of war”, and also understanding Sun Tzu’s maxim about the value of appearing strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong, I began to sense that the “misinformation” that Trump was putting out now, was trying to get the “bad guys” to believe that his primary strategy in fighting them was the lawsuits his team was filing. Certainly it seemed that most Americans were taken in by this ruse. Because, down to the person, I had not a single friend who could assess this situation in any way other than by concentrating on the success or failure of lawsuits. It did not occur to them — they lacked the imagination— to think that the whole lawsuit effort was a massive “psyop.” Based on the information I had read about the evidence that Trump had, eg the military intelligence, the evidence of foreign interference, I could easily see that he didn’t need to win a single lawsuit to “win” this situation and declare the election void because vitiated by fraud. “Fraud vitiates every thing.” I began to perceive that Trump wanted the bad guys to think he was fighting primarily through lawsuits, in order to make them think he was weak, when in fact he was not only strong, but quite likely was doing a lot behind the scenes.

Sun Tzu appear weak when you are strong

Apart from those who were clearly “insiders” on Trump’s team, like those mentioned above, I was finding some Twitter accounts of people who were stunning me by speaking with great confidence about what was going on behind the scenes. Were these too insiders, using pseudonyms to disguise themselves? I was very curious by their confident statements, which like those of Lin Wood and Powell and Papadopoulos, were expressing great confidence but often short on concrete details. Sometimes, though, they DID speak about what they believed was going on behind the scenes. Gradually I realized that some of these must be the “Q” people that I had heard about. This became evident when some of them posted what were called “Q Drops”, which were messages posted on boards like 4chan and 8kun.
I could not quite understand how they determined the veracity of any of these anonymous messages, and knew they were legit as opposed to posts from trolls. I also found some of their posts less interesting or compelling, as when they sought to use numerology and gematria to find meaning in what to me seemed like perhaps random elements in various sentences.

The approach I took to all of this, which I recommend to everyone as a common sense way to navigate through life, is “take what is useful and discard the rest.” So, I ignored the posts or elements of posts that seemed to strain credulity, or which didn’t interest me that much, such as all the gematria, and focused on following posted links and watching videos and listening to interviews. Gradually, I found a network of “insiders” with pseudonyms and in some case real names, who provided a lot of very intriguing “insider” information. People like Awakened Outlaw, CJTruth, Major Patriot, Qtah, Ghost Ezra (on Twitter and Gab) Juan O Savin (107), Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele, Robert Prather, Patrick Byrne, X22 Report, Jordan Sather, Thomas Wictor, Michael Jaco, Mike Adams/Health Ranger, Monkey Werx. I preferred information I obtained from video interviews, because when real people are talking and showing their faces, or at least you get to hear their tone of voice and vocal inflections, you can assess their character and thus make some judgment about the likely veracity of what they are saying, in a way that cannot be done with merely written content.

This information they provided was not always consistent, and in some cases it turned out to be completely wrong, (eg things were predicted to occur, which then did not occur) but I understood that this could be due to a combination of the fact that their “assignment” might well be, in part, to intentionally spread disinformation, so as to confuse the enemy (for surely the Deeeep Staaaate operators would watch any video that purported to give info about what Trump was doing behind the scenes) as well as the fact that things “do not always go according to plan” and last minute changes may be needed. In fact, in one recent video on Jan 21 or 22, Charlie Ward actually explicitly said that in order to provide to us the information he did, he had to sign an NDA or nondisclosure agreement, and also that he well understood that part of his job involved “being abused” and intentionally conveying false information or misinformation.

Though it may infuriate or totally confuse some people to hear that a source of information you depend upon, is saying explicitly that some of what they are telling you is knowingly false, if you can appreciate that it’s quite a gift to get any info at all on a top secret operation, and understand Sun Tzu, I think you can overcome such reactions. Use of discernment helps, because this may allow you to figure out which part of what is said, is the false part.

Now let me return to the accusation many have made that “Q” or “QAnon” is total BS nonsense, ridiculous conspiracy theory, or, in more recent times, accusations by many Trump voters themselves is that “Q” is actually just a psyop run by Deeep Stayte actors or CIA themselves, intended to harm Trump and his movement, by misleading people on his side with fake information in order to pacify them.

Behind these accusations is a bigger issue: at the present time, with virtually all major media having become propaganda machines, how do any of us know what is “real” news, versus “fake” news? For instance, for the last several years I’ve seen the rhetoric about Trump and people who simply love America and liberty and freedom, escalate from accusations of “racist” to actually calling Trump a dictator or Nazi, a veritable Hitler. And patriots are now “domestic terrorists”, just by virtue of the fact that they wave flags and love America and voted for a man who wanted to make “America First”, according to some in Congress. Simon Parkes had his YouTube channel suspended because, they said, he was part of a “violent criminal organization.” !! So this is how bad the propaganda is now: a person who is part of a spiritual organization (Connecting Consciousness) and who peacefully shares “Q” information (which never advocates any illegal activity, and which, by the way, an adept exploration into the matter is likely to reveal, shows the origin of “Q” to be within the Trump administration itself), is being described as part of a violent criminal group. This is libel, but it’s more than just that.

It seemed clear to me that the more something was hated by the left and censored out by Twitter and other Big Tech, the more truth it probably contained. So when Twitter went on a rampage to “remove QAnon accounts”, this piqued my interest. Hmm, I thought to myself. Must be something very true there.

If QAnon is total nonsense, why bother to censor it? Wouldn’t it just be easy to ignore a lot of pointless nonsense? What harm there? Or again, if Big Tech is Deeep Stayte controlled, and QAnon is Deeep Stayyte run and CIA run, why would Deeaep Stayte want to censor out a DS operation? So as you can see, if you just put a little bit of thought into some of these assertions, you can see what makes no sense.

Also, it makes no sense to say that Q harms the Trump base by causing people to be lulled into nonaction by false hopes that there is a plan and all is being taken care of. This for several reasons. One, as ThreeSevens had posted in a Gab post, the Q people were NOT inactive. They had actually done a lot of work for a long time to counter the fake news propaganda machine and build awareness.

Q counterrd the fake news

Secondly, if you wanted to damage the Trump base through a psyop campaign, wouldn’t it be far more effective to do a campaign to push them to take illegal actions of some sort (eg the kind BLM and Antifa routinely do), so you could them more effectively demonize and vilify these people and paint all those who love America as “domestic terrorists” as DS people are wont to do? Yet Q was not about such kinds of action, as far as I could tell. It was a righteous movement, in that sense.

Third, the Q movement involved a lot of people with a strong religious, generally Christian, faith. Many prayers are spoken, scriptures quoted. These are a people of faith. Believable imitation of people of faith is not something that can be easily done by those in an evil globalist criminal cabal. Such people are so estranged from God that they would not be able to believably use the words of God to inspire people, and more likely, like the “Wicked Witch of the West” in the Wizard of Oz, they would begin “melting” if they started quoting scripture.

Finally: apart from voting for Trump, spreading the word, speaking truth and encouraging others to do so, working as “digital soldiers” to boost awareness, going to rallies, emailing and calling their legislators, what else could patriots do? It’s rather silly to imply that we can and should have done something that would have more successfully taken down the DS, than Trump himself with all the power of his executive office, the highest level of military intelligence, and the most powerful military force in the world.

Beginning on January 6th, and even more so after January 20th, many Trump voters, and even many Q people, have begun attacking “Q” leaders and the whole “Q” movement/theory. They call these folks “Q-tards” and are full of bitter derision and scorn, some of it, no doubt, comes from the sense of betrayal. They may have believed some of what was being shared, and now feel very upset and hurt as they believe they were duped, manipulated. I view these people as people of little faith and even less imagination. So just because things didn’t go the way YOU wanted them to, suddenly you think there is NO PLAN? Stop being so self-centered! Really!
But also, they are people who are being so carried away by emotional reactivity, that they’ve lost their ability to think clearly. Because it just makes zero sense to think that Trump “gave up” or “the swamp was too deep for him” or “he betrayed us.” Those views make no sense at all. Trump has quite often said he is someone who never gives up, and twice in this video clip counseled people to never give up:

Especially when Trump was so buoyant and cheerful on Jan 6th, and as he left, ending his farewell speech by saying “The best is yet to come”, and referring to a “miracle” and how we will see him again soon in another form. Well, those are BIG clues folks, that this movie is NOT over!! No one knowingly handing the nation over to a communist totalitarian future would say “The best is yet to come!” Come on!

For now, let me explain how I began to assess and piece together the various bits of information I was getting from the “insider” people and accounts. As context, I want to make it clear that I am and have always been a fiercely independent thinker, as well as highly intuitive. I have always had a strong spiritual life, a sense, since childhood, of the near presence of God. I have had a lifelong “relationship to God” which transcends a particular religion, but finds a lot of comfort in the Christian story and mythos and the person of Jesus, even if I am not a “traditional” Christian, and have found value & wisdom in nearly every religion and spiritual path. Because of my firey independence and sense of closeness to God, I have enormous inner guidance and am thus immune from “brainwashing” or “cults.” I can smell a cult and their toxic conformism a mile away. And my whole being recoils from such dysfunction. God is good: God gives us independent souls.

Thus, I have become angry when even my friends have made comments implying I’ve become “taken in” by conspiracy theories or have become a “foot soldier” for someone’s cause. It’s not in my nature to do this. I just take what is of value to me and discard the rest. I don’t listen to people “because they are Q people”, but rather, because what they have to say seems valuable or true.

Now, I want to explain why I see the information that some of these “insiders” and/or “Q” people are presenting, as lining up very well with things that any insightful person can observe for themselves with their own eyes, ears and good judgment.

Various parts of the puzzle:

(1) Understand the gravity or enormous stakes of what is involved here.  This is not just about an election.  What has been exposed these last 2 months, is an attempted communist takeover of our nation, a creeping towards totalitarian rule, multiple foreign nations attempting to interfere in our election and wrest control away from the people of the nation, and a years-long communist party infiltration into our government and many facets of our country.  
(2) Understand the hard work that President Trump has done for many years to better our nation and world in so many ways. 
(3) Understand, about President Trump, that he has said he “never gives up.” Again, see this video: He’s a fighter: this is an integral part of his character.  As well, he takes great stock in delivering on his promises.  And also, he early on indicated how far he would go to test who was loyal to him, and that he would be prone to retaliate fiercely against those who were not, and “I love getting even with people” .
Notice in this video, Trump saying he would “wipe the floor” with the guys who were not loyal to him:

Hmmm….if that’s the case, I wonder what he’ll do with Deeeap Stayut traitors….LOL!

(4) Understand that Trump was aware of the problem of election fraud as long ago as 2012 if not earlier.  

Trump was aware of election fraud in 2012

(5) Understand that one of Trump’s promises was to “drain the swamp”.  Does he not take pride in fulfilling his promises?

Trump draining the DC swamp comic

Another, made soon after the election fraud was revealed, was that one of the greatest accomplishments of his presidency would be in addressing voter fraud and restoring voter integrity.  We hear from Ghost Ezra that in August 2020 a blockchain secure system of voting was patented. Do you really think Trump would give up and allow enemies of the nation to take over, without doing as he said he would to restore voter integrity? Ghost Ezra post on the new blockchain voting had these photos:

blockchain voting is coming 1

blockchain voting is coming 2

(6) Understand that, particularly with his Sept 12 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Interference in an election,
and the Insurrection Act, his many changes in DOD staffing and structure, it should be quite clear that Trump was lining things up to take action, and that this action would be military.  Also, some key “Q” posts refer to 11.3, 11.4 and 11.6 and it turns out these were not dates, but sections in the DOD War Manual, here:
These sections appear very clearly to relate to Washington DC, given what we know about that area now.

Additionally there were several other Executive Orders which declared federal emergencies in areas of the US, in DC, and which expanded the use of FEMA to set up many FEMA camps in the US.  As well, during his 4 years he apparently expanded the size of Gitm0 by 5 to 8 times in size.  Also, for those who watched the Monkey Werx videos on YouTube (eg, WeCensorYouTube…) you saw that he used and other sites to monitor military aircraft activity and get a sense of what might be going on behind the scenes. As he did this, he “discovered” other possible offshore prison sites at the Azores, at Terceira Island, and in Greenland and Iceland, Dominican Republic, and perhaps more. So there are potentially quite a few places besides “Gitm0” in play.
(7) Understand the enormous size of the corrupt criminal organization or “Deeeap Stayte” ( intentionally mispelled to avoid bots): this is not just a shadow government in the US, it is worldwide.  The corruption extended throughout government and into the F B_I, C I_A, and DOJ.  
(8) Understand that during his 4 years in office, Trump had access to the highest level military intelligence, and to use of NSA.  
(9) Adding up all of these elements, these things should be clear: (a) Trump would need a very elaborate and complex plan, because to really “drain the swamp”, he would need to take down a huge worldwide criminal organization.  (b) Because of the width and depth of the corruption, he could not take these bad actors out via traditional channels such as the Justice system.  He would have to use the military, but even there, not all of he military would be loyal.  (c) Particularly if the story is true about Trump actually being “recruited” to run for President by members of a military intelligence group who wanted to take out the Deeap Stayte, then we can assume that a core group of military would be loyal to Trump and this goal, come hell or high water.  But even if that is not true, we can likely have a sense why the military would have less corruption and be more loyal to Trump and the nation than other parts of government.  People willing to put their lives on the line for their nation, tend to love their nation.  They tend to be patriots.  
(10) Sun Tzu’s book “The Art of War” provides many lessons about how to develop battle plans.  Some of the elements involved would be the need to not tip off enemies about his plans.  Because of the width and breadth of the corruption and Deeap Stayte penetration of the government, he would have to do his daily work in an atmosphere full of bad guys, in many departments infected with the enemy.  He would not be able to just fire or yank out these bad guys as he discovered them, because doing so would tip off others of his plans and could foil the whole effort before he had gotten very far.   Thus, the plan would require secrecy and information gathering and working around many bad guys left in place, (but perhaps neutralized while they were left in place). It is in general much less effective to pick off bad guys one by one, than to round them all up at once.  
(11) One of the elements of “The Art of War” is that of using disinformation, misinformation, “psy-ops” or deception.  
(12) Before he was even elected, the bad guys were vilifying Trump, and continued at this with increasing intensity during all his years in office, using their criminal “mainstream media” propaganda machine to brainwash Americans into viewing Trump negatively.  They set traps for Trump to fall into, and one of the primary ones was to paint him as a dictator, so that if he had to use military power to wrest control of the nation from them, they could try to use that to mount a “color revolution” against him and against America.  

Assessing these various elements, it becomes clear why the Q mantra of “Trust the Plan” actually accords with the things anyone can observe for themselves. It just strains credulity to believe Trump, intelligent as he is, successful businessman that he is, “Art of the Deal” man that he is, would have entered into all of this with no plan. Or, that the massive and complicated plan that was created, which doubtless gave prominence to military intelligence and capability, would rely on you and I to do anything in particular. Other than vote! Hence, to say that “Trust the plan” is stupid, makes no sense. It’s in effect saying it is stupid to have confidence in an individual who may in fact be the most brilliant strategist who has ever occupied the Oval Office.

The Plan That we Wished for Versus the One that Is Best

Now I want to say a little about what I believe are the “outlines” or general shape of the “actual plan” that may be being played, and contrast it with what you and I and so many people, with our lack of appreciation of the full complexity of the situation, would have preferred to be the plan.


From some things Simon Parkes said in one of his videos, I get the sense that Trump himself, years ago, was more like the rest of us in that he would have liked to wrap all of this up very quickly, get the all bad guys — the whole DS, all the corrupt and criminal politicians— in prison really fast. I mean why wait? Well, he learned quickly why he had to wait. Taking out all the criminals from government, would turn out to mean that about 70% of the entire government would go down. That’s how pervasive the corruption and crime! And if overnight 70% of government vanished, imagine what a catastrophe that would be for the day to day running of our nation. Thus part of the plan, involved making elaborate preparations for a large number of “replacement” people to be trained to take over for those who were arrested and taken out of office.

Hence, the plan would take time to put in play. In fact, some say that the plan to take down this global criminal organization started decades ago: perhaps as long as 57 years ago, after John F Kennedy was assassinated. It’s said that the See Eye Ayyy has JFK assassinated because he wanted to do just what Trump was doing now: get rid of the Central B@nk and the Federal Reserve, return our nation to the gold standard and the system of Common law and Constitutional law which was stolen from us between 1871 and 1938. Given this long timeline, what are another 4 years to wait, given that many had waited half a century already, or died before the fruition of the plan?
Many of us, myself included, have been exceptionally impatient, for when we saw the mountains of evidence of fraud, all we wanted, and fast, was to see the US military going out and just arresting all these despicable people all at once, and take them to Gitm0. What we have not well enough appreciated, however, is the danger such a major military action could pose to the nation, in terms of the civil unrest it would precipitate.
How to avert such unrest, or at least minimize the scale of it, seems to have been a significant issue in determining the course of action.

Like many of you, what I saw happen on January 20th was not at all what I expected. I thought Biden and Harris would be inaugurated, and then police and troops would rush in and arrest everyone there. Actually I was hoping these arrests would occur on January 6th, when so many members of Congress committed treason by voting to support a fraudulent set of electors. But certainly on the 20th! Well, when the inauguration passed and Biden then began to inhabit the White House, I became concerned, particularly in response to Simon’s update saying that the bad guys had done something “very serious” which had caused a postponement of the plan to just rush in on that date and arrest everyone.

However, as I contemplate all the parts of the puzzle, and all the potential for “disinformation” and misinfo to be woven into the information that we are being given through people like Simon, Charlie, Juan and others, not to toy with us, but rather as part of “Operational Security” for the actual plan, I have a better idea about what is actually going on. This idea is based in part on the fact that as regards what happened on the 20th, and what is our reality now with the “Biden Administration”, Simon is presenting different information from Charlie, and from a particularly intriguing account, formerly on Twitter, but after being purged from there, now found on Gab, called “GhostEzra”.

I want to caution everyone that due to the fact that this is a top secret plan, until it’s not, and due to the fact that “misinfo” and psyops of one kind or another are being used, it’s important that you don’t just believe everything you hear. Use critical thinking skills and good judgment, and if you hear something that totally contradicts other information you are hearing, use discernment. For instance, I’m shocked by the number of patriots who seem unable to understand that the large presence of National Guard troops in DC were not there at the request of Biden or the Democrats. A number of patriots who should know better, interpreted all this as an indication of what would be Biden’s way of running the country, eg from behind a huge protective barrier, oblivious to the fact that Trump and only President Trump had the authority to bring those troops to DC. So if you just use common sense, you would have to conclude that these troop’s presence in DC had some positive purpose for the Trump team and/or US military, even if we don’t (yet) know what that is. If however you forgo simple logic and begin to reason out of your irrational defeatism, you might not understand that. Retain the ability to suspend judgment and stay in “not-knowing” and resist the urge to form inaccurate and unfounded interpretations or conclusions about every bit of news you hear.

In particular, I find myself exasperated by those, including some well-informed people who should know better, like Mike Adams/Health Ranger, who when receiving one bit of apparently “negative” news or bad news, will suddenly doubt the entire plan and fall rapidly into an “all is lost” mindset. They seem incapable of realizing or imagining that either the “bad news” is not actually bad, and there’s more to the situation than they understand, or that the plan is not what they imagine, and there is much more going on which is not significantly impacted by this “bad news.” It’s critical to stay focused on what is of central importance and not get misled by various details.

These are the different versions of what I’m hearing now:

(1) Simon (see his videos here ) says that the original plan was to rush in and arrest everyone on Jan 20th, while so many of the “bad guys” were in one place, but that this plan had to be cancelled, because of some very serious unexpected “attack” from the bad guys which put public safety at risk. Simon is now saying that the good guys’ plan may be put on hold until early April, and that in the meantime, we have “two governments: the Biden administration with about 50% of the power, and the military, with 50% of the power.” This statement is reflected in this real life news about how the DOD and Pentagon will not cooperate with the Biden Administration. And this too:
Curious too that Harris is not moving into VP’s residence. and

Simon did make one very intriguing comment relating to the military: namely that President Trump is still writing executive orders for the military! LOL!!

(2) By contrast, Charlie (see his videos here ) didn’t predict that the military would rush in and arrest people right on the 20th, and he didn’t say why this didn’t happen. He also differs from Simon in that he insists Biden has absolutely zero real power right now, so that he can’t actually do any damage to the nation. Charlie is describing the Biden Administration as a “pantomime.” Charlie insists the nation is under Martial Law, so the military has 100% of the power. In his videos done on January 21 and 22, Charlie says that the military is expected to arrest 67% of Congress on Jan 22nd. So, perhaps this actually does happen, or perhaps this is disinformation intentionally being conveyed, to mislead the bad guys. We should see pretty soon. But….keep in mind that several world governments have collapsed or stood down, and this has not necessarily come out on MSM. Estonia, Italy, Germany, Russia, Poland, Kuwait, Netherlands, Malaysia have all seen major elements indicative of government collapse in recent weeks. And none of this is being reported in MSM. Why?? Could it be…that the Trump team has been working behind the scenes in November and December, using special ops forces to take out DS operatives in governments and high places, all over the world? I think this will be revealed to be the case.

World govts collapsing

Thus, considering that many world governments have been collapsing and we are not seeing this in the MSM, it’s quite possible that military could arrest 67% of Congress and we would not know about it right away, especially if things like this occur, which Congresswoman Lauren Boebert tweeted this past week:

lauren boebert house told to go home Jan 21

Both Simon and Charlie, and others, have spoken a lot about how the legal structure of our nation has changed, based on Trump having taken action vis a vis the dissolution of the “US Corporation” and us going back to the original national structure that existed before the 1871 “theft” of our nation through the incorporation of it. As well, the Trump team has prepared to shift our nation away from being controlled by the Centraaal Bank (intentionally misspelled to avoid bots) and back to an economy based on the Gold Staaandard. (ditto on misspelling). Eg, see this x22 report video that gives some info on this topic:
Yet, I’m not clear what the impact of such a change is. If it nullifies a “Biden victory”, wouldn’t it also nullify all downballot election results, across the nation, and in every state? I really don’t understand this, but am intrigued to see how it all unfolds.

(3) Juan O Savin (whose interviews appear on multiple channels, one of them here: another here and another here ) said that Biden would be inaugurated, but that “we will be victorious.” He didn’t give any concrete details about how that victory would come about. He referred to our nation collectively needing to go through a “near death experience” which corroborates with the “Scare Event” referred to in Q Drops.

(4) X22 Report has some interesting summaries of what is going on that fit with these 1st three people:

(5) Ghost Ezra presents what in my mind is the most intriguing idea of all. His idea also accords with the ending of the play, presented in this “Q drop” highlighting the ending steps from RED 1 to RED 6, where we see the final line stating “CASTLE_ROCK”. What is meant by “Castle Rock”? A very interesting elucidation of that is given below….

RED 1 to 6 summed up ends at Castle Rock

This is what he says — copy of his post, then expanded in text in this article… (highlights mine):

Ghost Ezra lays out exactly what is happening now Jan 22 its a movie all fake

Ghost Ezra says:
I’m going to spell it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100’s of clues I’ve been dropping you. Here we go 1 time. Pay close attention. You are watching a movie. A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake. It’s so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at those points. It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully. There is no Biden presidency. The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton. No, that woman in purple the other day wasn’t Hillary Clinton.

Real Hillary and fake Hillary different heights
Interesting how “Hillary” is now about half a foot shorter than previously, hmmmmm?

(By the way, Charlie Ward echoes this point about Hillary in this video where he talks to Ann Vandersteel: he refers to the “new” Hillary being about “two feet shorter” than the old Hillary. A bit of exaggeration but the point he’s making is the one this photo shows)

Ghost Ezra continuing:
You are seeing actors: some have masks. That’s why Biden keeps referring to himself as the mask president. This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom. This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration. Fake executive orders. Fake oval office. It’s all bullshit. Wake up. The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months. Insurrection Act has been signed. EO from 2018 is in full effect. Things will soon be revealed publicly. Hopefully you can wake up before then so you don’t have a heart attack in the process.

They really tried stealing our election: that part is real. Trump knew this and allowed it to expose them and arrest those involved and will be implementing a blockchain fraud proof election system which was already patented back in August 2020. He skipped the 9th circuit corrupt courts because they too were compromised and went 100% FISA. This is a total military operation. The goal was to arrest and remove these crooks first before ever winning an election. Furthermore, the Vatican owned the corrupt DC corporation and that is no longer. It will soon be a republic for which it stands under the constitution as originally intended. You will get a history lesson in the process along with a solid grasp of the constitution. Many corrupt DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and or been executed for crimes of high treason, conspiracy. Many more are in the process of meeting justice via military tribunals. Things will be made public in time very soon, no more secrets, no more games. There are many actors in the movie, not just Biden double comedian guy.

Joe Biden and Clone
Biden then and now. Clearly not the same person!!
Old Biden New Biden

This is a video showing the real Joe Biden, years ago. Can you see the difference between him and the fake Joe?

This is a recent interview with the Biden in a mask. Seems pretty clear he’s in a mask, doesn’t it? The different color skin of the neck compared to his face, the weird bump under his chin….

(As well, this post by GhostEzra and suggests that the “White House” that we see Biden in, is actually a movie set owned by Castle Rock Entertainment, which would fit with the “Q Drop” about the RED 1 to RED 6 series of events near the end of the “movie”, the final line of which is CASTLE_ROCK. LOL! also…this Twitter post shows “Biden” signing what appear to be “blank” Executive Orders, and again if you look closely, you can see what looks like reflections from movie set lights in this video clip: and…does this comment by “Biden” seem like it reflects a “real” Democratic liberal position: elements of the inauguration do not fit with each other ….also, in this Charlie Ward video with Ann Vandersteel, at minute 30:00, she says that among the national guard currently still in DC, there is a group of troops who have “tunnel training”, in reference to tunnels under DC. And that group of tunnel trained troops, was under a program called “Castle Rock” out of Alabama! LOL! So there are a couple clues there…..!)
Also….”Joe Biden” was inaugurated at the wrong time, which gives this problem:

2 or 0 presidents

Continuing with what Ghost Ezra says:
Who’s who at this point is somewhat of a mystery. We don’t know exactly who is who 100%. Some are playing a part from the very beginning. Others flipped for a deal and are now playing a part in this movie. The best thing you can do right now is just wake up to the truth that being shown to you, take heart that communists have no real power over our country and look forward to the things Trump has already pre-planned long ago for you. I’ll warn you now, things will get stranger from here. If you pay attention and listen to what I’ve told you here you’ll laugh. If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS you’ll cry. What ever you do, please don’t call Joe Biden president. He’s really long gone and his double has no power. Enjoy the show. 

Sounds like popcorn time!!!

More, Ghost Ezra is so confident of what he says, that he says:

If Joe Biden is alive and in WH

Also, Ghost Ezra says that they DID make some arrests on Jan 20th, but did it quietly, eg Roy Blunt:

There’s another video clip from inauguration day which seems to suggest Nancy Pelosi could also have been arrested on that day:

By the way, I suggest all of you who see anything of interest like these video clips on Twitter or YouTube, download them, because they might end up vanishing if Big Tech deletes these accounts. Eg, Simon Parkes’ YouTube channel has apparently now been suspended, because he has the wrong opinions. Before this happened, I downloaded all his YT videos about election issues from November 2020 through January.

Another post of interest on his Gab:

By the way, there’s another platform or website that Ghost Ezra is on, called and here is his account there with more posts:

How I Believe this Will Resolve

Okay now to how I take these 4 different “takes” on recent events and how I combine all this information and what I make of it and what I think is going down.

Consider how important the aspect of public opinion is, in order to try to absolutely minimize civil unrest and bloodshed in bringing about a resolution, as well as to avert the “color revolution” that the bad guys eagerly wanted to begin. For Trump to take military action to resolve this would paint him into a corner as
“fascist dictator” and create much unrest. Even for Trump to leave office and then let the Military take over and do mass arrests, could result in a lot of rioting. It is really hard to TELL people the truth…but what if you can SHOW them the truth?

Particularly when I look at the photos of the “old” and “new” Hillary and Joe Biden, I realize these cannot be the same people. So, somehow, I have no idea how this was done, I believe the real Joe Biden was “taken out”, arrested and perhaps already executed, and a “double” was put in his place, an actor, perhaps one wearing a very high-tech, very lifelike mask. CGI may be involved, as is demonstrated in this lovely CGI interview with “Queen Elizabeth”

This Biden double would have to work for the “good guys” , because, among other things, if you put a fake person into office, they can easily be removed.

Now, somehow, millions of Americans — but probably not more than 20% — voted for a fake Joe Biden. Not knowing he was fake. Trump’s plan, if this is what it actually has been, would be so brilliant: really the best possible plan, that would bring about the desired goal in the most peaceful way. Let the fake Biden be put into office, and then, have him demonstrate to America, but in particular and especially to those who voted for him, what a nightmare of a president he would actually be. By having him issue various increasingly concerning or appalling executive orders, or take various other action verging on the insane, perhaps those who voted for him will finally awaken to the real insanity and totalitarianism that the Democratic party has been veering headlong into for some time now! Let it all come pouring out, no holds barred!

And this would be an absolutely amazing “Trump Card”!!

Trump card is fake Biden

Imagine, a few days or weeks of increasingly insane actions by “Joe Biden”! Enough to make even some of the most committed Biden voters and TDS Never-Trumpers, wish that they had voted for Trump!

The part that none of us know, is how long this “charade” will go on. Will it be a few days? A few weeks? Two months? During this time, it’s my hope that the fake Biden wouldn’t be able to do actual damage, meaning that I hope his “executive orders” really have no effect. But I don’t know how this will go. He’s decided to end the Keystone Pipeline project by pulling its permit. Will the work on this actually stop, or no? Will other “executive orders” be allowed to have their negative impact on the nation, in order to really “wake people up”, or not? I don’t know except that I doubt Trump or the military would allow any significant damage to really be done.
However, based on other info, I believe that the “fake” Biden administration will end on or around January 31.
From a post that I can’t seem to locate right now, General Flynn had posted on December 31, asking us to hang on “for another 30 days.” So, based on that, as well as what Charlie said about the military arresting 67% of Congress on Jan 22, and Lauren Boebert saying the House was told to go home for the week of January 25th, —-and possibly all of Congress is on an unexpected “vacation” this week:

Normal for Congress to be cancelled this week Jan 25

and GhostEzra posting on Telegram on Jan 24th that “next week will be a week of CGI” and referring to “10 days of darkness”, I believe that we will see a lot of CGI fake Biden and fake Congress psy-ops during this week Jan 25 to Jan 31.
The “10 days of darkness” could have at least two meanings. One is the figurative “darkness” of a (fake) Biden administration, symbolizing and showing to America how nightmarish it would be if they installed an illegitimate and DS-run president into office. The second meaning seems to be an actual literal meaning, since as many observers have noticed, both the White House and the Washington Monument have “gone dark” since January 20th or thereabouts.

10 days of darkness ghost ezra

Washington monument lights out
Elijah Schaffer WH is dark

More strangeness: as posted by Ghost Ezra, it appears that the US Department of the Treasury is at this moment in time (January 26 10am) nearly completely vacant:

I believe this has to do with the Trump team’s re-structuring of the Republic to pre-1871 form. The US Dept of Treasury has been completely gutted/emptied, perhaps because it will not be needed in the new Republic.

US Dept of Treasury nearly all vacant today Jan 26

Some info on the difference between the UC Corporation, by which our nation was stolen from us in 1871, and the United States of America of 1776:

USA vs US Corporation

Some info on the incorporation of DC here:

This gives explanation on what was imposed upon us all by the unconstitutional incorporation of the USA in 1871:

Now when we go back to our original Republic and its laws, those of 1776, there will be some key changes. One thing mentioned in this article, is that our 1776 nation had only 13 Constitutional Amendments. No 14th Amendment, which provides for “anchor babies.” No 16th Amendment which establishes federal income tax and the IRS. Note that the Internal Revenue Service is part of the newly and curiously vacated and wholly emptied out US Dept of the Treasury. Curious that federal income tax was declared unconstitutional in 1895 and “reinstated” in 1913. I wonder what will happen to the 110,000 employees of the IRS? Sad, they won’t be able to do any more IRS audits of Americans. LOL!

IRS info

Read President Trump’s 1776 Commission report here:
Which you can also see here
I would like to draw everyone’s attention to the considerable focus, in this 1776 Commission Report, upon the elucidation of how Identity Politics is incompatible with the founding principles of our Republic. Identity Politics and particularly the racist and hateful “Critical Race Theory” ideology, are completely hostile to our nation’s founding principles, and thus, must be prevented from being incorporated into government agencies, corporations, the public education system. These disturbing ideologies are rather the basis for fascism and communism, which as the report indicates, have posed a grave danger to our nation. For anyone interested, Christopher Rufo has been doing quite a lot of work on combatting the malign spread of identity politics in government and public schools, and beyond, throughout the nation.

So, when will all of this resolve? One possibility is that on Jan 31 or the day after, we may see the “game” over and the truth will begin to be revealed, quite possibly via Emergency Broadcast system. Several people, including Ghost Ezra, have reported seeing “tests” of the Emergency Broadcast system on their phones in the last 2 weeks.
However, if we don’t see things escalating this week in terms of Biden “insanity”, it may be that all this will take longer and the resolution will not occur until into February. I doubt it would take until March. I cannot see it being practical to have a “fake” president and “fake” executive orders in play for that long. And resolving this in late February or March does not mesh with Congress being excused for the week of January 25th. Apparently, as well, executive orders take 30 days to go into effect, so the “ruse” of fake EOs could not be readily carried beyond February 20th.
Also, there is apparently a need to take concrete action based on the DNI report on foreign election interference, by the date this report was delivered, Jan 7th, which puts us on a timeline of these things being wrapped up no later than Feb 7th.
Then too, the impeachment trial is scheduled to begin on Feb 8th, possibly mid-February, so I believe that another strong possibility is that the “resolution” would come in early to mid February. This would line up with Flynn’s “hang on for 30 days” referring not to 30 days from Dec 31, but 30 days from January 20th. This lines up with what x22 Report says in this video:

Anyhow…based on the info I’m seeing, this is what I believe is going on. Wouldn’t this be absolutely brilliant? And it may well be what we will actually see. In any case, even if this is NOT what is happening, and it doesn’t unroll as I’m predicting here, I am confident that the Biden Administration will be rather short lived and that Trump and/or the military will arrive back and take control “soon” to save the day.

Martin Geddes agrees: saying:

Here is a quick summary of what I believe is happening behind the scenes.

The “Biden Show” is being put on by the military. Washington DC is the capital of the defunct and bankrupt Corporate Republic; the White House is the booby prize, and has no power of the Sovereign Republic that is being re-established. All the constitutional preconditions are met for the military to take full control (due to foreign efforts to hijack the country). We really are “watching a movie”, and you should be FAR less anxious than you likely currently feel.

Justice will come when it is ready, but the deceived have to first be shown that allowing a fraudulent election to install an illegitimate government is a terrible idea. They cannot be told; [ they have to be shown] the last 3 months have proven that conclusively. It will be painful for a little while, but the other side brings the public truth and justice we all seek.

The new Republic will be announced in due course. The issue of “optics” means that things like FISAgate and SCOTUSgate need to be launched with DJT out of the public eye. There is a method in the madness we are presented with. Nothing is how it seems; the process of arrests and financial reset is global.

2021 is the year when we are freed. I foresee the greatest spring of liberation in human history ahead. It may feel dark and heavy right now, but this will not last. Yes, it will be very rough as the truth comes out, and America will be driven to the brink of tearing itself apart. But it will come back from the brink. The process is managed and contained.

Martin Geddes writing, “Open Your Mind to Change”:
Open-Your-Mind-to-Change Martin Geddes

And showing them does indeed seem to be working! Less than a week has passed and many already are beginning to regret voting for Biden!

Biden voters being red pilled 1

BIden voters red pilled 2
Biden voters being red pilled 2
Biden voters being red pilled 3

OMG even Black Lives Matter is starting to be red-pilled!

BLM red pilled
Lovely to see these idiots begin to wake up….

And more here:

Joy Cometh in the Morning

This view on what I believe is happening, does match up with what Simon and Charlie and Juan O Savin are saying about how though they don’t know the exact path, they are confident in the destination. They know what the end point is of this “movie.” Charlie has referred to how what we are seeing now is “pantomime.” Simon and Charlie have not spoken much about doubles, but Jeffrey Prather has referred to doubles. Juan, who of all the speakers tends the most to refer to scripture, recently did a 1.5 hour long interview

in which he spent most of the time drawing parallels between what is happening now, and stories in biblical history. He has referred in other interviews to what is happening now as “a type of Near Death Experience”, and explains how those who’ve experienced a Near Death Experience, tend to live more fully and see things much more clearly and differently. Wouldn’t it be a real “Near Death Experience” for America, if we were all allowed to see what a complete nightmare a real “Biden Administration” would be for America, how this would destroy America and usher in totalitarian rule? I believe that this is part of Trump’s plan. To put us collectively through this, in order that we may see more clearly. As well, we will go through a symbolic “death and resurrection” event, as first we see Trump seeming to “lose” and bidding us farewell, only, like Christ himself, to come back at some point relatively soon, resurrected to life!

Joy cometh in the morning

We very likely will see some quite strange things happening over the course of these 10 days from Jan 20 to Jan 30 or 31. Like this, the White House inexplicably “going dark”:

Yet CNN is promising a “radical normality” to the fake Biden administration. Let’s see how “normal” things are with the Biden within a week or two!

As all of you likeminded patriots have doubtless experienced when you have friends who think you are crazy for holding on to your faith that “Trump will win this”, even after the point where “Biden”‘ was inaugurated, it can be very painful to be “on the defensive” against their onslaught of disbelief or taunting. I live in a “Deep Blue Sea” area, a liberal/progressive elitist stronghold in the SF Bay Area, and most all of my friends & associates are liberal Biden voters. They do not have a clue. They’ve dismissed my concerns about the demonstrable slide of the Democratic party towards communist totalitarianism for months or years. With one, I cannot even express any concern about the liberals/Democrats, or she hangs up the phone on me, incensed by my unwillingness to “tow the line.” Another keeps sending me MSM propaganda articles about QAnon being nonsense conspiracy theories.

I knew what a massive crime had been committed, on November 4th when I woke up and looked at the news, but have had to endure 2.5 months of being unable to point to a single thing that would grab the attention of these liberal friends. In their view, the lawsuits all failed, which meant they were total nonsense and there was no fraud. I point out to them, something that should be self-evident, that Sidney Powell is not a woman who files lawsuits with fictitious claims, and as Powell has said, “I do not make claims that I do not have the evidence to support.” Still, they malign her character. At the very least, these liberal friends are exceptionally poor at judging character. Powell’s is pure gold.

As I’ve read the info from “insiders”, I’ve expected “something big” to happen since early December, and have gone so far as to tell these disbelievers to stock up on food and water and get prepared. Still nothing happening. I look like an idiot to them. I can send them photos such as the ones in this article of Hillary before and after, Joe Biden old and new, and they will laugh it off, saying this is BS, a photoshopped fake. I can send them all kinds of other things, such as evidence of the Mockingbird Media, the Daily Propaganda, , but they’ll dismiss it. So I’ve given up. Apparently, these stubborn folks won’t be awakened until they are figuratively conked over the head with a brick. This makes things more painful for them, because once the whole truth does come out, the shock to their system will be greater, than if they had had just a little bit of doubt that their worldview might have some cracks in it.

Alternatively, again to a person, every friend or associate I have who is a Trump voter, has been lost in the “blackpilling” of the Trump base, has little or no faith, little or no confidence in Trump and the military, and is foolishly declaring that “Biden won…we now live in a communist nation…all is lost.”

I’ve also sent videos and posts to them, trying to help them see that no, in fact, hope is NOT lost, but they too dismiss me, and persist with ridiculous views such as that Trump “gave up”, or he “betrayed America”, or that Simon Parkes et al are just lying sadists, playing an elaborate and cruel game on us by trying to get our hopes up in a hopeless situation. Frankly, I do not understand how these people can live their lives for a day, with such dark and diabolical views of good people. I asked one of these friends point-blank, whether he believes in God, because I saw little evidence that he did. He answered with a description of one uncanny event in his life where something he dreamed about, actually happened the next day. I said no, that’s not belief in God, what you have is a superstition. Something inexplicable happens and you say well maybe that is God. Believing in God involves not just a “hopeful idea” or superstition, which can be lost in a flash since it has no real substance or solidity to it, but is an inner reality: involves being in contact with the God within yourself, and God in the world about you.
I don’t think he appreciated my assessment of his “belief”, but really, if you are thinking good people who you can yourself observe saying wise things and who have a spiritual practice and presence could be “sadists” playing a cruel game, then you’re a bit lost, to say the least.

So I’m an oddity, apparently, a lone voice of faith, reason, logic and hope, among friends on both the left and the right who have “fallen” into delusion or despair.

So, I’d hope it would not be long before things will change dramatically. JULY 2021 UPDATE: Initially I doubted it would be more than 30 days from January 20th until all this is resolved. However, as time went on, it became clear that things were going more slowly than first expected….yet if we think about this and all that is involved, we will see why this makes sense.

A series of articles about something called “devolution” well explains the whole situation:

The upshot of all this is that the Special Ops team of the US Military is running the nation, and has been for some time. As stated in the part 3 article:
“It describes how our Spec ops are operating a Devolution of government right now.” Reference is made to this Executive Order signed by Trump in December 2020:
As stated at the end of Part 3:

“In accomplishing these goals together, we can ensure the resilience of our constitutional form of government and American way of life”.

This is exactly what is at stake here. Donald Trump and the rest of the Devolution Patriots are fighting for the very soul of our country. Remember, this election theft is so much more than fraud.

This is war.”

In that part 4 this is stated, which helps explain why this all has taken so long since January 20th:

“If you haven’t noticed, we seem to be approaching a political boiling point. Think of all the different situations that appear to be coming to a head.

  • Results from the Arizona forensic audit (and other Audits getting started)
  • Durham Report
  • Big tech lawsuit
  • The defector
  • The failed policies of the Biden administration (Economy)

Trump has clearly started ramping up his public statements and he’s not mincing his words. Trump left office and let Biden play pretend because we the American people needed to wake up and take a stand to the corruption that has become the status quo.”

Part 5 of article:
Which takes us up to some of the audit processes now ongoing.

Part 6 of the article:

And part 7:

And part 8:

And part 9:

And part 10; (out on August 31 2021)

Also out on August 31 2021….Donald Trump Jr changes his Instagram profile picture to the words “The End” (!!)

This is quite interesting…it ties together the theory that together with a sting operation to catch those involved in perpetrating the election fraud, there was also a sting operation to reveal that those behind the “January 6th Capitol Riots” were the same bunch as those who orchestrated the election fraud.
In all of this, to understand what’s being suggested as the plan, a “counterintuitive” and highly strategic approach needs to be taken, that allows you to understand how crimes were allowed to be committed, in order to have evidence to later on take down those criminals. This is what the blackpilled folks have an extremely hard time understanding. They cannot wrap their minds around a strategy that involves allowing crimes to be committed, allowing oneself to apparently “lose”, what appear to be very key battles, in order to win the whole war. I want to suggest that the blackpilled folks thus reveal they have too much “ego” in the game to be effective military strategists. We are in a war and have been for some time. If you can’t stand the thought of losing a battle in order to win the war, you are not fit to be a military strategist. Patience is needed, and an ability to see the WHOLE picture, not just the one battle.

In any case, whenever it happens, my liberal friends may be wailing in grief or pain, disbelief, as illustrated in this clever meme:

But those of us who’ve suffered in quiet while carrying the truth, who’ve been mocked and dismissed and called silly conspiracy theorists, will be honored and the world will see we were “ahead of the curve” and saw the truth that so many wanted to deny.

Perhaps this was part of the “Q” movement: that there should be many prepared to illuminate the way and help those who have lost their moorings when the truth is finally revealed. In fact, from what I’ve gleaned, it may well turn out that the “Q” movement originated in the Trump team, and was part of his “plan. ” This would make a lot of sense, and prepare the way for the truth to come!

helping friends

Updates for Week of January 25th:

Biden re-opens power grid for CCP involvement?:

Radical “normality” of Biden first days in office —- LOL !!

From the CNN article: “The single most radical thing that Biden has done in his first 48 hours of being president is act totally and completely normally…Biden aims to present the exact opposite image to the public — of a man who knows what he is doing and is doing so methodically and carefully. Who knew the normal could feel so radical?” OMG! Normal indeed. How will CNN look when the nation finds out “Biden” has been an actor in a mask, writing fake EO’s from a Hollywood set imitation of the Oval Office, while the real White House has been empty since January 20th, and dark every night!

And what’s all that activity at the newly constructed structure across from the White House?

Mustang Medic reports that this structure was some kind of observation deck, but is now being dismantled.

On January 26th, large internet outages across the US. and

On February 1st, apparently the Executive Order on Foreign Interference in the Election 13848 went into effect, allowing Trump administration/military admin to begin seizing assets of the criminals involved in that.

EO 13848 actions

On February 1st, more troops arriving in DC!

Archive of Trump’s tweets: