Perception of the Election: Psychological Elements Effecting How We View What Happened

Over the last 6 weeks since the November 3 2020 presidential election, I’ve been hearing and reading a great many comments on Twitter and from friends and acquaintances, which reveal a variety of views on what happened in this election, as well as what is likely to happen in coming weeks and months. The views expressed range from those adamant that Biden won the election, fair and square, there was absolutely no fraud, to those insistent that Trump won the election in a landslide and that there was massive, organized election fraud by as yet unknown operators, to try to bring about a fake Biden win. Then there are a variety of views in between these two perspectives.

I began to realize rather quickly, that the viewpoint/s that individuals had on the election, were likely linked to several psychological and social factors, which could be examined and analyzed, for a better understanding of our collective public reaction to this situation. I want to explore those factors here, so that we can better understand our own perception, as well as the views of others we know or encounter in the world or online. Some of these factors are more obvious, others less so.

Investment in Outcome Based on Vote, Ideology, Party

The most obvious psychological element relating to how one views what happened, and will happen next, is the investment one has in the outcome based on who one voted for, one’s ideology and political party. Those who voted for Biden will be “biased” to some extent, to believe Biden won, and vice versa with those who voted for Trump. Propensity to either doubt there was fraud, or willingness to see evidence of that, is also arguably related to one’s investment in the outcome.

Conditioning and Education on View of Each Candidate through Source of News and Information

Another element related to one’s view of what happened, is how one has been “conditioned” or “educated”, or quite possibly “indoctrinated”, or even “brainwashed”, to view each candidate, based upon where one obtains one’s news and information. Unfortunately — and this relates in my view directly to the way the election fraud was organized — we no longer have “real news” in the major media. This assertion of mine will be seen as a bias or misrepresentation by those who hold the views that the major media (aka “mainstream media” or MSM for short), as well as Big Tech and social media (Twitter, Facebook) are supporting and indeed actively shaping. Even those who are Democrats, liberals and Biden supporters, must, if intelligent and aware, realize that the major media and Big Tech collectively show a clear bias towards their preferred candidates and ideologies. I now believe there is something far more nefarious at work than mere bias. Listen, for instance, to Julian Assange speaking about the media in this short video clip:
Given the enormous power of the major media to shape public perception, and the importance of public perception in all elements of sociopolitical and cultural life in a nation, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that “the media is the virus.” Many of you may disagree with me on this point, but my claim here, based on several years of observation of a ratcheting up of “bias” in the media, a wholesale absorption of divisive, hateful, racist “identity politics” by the media, and the increasing demonization by media, Big Tech, and social media of Donald Trump, Republicans, ordinary Americans, conservatives, moderates, centrists, white people, “whiteness”, the founding principles, values, and monuments of America, and even, increasingly, people who insist on thinking for themselves and simply speaking their opinion, makes it clear to me that there has been an information war going on for some time.
From simply being offended by the bias I saw in major media, I moved to being alarmed and disturbed when I saw their unwillingness to print very important and major real news, as well as what looked like substantial efforts to disinform the public and misrepresent the truth. Just in recent times, the Hunter Biden laptop story was avoided by all major media. When the New York Post first printed the story, before the election, Twitter censored this out completely from its site, and shut down the NY Post’s Twitter account. Post-election polls indicated that a significant number of people said they would NOT have voted for Biden if they had heard about the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the crimes with which this implicated Hunter Biden. According to a McLaughlin & Associates poll done for the Media Research Center, 36% of Biden voters were not aware of the scandal. And 13% of those said they would not have voted for Biden had they known.
For this reason, for the major media, Big Tech and social media to actively hide the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, amounts to election interference.
After the election, we are now seeing the major media hide, deny or misrepresent most news about election fraud which to any significant extent, substantiates the fraud. Major stories are ignored — for instance, none of the major media broadcast the Pennsylvania or Michigan hearings on fraud. Only minor media like Right Side Broadcasting Network has aired these. In one case, one media outlet mocked Trump’s comments during the hearing, and ignored the hours of testimony and presentation of evidence. Some of the most compelling evidence, such as the damning results of forensic audits of Dominion Voting Machines, has been downplayed or ignored by major media.
YouTube has now stated that it will no longer allow anyone to upload videos which allege election fraud in the November presidential election. Twitter has put “disputed” labels on most of President Trump’s tweets about the fraud, as well as those by countless others. This kind of crackdown on free speech and open discussion about topics so central to our nation as fair and free elections, should be chilling to all Americans.
The media are so heavily controlled, and their voice has become so unified, that they are now called the “mockingbird media”, and this ghoulish clip clearly demonstrates that someone is in central control of this horrifyingly Orwellian spectacle.
To say that these are “fake” journalists or “activists” is to significantly understate the case.
Jeffrey Prather, a former military special ops man, has “inside intelligence” to inform his view that many “journalists” are actually CIA agents, whose work is to actively spread disinformation, untruth and propaganda. See his site here:
As well, given that someone appears to be controlling the major media, it stands to reason that their interests would also be tied in with those politicians and other actors whom the media propaganda push us to support. This, if nowhere else, could be where observant people first begin to see evidence of a “Deep State” at work.

My point here is that people who uncritically take in the propaganda fed to them by major media, do not have a snowball’s chance in hell of obtaining accurate information about presidential candidates, and many other vital topics.

The question of where and how to obtain accurate information, thus becomes more complex. There is certainly also the possibility of obtaining misinformation and disinformation from “alternative” news sources.

It’s sad that we live in a time where one may have to undertake a similar level of research, just to get real news, as a scholar would undertake in writing a doctoral thesis. When writing an academic paper (at least if we intend to do so in the “old school” style that valued facts and objectivity, as contrasted to Judith Butler style arrogant, elitist obfuscation) , the scholar seeks to use “first” sources, as opposed to those far more removed from the actual material under study. So, for instance, if you want to write a paper on archeological artifacts at sites in Egypt, you would do better to read papers by the actual archeologists who made those finds, handled them, photographed or videotaped them, rather than by those archeologists’ wives, students, dog handlers, friends of their friends, or a CNN journalists’ interview with the chef who brought them lunch, or CNN’s mocking of the finds as bogus because of a rumor that Donald Trump thought them fascinating. In other words, the closer you get to an actual eyewitness account or in-person experience, to first sources, the more “legitimate” the account.
So, in general this means that as much as possible, you are looking for the actual data, the facts, the evidence, the video or photos of what happened or was seen, the sworn testimony, information from someone who was actually there, on the ground, live, or who is as close as possible to such a person who was there. Simply getting some authority’s “opinion” on the matter should obviously be less compelling, if that authority was not there in person taking in the live data and facts. Do not look only or primarily for “opinions” or someone’s spin on the matter, because when you do that you are disempowering yourself, saying to yourself in essence that you yourself don’t have the ability to make up your own mind, based on what you see.

While some may think it obvious that one should look for facts, rather than opinions or ideological “takes”, you would be ignorant of what is going on in academia today in most every humanities department, if you think that facts, evidence, and logical argument are what carry and win arguments there. Universities all across the nation have been overtaken by what many call a “Woke Cult”, and others call “Social Justice”, and these involve intolerant, overtly racist, fanatical, quasi-religious and overtly Marxist ideologies which do not come to conclusions based on such trifles as facts, evidence and logic. As some wonderful wit has astutely said, rather than “speaking truth to power” (which was the old truly “liberal” cause) these new ideologues “speak power to truth”, and have succeeded in bullying and shouting down those who happen to have a different point of view. With their hateful and racist “Anti-Racism”, their twisted “Critical Race Theory”, their distortions alleging a massively pervasive national “systemic racism” for which no facts or evidence exists, they employ not logic but the ad hominem nonsense of “I called you racist first, therefore I win.” See Gad Saad’s book The Parasitic Mind, and Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff’s book The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure.

Because so many young people have been failed in universities, and instead of being taught open mindedness and critical thinking skills, have instead learned intolerance and dismissing inconvenient people and ideas by throwing mud at them and smearing them, many really do NOT understand that in order to assess the veracity of information, you have to look for facts, data, evidence.

Investment in Consequences of Election Outcome, Based on What Is Believed to Occur Depending on Who Wins

Our view on the election is also impacted by our ideas about what would be the consequences for the US as a whole, in short term, and in long term, with a Biden win, compared to a Trump win. I have a friend for instance who is completely disinterested in politics, and expects things to go on more or less the same in his life, regardless of who wins. I know others who believe that Biden will usher in the ultimate fair society, one which is kind to all, provides for the needs of all, and in general does things that complements their liberal, “progressive” world view nicely.
Quite in contrast, is the person who believes that if Biden wins, the first thing he’ll do is sign a treaty giving the US to Communist China, and that the Chinese would not hesitate to make war against us, even annihilate us, to make room for themselves and make space to grow their crops on our soil. The “investment in outcome” of these two latter types of people could hardly be greater.

Avoiding Stress and Seeking Homeostasis

Something that many of us may not realize, is that, particularly with something like this presidential election in which we are heavily invested in the consequences of the outcome, it is quite emotionally stressful to go for many weeks without knowing the outcome. What are our own strategies, whether conscious or unconscious, for dealing with stress?
I believe that some people find it so stressful either to not know the outcome for a “longish” period of time, (more than a few days), or to not know for certain if massive fraud was involved, that in order to avoid stress, they opt for one or more strategies that necessarily leaves them uninformed or no longer open to receive “valid” data about either the election, the allegations of fraud, or the likely trajectory from this point onward.

Many Biden supporters, for instance, simply shut down and seem hostile to any suggestion that there was massive fraud involved, or even any significant fraud.
But Trump supporters too show a difficulty dealing with the “not knowing” of these weeks after November 3rd. One will find them all over Twitter, stating their belief that Trump actually won the election, but will not be inaugurated because the system favors the cheaters, and the corruption in government is too vast and widespread. In my view, by embracing pessimism or defeatism, they unconsciously seek to obtain homeostasis. The state of hope and not knowing is too stressful for them, apparently. These are the people who illustrate the saying “they cut off their nose to spite their face.” They find it psychologically “safer” to live in a state of resigned despair, than to risk the hope that could bring them joy. At some deep unconscious level, they are aware that the amount of pain they would experience with devastation of their hope, would be too much. So they choose not to risk hope, and as a result they enslave themselves to their own negativity.

Another reason for Biden voters embracing their view that the fraud allegations are nonsense, or the Trump voters embracing the view that Trump will fail to be inaugurated in spite of the fact that he really won, is that riding the “roller coaster” of one hearing or lawsuit or court ruling after another, can be quite stressful if you are very invested in the outcome. For Trump voters, it is hard to bear what seems like one loss or “nothingburger” after another. Emotionally, you gear up when there is a hearing or lawsuit: you really hope that this will be the “shot heard round the world.” Then, it all seems to go nowhere. The major media don’t broadcast the hearing at all, or they mock it, and post disrespectful cartoons comparing Trump to Hitler or a buffoon. The lawsuit stalls or is dismissed by a judge. Maintaining hope in such circumstances, is not a matter for lightweights. A great many Trump voters on such a ride will give up and throw up their hands and conclude that Trump is defeated.

However, homeostasis need not be found by embracing the negative in life. One could also find homeostasis in a state of hope and optimism, and that’s my own orientation. There are a couple additional psychological elements that support this stance, and I will go into those next.

Bias Towards the Media’s “Declared Winner”

Sadly, many people are weak conformists. It takes courage and strength to stand up with integrity in this world, and too many do not get far beyond the spineless jellyfish stage in life. Many simply will find it more comfortable to go along with the crowd, with the “majority” as they experience that, and put up no resistance to being carried along by what they perceive as the inevitable flow of events. It stands to reason that many feel much more comfortable in the “offensive” position, siding with the media’s declared winner, Biden. They can sit back and eat potato chips and post snide one-liners on Twitter, saying “Trump lost, get over it”, or “Only 49 more days for Donnie!” without having to do anything hard for a jellyfish, like thinking for themselves.

It is particularly difficult to be on the defensive position, when your “team” seems to keep losing battles. It’s difficult for one’s morale, when the opposite “team” keeps mocking you and putting you down, and ignoring mountains of solid evidence as fantasies, wishful thinking, delusions, which will never amount to anything.

Thankfully, Trump voters have had years of practice for this day, because just as Trump has been smeared and vilified, demonized for several years, many if not most of us have experienced this as well. We’ve been “told”, either literally or figuratively, by the media, by Big Tech, by social media, by our friends, acquaintances, employers, neighbors, to essentially sit down and shut up. We’ve been silenced and shut out. We’ve been dismissed as racist, deplorable, deluded, wacko conspiracy theorists, and more. As a result of what has been no less than a vast campaign of delusional hate, we have had to learn patience and inner strength. We’ve had to learn the power of the nonconformist, the countercultural rebel in a sea of misguided conformists. Thus, many of us are well prepared to be in the role of the underdog, put in the defensive and seemingly weaker position at this time.

Yet this is not true for everyone, particularly those who may have had the privilege to live in a city or community where their views were in the majority. (I have not: I live in a “deep blue sea” in urban “Progressive” (gawk) coastal California). Thus the experience of being in the “weak” position may be relatively new for them, and hard to bear psychologically, and this may lead them to feel resigned and believe that “the corrupt goverment will win.”

Myers Briggs Personality Typology: Sensate vs Intuitive Types

Something I began to notice early on, in reading comments of various Trump voters regarding their view of what the outcome to all of this would be — was that some commenters seemed to be far more prone to be “flattened” by each disappointing bit of news, and also they seemed not to have assimilated a lot of the information about Trump and what was going on “behind the scenes”, that I had taken in and regarded as very hopeful.
I quickly realized that what I was seeing was the difference between the “sensate” type personality and the “intuitive” type, or the person who has more intuitive skill. This article gives an overview of the difference between these 2 types:
In essence, the sensate type is the “facts and data” type, the person with the “microscopic” view who is very good at seeing the details of something that is very nearby, such as one bit of news, one court case. The sensate type however has poor skills at seeing the “big picture”, being able to grasp the possible inter-relationship of various clues, hints, bits and pieces of a “puzzle”, the majority of which is lying behind the scenes, behind a curtain, unknown and unseen. By contrast, the intuitive has a “telescopic” view , and is highly skilled at grokking the “big picture”, seeing possible ways that many clues may interrelate.

Intuitives can be impatient with a mass of data and facts: they would much rather engage in the realm of ideas, possibilities, and develop visions or maps of what is possible. Intuitives are the “visionaries” of our world, looking at the stars and planets and the linking of intriguing connections of things that cannot be known with the 5 senses, sensates are the “craftsmen” who are hard at work making an intricate finely crafted something that is palpable, material, close to their skin. I am more of an intuitive than a sensate type.

What I saw rather quickly, was that as an intuitive, I had the ability to take a lot of information that was “suggestive” of a post-election (and post-mass fraud) Trump administration trajectory, and develop a strong hypothesis of what I expected to happen, between Nov 3 and Jan 20th. What I (and many others) hypothesized and affirmed as a likely trajectory/Trump strategy, was not based on “fantasy” or wishful thinking, and not on “conspiracy theories” or Q Anon type ideology, but was based on a series of data, out there and available for everyone to see, yet which had not yet been linked together in the definitive book of the story. Intuitives and people with an adequate imaginative capacity can quite easily do this: it’s actually far easier than doing a tarot reading or interpreting a dream, to simply link up a series of related data that imply a trajectory, and then expect something to occur, related to that trajectory.
By contrast, and it’s always a surprise to me to see this, as I have a hard time understanding why people are unable to link these clearly related clues and see the trajectory, sensates may have some constitutional resistance to allowing themselves to imagine a trajectory that would emerge from certain data points, clues, or bits of relevant information one has. They may also lack skill in “filling in the connections” between how various bits of info or clues could be related.

Let me put more concretely what I am referring to in terms of string of “data points” or factoids as pieced together as an optimistic intuitive’s view of a likely Trump Adminstration trajectory.

Fact: Trump anticipated massive election fraud in this election. As early as 2012 he was tweeting about election fraud and showed concern about who was counting the votes.
Fact: very early on, Trump expressed his desire to “drain the swamp”, eg to get rid of corruption in government.
Fact: The attempt to impeach Trump via the Russiagate process, looks like a Deep State attempt to get him out of office or harm him, as he was a threat to their plans. As was the 4 years of smear campaign against him.
Fact: On September 12 2018, Trump issued an executive order on foreign interference in an election, and protocol for such.
Fact: Trump did not take action on seeking for fraud or interference in the 2018 midterm elections. Was this because his executive order was done for nothing, or is it possible that he was preparing for the 2020 election?
Question: Given that Trump knew about and drew up some plans for election fraud/interference far in advance of Nov 3 2020, does it seem likely that the had no plan about what he would do in response to what occurred, or does it seem more likely that he had a plan?
Fact: If the bad guys don’t know what your plan is, does that give you an advantage over if they can’t figure out what your plan is?
Fact: Trump left several people in office quite close to him, that do not exactly seem to have helped him. Eg CIA director Gina Haspel, AG William Barr, DOD secretary Esper. FBI head Wray. Can you conceive of a reason for this, other than “Trump is an idiot”?
Fact: Sidney Powell, Jeffrey Prather, Simon Parkes, Steve Pieczenik, and others have referred to or brought forward evidence indicating that a military intelligence unit was monitoring Nov 3 election fraud in real time, and obtained data about switched votes, foreign powers intervening, and Dominion machine hijinx.
Fact: Numerous lawsuits have been filed on election fraud issues since Nov 3. Most of them don’t actually allege fraud, but rather focus on various civil rights and constitutional issues, in part because fraud charges take longer to explore in court, and the timeline is very short between Nov 3 and Jan 20. A summary of election fraud is here:
Or here: 36 pg report on Election Fraud 12.15.20-1
Fact: the court process is slow, even when optimized, and it is not optimized when the process involves likely obstructions by corrupt electeds/officials.
Fact: For 4 years, the major media have been relentless in smearing President Trump, and declaring him all but the modern day Hitler. In fact, just after November 3, Christiane Amanpour of London’s CNN did a piece in which she actually compared Trump to Hitler.
Fact: the major media engage in propaganda and gaslighting. Gaslighting often involves accusing the innocent party of the bad actions of bad actors. Eg, accusing Trump of being “Hitler” when the Democrats show evidence of being the party of a creeping totalitarianism and authoritarian tyranny. As in the censoring, the mask mandates, the shutdowns of businesses, the refusal to prosecute criminals and the vilifying of those like the McCloskeys who stood up to trespassing mobs. The media has indoctrinated people to view Trump as a dictator.
Fact: If, after being depicted as the modern day Hitler, Trump after the election fraud immediately used the military to do mass arrests of those who had engaged in treason, he would likely have been fallen into a trap being set for him, to make him look like a veritable dictator.
Fact: Though the court process is slow, one thing that it accomplishes, apart from court victories, is the dissemination of information. It can be an opportunity for an education or PR campaign to help people get info about what is really going on. Thus, even though some view the court process as useless because they see no victories in it, a broader view understands that it is a valuable process to bring out info and educate the public.
Fact: A massive organized crime of election fraud across several states, amounts to treason.
Fact: Treason is prosecuted not by the Dept of Justice and the courts, but by the Dept of Defense and military tribunals.
Fact: Trump has made many changes to military and DOD staffing since the Nov 3rd election. He replaced the Secretary of Defense. He removed most all of the Defense Policy Board members and replaced them with new members. There have been changes in DOD structure. Special Ops forces now report directly to Chris Miller. DOD has said that it will no longer provide personnel to the CIA for its counterterrorism team. (CIA is believed to be mostly corrupt, bad guys) Trump has issued an executive order which rearranges the “succession” of head officers in the US Military.
Fact: AG William Barr is leaving, Jeffrey Rosen will take his place.
Fact: Trump pardoned Michael Flynn, which action allows Flynn to be more intimately involved in Trump admin actions.
Fact: Soon after US military received intelligence that China, Iran, Serbia and to a lesser extent Russia were involved in Nov 3 election interference, the top nuclear scientist in Iran was assassinated, the head of the Iran Revolutionary Guard as assassinated.
Fact: General McInerney and Sidney Powell have stated that on Nov 9 2020, Special Ops forces of the US military raided a rogue CIA site in Frankfurt Germany, where they found servers which had received the election data, and contained info about the fraud. 5 members of US Special forces were said to have been killed in this raid, as well as at least one CIA member. There is a rumor that Gina Haspel, head of the CIA, was there and was captured after being wounded.
Fact: Data from the seized server showed that Trump won the election with a landslide victory of 410 electoral votes, and that California went red and voted for Trump.

Seized SErver data shows Trump got 410 electoral votes and CA

Fact: The US Constitution, as well as precedent set by Abraham Lincoln in 1861 during the US Civil War , allow President Trump to ignore SCOTUS rulings, declare martial law, invoke the insurrection act, use the 14th Amendment section 3 to remove elected officials who engage in insurrection or rebellion against the USA.
Fact: Section 253 of Title 10 of the US Code allow the President the right to take military action within a state when any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in Constitution & secured by law
Fact: The International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 USC Chapter 35 Section 1701, gives the president powers to deal with a national emergency with respect to an unusual and extraordinary threat
Fact: Forensic audit of Dominion machines have demonstrated beyond a doubt that these machines were designed to perpetrate election fraud.
As well
Dominion is a company owned by foreign nations. As well, military intelligence units have found evidence that foreign nations interfered with the presidential election.
Fact: Recently, it was determined that hackers working from a foreign nation, hacked into the US Treasury and other government agencies.
Fact: It has been revealed that there are CCP members and even CCP spies who have established friendly connections to many elected officials. A list of 2 million CCP members who are holding positions in major corporations in the US, Australia and UK was recently leaked.

Fact: If massive organized fraud did occur in this election, which I believe is now clearly true beyond any reasonable doubt, and those responsible for this treasonous crime are not brought to justice and our system repaired, it is quite possible (and I believe highly likely) that in essence, we become akin to Venezuela or Communist China, and we lose our Republic, and never see another real election in this nation. The corrupt criminals would have succeeded in their coup and we could well be all lost.
Fact: As President, using military intelligence, Trump could have taken down some of the corrupt criminals that have gone free in the nation, quite a while ago, using the same techniques he used to gather intel more recently.
Question: If you wanted to take down as much of the Deep State in the US as possible, would you try to do this in a way that forced you to use a Dept of Justice that was significantly corrupted or “owned” by the Deep State, or would you, if you had the option, instead seek a strategy that allowed you to use the Dept of Defense, which offered the possibility of being less corrupted?
Question: If you wanted to take down as much of the Deep State as possible, would you do this early on and take down dozens or hundreds, or later on, when the opportunity arose to take down thousands?
Fact: The number of “sealed indictments” in the US is now over 200,000.

Sealed case filings indictments lookit huge CA number

Fact: When people are to be arrested for treason, and tried in military tribunals, they are not arrested by the police. They are often seized by Military Special Operations forces, who typically go “undercover” and use a plain rental van, and arrest these individuals, then putting them on rendition flights where they may be “intimidated” into cooperating. Those who cooperate get deals. They may become whistleblowers & testify in court.
Fact: for a mass fraud organized on this scale, thousands of people had to be involved, as well as, in Powell’s view, the CIA.
Fact: Sidney Powell speaks about a “firehose” of people coming forward as witnesses.
Fact: Those who are “in the know” and connected to those in the military or special forces, report a significantly higher amount of military aircraft activity in the US since Nov 3rd.
Fact: Those “in the know” with military contacts (Jeffrey Prather, Monkey Werx, Mike Adams of, Simon Parkes, and others) report that military is saying as of Dec 13/14 there may an imminent “blackout” during which internet may be down, we may be in “lockdown” and not allowed to leave our homes, and military may be engaged in activity across the nation. Would this be activity to put down a violent uprising? Or offensive activity aimed at mass arrests of Deep State Criminals? this is not clear. More than one of them is saying to “expect 1 to 2 weeks of lockdown, perhaps 10 days.” Some are saying that the “lockdown” will be global. What might be the timeline involved?
Fact: Trump had to wait until December 14th to allow criminals to fully “certify” their fraud by officially choosing electors to certify it, as the swing states did.
Fact: Sitting members of Congress have immunity from arrest, even arrest for such high crimes as treason, during the time that Congress is in session.
For 2020, the last date that either part of Congress is in session, is December 18th. Beginning December 19th both houses of Congress, Senate and House, are on leave until the following year.
Fact: On December 21st, there will be a rare “Christmas Star” formation in the skies, as the two largest planets align. This has not occurred for 800 years!!
Fact: On January 6th, the electoral college votes will be read and the final results determined.

So now, given all these “data points” let me demonstrate the difference between how a sensate type and an intuitive type might use these.

Election happened. Fraud obviously happened. Media not reporting it. Corruption is massive. All is lost!
Trump filed this lawsuit, it stalled, he filed another, it was dismissed, time is running out, all is for nothing! The good guys lose b/c the bad guys are too powerful!
Why if Trump knew the bad guys did fraud, did he not arrest them right away?
Why if Trump has the power to do this and that with the military, did he not already do that?
You say this and that are happening behind the scenes, but how do you know? I don’t see anything! All I see is court cases being filed, stalled, dismissed! I see evidence presented, and media ignoring it! All is lost!

It appears that there is a Deep State which is a criminal cabal of buddies who are trying to obtain complete control over virtually all govt in the US. Trump is an outsider, his election was not expected, hence he became a threat to them, particularly as he knew about them and aimed to “drain the swamp”.
Trump knew many years ago all this election fraud would happen.
He prepared for it.
There are a LOT of corrupt people in office all over the US, including in FBI, CIA, DOJ. The Deep State is large.
If Trump had booted all the Deep State “bad guys” right away and early on, he would have tipped off the Deep State about his plans. They would have re-organized and come up with a new plan to defeat him.
Hence, part of Trump’s plan had to be, to keep bad guys in play, and not show his hand.
Because the DOJ could not be relied upon, use of the military was the only way to take down the Deep State, and since treason was one of the few crimes which came under jurisdiction of military, the plan should involve trapping Deep state actors in treason, which would happen if they organized election fraud. Hence from the beginning, the plan was to trap them using the 2020 presidential election.
This is why Trump did not do much to take down corruption during his first term. He had to play a long game. Instead of just arresting and indicting a dozen or one hundred Deep State actors, he sought to go for thousands.
Because he’d been set up to look like a dictator, Trump could not respond with military force to the mass fraud. Doing that would be falling into a trap, the Deep State would declare he was engaged in a coup attempt. He had to respond slowly, using lawsuits, which also helped open the eyes of the American people to what had happened.
So Trump used the slow process of lawsuits in courts to educate everyone bout what happened, to show evidence of fraud to the public, as well as show the extent of corruption by revealing governors, secretaries of state, election officials and even judges who clearly seemed to oppose the process of legitimate inquiry into fraud and/or to be putting up obstacles to it.
Thereafter, as lawsuits continued to wind their slow way through the system, depending on how things are going in the courts and how likely it seems that courts will find in his favor and he will be achieve victory via courts overturning fraudulent state election results, he might wait to obtain victory through the slow court process and then begin to “drain the swamp” in earnest after being inaugurated in his 2nd term.
But, more likely in my view, the implicated Deep State criminals would begin to need to be rounded up sooner rather than later, perhaps because they would otherwise organize to go on the offensive. This is a very powerful, very wealthy vast criminal cabal, and it’s unlikely they will go down without a fight.
I have difficulty imaging what scenarios might occur in this regard as this is nothing like I’ve ever seen or heard of or read of before, and probably ditto for many of us.
Some of those I follow suggest that the Deep State would try to create an out for themselves by attempting to bring about a crisis. What would that be? Violent uprisings? Cyber attacks? Kidnappings, death threats, assassination attempts? I have no idea. But I do see Mitch McConnell and others fleeing to the arms of the Deep State, so I theorize that perhaps they have been threatened personally, and are showing a preference toward the side that they perceive as most deadly. As well, it appears that McConnell and others may already be quite compromised by monies they have received from Chinese.
Given the statements made by “military insiders”, as well as tweets by those in the President’s inner circle, as well as what one can deduce from all the other facts involved, I do not believe that Trump will seek a solution to the election fraud only through the courts and the DOJ. I believe he already has begun arresting many of those involved. However, given the very large number of sealed indictments, as well as the danger of a slow approach to tackling the very powerful Deep State cabal, I believe Trump will suddenly mount a massive military offensive to take down as many as possible all at once, in a short period of time. I believe that this is what the “lockdown” and “blackout” refer to. The comment that the lockdown will be “global” to me suggests he will also be targeting individuals and/or assets in hostile foreign nations.
The dates in play suggest to me that he will launch this offensive sometime after midnight, December 18th, as this is the point at which all members of Congress lose immunity to arrests for treason. In order to have enough time to complete this massive military undertaking by January 6th, the date the electoral college votes would be assessed, then, if it could take as much as two weeks, he would need to commence no later than December 23rd. Given that I do not see any reason for waiting beyond day’s end on December 18th, since this action would not be related to anything going on in the Justice system, I would expect the action to begin rather soon after midnight on December 18th, perhaps around 5am EST which would be midnight in Hawaii, the westernmost part of the US.

If I were in charge, I would be inclined to act sooner rather than later, and would aim for the heads of the snakes first, before concerning myself with the body. I would figure that a headless body would be harder to organize and thus more erratic and easier to overcome.

Lion and snake

Spiritual Dimensions Impacting Our Experience

A final element effecting our perspective on the election and its trajectory, comes from the spiritual dimension of our psyche. Our spiritual resources can help us here in a couple ways. One is that our contact with the spiritual realm will give us a much greater breadth of perspective than people without this could possibly have. We will know, or begin to sense, that the spiritual world is that realm which is ultimately real, and this material physical realm, which many if not most of us believe is “all there is” or at least which we tend to think of as “THE” reality, is actually not as real as the spiritual realm. It takes time, maturity , depth and wisdom to come to this perspective, and many never reach this point. But for those who do, they are blessed with a perspective far beyond that which most people have.

Second, our spiritual resources can provide a “mythos” or framework for what we see happening before us, which again, others without these gifts may not be able to find. This framework comes from the teachings or knowledge, mythos or archetypes of our own spiritual home, as well as the lessons or rules for living that we find there.

What we are seeing in this situation before us, made ominously real to many of us for the first time in our lives, is the dread spectacle of an evil force in our nation, unlike anything we ever imagined. The breadth and width, and depth of the criminal corruption that this massive election fraud reveals, the corruption of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ that are likewise implicated, is staggering and enormously dark and dispiriting. This is the biggest crime in the history of our nation, as well as one of the biggest crimes in the history of the world, and it’s shocking and destabilizing. It can easily throw people off their center and leave them reeling.

This is even more difficult for those of us who are situated in places where our friends, neighbors, community have very different views, and are not at all seeing the corruption, crime and evil that we perceive. Those who still maintain “there was no fraud”, are invested in maintaining their equilibrium, but we experience them as involved in a significant denial which feels like gaslighting to us. It is gaslighting when people who should very well know better are pushing untruths. Yet, there are some whose need to maintain “there was no fraud” is so great that they actually may have little conscious awareness of the reality of the situation.

When in a community defined by such denial, and gaslighting, we experience a dissonance that is quite stressful. It takes ego strength and spiritual strength, as well as very good boundaries, to stay healthy in such an environment.

Another resource we draw from our spiritual depths, is optimism and hope. A defeatist, fatalistic, nihilistic or pessimistic attitude are not consistent with spiritual gifts and wisdom. Lesser souls will give up, but the spiritual warrior has distant vision, sees far beyond the present moment and its challenges and obstacles, and can orient himself or herself to those far mountains and sights.

One of the greatest gifts of the spiritual depths in our being, is the understanding of the value of goodness, justice, truth and light in this world. We have the deep experience that being good matters, making ethical and just decisions, taking right actions, matters. We experience a motivation arising from deep within ourselves, to be good people, to be loving, kind, truthful, just. This does not mean we are overly serious, have no sense of humor, no ability to be playful, mischievious, rascally or overly scrupulous. Real goodness is not a stiff, formal prim propriety but involves belly laughs, and a great desire to be persons of integrity and sincerity.

We don’t have to imagine it or project this theme onto the current situation in our nation: it really is a fight between good and evil. I’m not implying that everyone on one side is good and all those on the other are evil. That’s not what I mean at all. What I mean is that the huge crime and all that attends it, embodies and expresses the archetype of evil, even if this doesn’t mean everyone who took part in fraud is “evil.” Many if not most are likely weak people who just made bad choices.

People who have insufficient spiritual capacity, may feel lost and unable to cope with what is happening, having basically no framework through which to view these events. A spiritual framework is very helpful in that it does offer various ways of understanding good and evil.

That said I will also mention that there is a risk at this time, of taking too much of a black and white perspective on the good vs evil element involved here. For instance, I recently read a post by an indie journalist on Twitter, where he theorizes that the criminal elite involved in all of this, grew up nourished on Harry Potter. He said that Harry Potter is a “gateway drug” to Satanism, which apparently many believe is prevalent among the Deep State criminal cabal. This take on the innocent and playful fun of the richly imaginative realm of Harry Potter is unhealthy and perversely distorted. One could just as well say that “being human is a gateway drug to evil.”
Do not call anything impure, that God has made clean.” says Acts 11:9
And this is what people do when they would find harm and evil in the innocent realm of imagination, fantasy-magic and play. In fact — -and I write this as a person with a graduate degree in psychology, and one who has practiced as a psychotherapist, and as a creative artist — a rich creative imagination is a very healthy thing, particularly if it’s combined with the ability to be grounded and fully embodied. Imagination works intimately with our intuition and our spirituality, and gives wings and power to our ability to live within the heart of God on this earth. God speaks to us in part through our imagination.

I have noticed from many of the posts on Twitter, that a large number of people find solace in their Christian faith during these times. This is beautiful. I also hope that these Christians will understand that people of all faiths and nationalities are concerned about what is happening in our country, and are praying for us. This is not a time to become narrow and intolerant, and to fail to see the light in all people of good will, whatever their religious or spiritual path.

The good vs evil that is happening in America now is a frightening situation, but also one ringed around by prayer and mighty spirits. The more we can sense that, the more solace we can find, which will give us courage and ability to see what is really happening. The more we find support in our spiritual depths, the more able we will be to withstand the shock of these events, how they challenge our worldviews, and thus our spiritual capacities allow us to go beyond the psychological limitations that we would experience without them.

light vs dark

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