Stupidity in the Great Awakening

Yes, I get it, we are all extremely impatient and frustrated that it’s been 20 months now since the November 2020 massive election fraud, and we haven’t seen Trump or the White Hats make a single overt move. Trump hasn’t played his hand, going on 20 months after the fact. This long delay has many of us quite aggravated, and has caused many to say they are “giving up”, though I have no idea what that means, because once you’re awake, you can’t go back to sleep again.

So I want to address the many types of stupidity I’m seeing in the “Great Awakening” community aka truther community, by which I mean, not the Truthers themselves, but in their followers, in chat discussions for instance. Let me also clarify and say that by “Truthers” I do not mean citizen journalists or people putting out verifiable news, such as doing filming of what they see in Washington DC. Rather, I mean people putting out “intel”, which is distinct from the citizen journalist videos and info, precisely in that it is not verifiable.

Now I want to say at the outset that it’s not always possible to know who is stupid, versus who is just a troll, eg a paid agent of the Cabal, coming into Truther communities to spread divisiveness, doubt and to try to “blackpill” people. But it does seem to me that not all of the stupid comments are from trolls.

So let’s look at some of the idiotic comments and ideas and point out the stupidity or lack of logic or common sense involved. And by the way, the lack of critical thinking and logical thinking skills, is one of the things that got us into this mess. If more of the general public could think logically, and coherently, they would not have bought the Cabal propaganda and its lies. Now some may think I am being overly harsh using the word “stupid”, but that term is actually an understatement given some of the kinds of comments I’ve seen on the truther chat groups .

Cluelessness about the basic concept

What is the basic concept? The basic concept is that we live in a “Matrix” world, where, apparently, both the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are using fake news. We often have a hard time discerning real from fake news, but common sense and observation of the whole range of data around us, can help us figure at least some of this out. Yet — and this is the key point that many stupidos are missing — there is no “proof” of what is being done covertly. If there was “proof” of what was being done covertly, it wouldn’t be covert, now, would it? But it’s this basic concept that so many can’t seem to grasp.

It’s alleged that there are White Hats taking out the Cabal, the global crime syndicate that for many decades, if not centuries, has infiltrated governments around the world. The fact that there is a Cabal, or that there are White Hats, are assertions which can’t be “proven” — there is no readily available “evidence” for either of these things, at least not evidence available to us, the general public. There are clues, but not “proof.” It’s alleged that the “Q Drops” are information being given to us by the White Hats, explaining what they are doing. But again, NONE of this can be “proven”. We can’t “prove” that the Q drops are from the White Hats, or where they come from, and if they are a “psyop” intended to mislead the public or distract us, or what.

The basic concept that so many in the Truther community are clueless about is — NOTHING CAN BE PROVEN!!

Yet we see many people posting that they don’t want to hear any more intel “without proof”, as if there ever was proof in the first place! Nope, not happening! If you want “proof”, then the truther communities are not the place for you. Because that won’t be forthcoming. Joining the following of a Truther who presents intel (meaning, “intelligence” from various claimed “sources”) and demanding “proof” is sort of like going to Alaska and complaining because there are no Greek and Roman ruins to see in Alaska. Well, obviously not, you’re on completely the wrong continent to see those.

During this Matrix time in history, it’s a good opportunity for all of us to ask ourselves, how do we know or incline to the view that some info or some news is likely “true”, versus other news or info is “not true”? Anyone with half a brain should have realized by now that the Mainstream Media is a propaganda machine and is putting out not just “fake news” but actually intentionally false information, to further the goals of —who? The people who own these media and, I believe eventually will be shown, the global crime syndicate called the Cabal that they are connected with.

Unclear on the concept

But having realized this, we are then in a dilemma, because we don’t know exactly where to go to get the “truth.” Unfortunately, that is just the reality of these times. Everyone needs to use their common sense and intuition, their “gut sense”, in order to try to figure out what is true and what’s not. And that may not always be easy to do. We may make mistakes along the way.

The White Hats will change their whole strategy if I whine and complain

Now we come to another topic that the clueless also seem unable to grasp — which is, what the White Hats are doing, or are not doing, is not going to be changed by anyone’s whining and complaining about it. If you think about it for just a few seconds, you’ll realize it has to be this way. How would it work to work for several decades to take down a global crime syndicate that had infested the whole world and nearly attained its goal of installing a one world totalitarian government, only for the whole plan to be derailed because some clueless people complained that “it’s not fair”, and “we need proof”, and/or “why haven’t you done anything that we could see in the last 2 years!”

I’ve seen people so dopey as to post complaints that “the White Hats aren’t including us in their plan.” Well first of all that isn’t entirely true…the whole point of the Q drops is that you’re included, at least to the extent you want to read these and work to understand what’s going on. But secondly, of course you aren’t included in the plan in terms of having any input into it. This is a military operation. The general public never has input into the intricacies and details of a military operation.

Nothing’s happening, I don’t believe any of it

The “nothing’s happening” folks are plentiful in the Truther community. While it may not be exactly “stupid” to think nothing’s happening, (because truly we have no “evidence” of anything happening, just clues), what is stupid is for these people to go into the communities and groups of people who believe “something’s happening” and whine that “nothing’s happening.” The express purpose of these groups is to gather people who believe that “things are happening.” To join these groups when you don’t believe that, is akin to joining a group oriented around promoting buying of gold and silver, and then coming in and saying that you don’t think gold or silver are good investments. Obviously people who don’t believe in the group’s purpose, don’t belong in the group. Hence, those who think “nothing’s happening” shouldn’t even be in these groups, and a well moderated group would, in my opinion, remove them.

Free Speech means I get to come into your private group and be abusive

Among the most inane of group chat commenters, are those who come on and whine and complain, spread negativity, direct venomous comments to the owner of the group, or in other ways behave badly, and then when their comments are removed, or they are removed or rebuked, start in with a lot of nonsense about their rights to Free Speech. A lot of knuckleheads can’t even understand something as basic as where they have rights to “free speech” and where they don’t. For these, I’ve got some news — you never have “free speech” in private chat groups, because, if you think about it, this would mean that said groups could have no group rules, and every group would be totally destroyed by a bunch of people coming in and posting all kinds of abusive crap. Really, folks, if some of you just took the time to think a few seconds about the potential consequences some of your ideas, you’d see how dumb they were.

For those who need to hear this, “free speech” applies to the public square, eg you standing on a sidewalk and saying what you think, or creating your own group on Telegram and posting whatever you want. But you can’t go on anyone else’s group on Telegram and assume you have the right to post whatever you want. Free speech doesn’t apply there.

If someone who’s regarded as a Truther said it, it must be true

In this whole realm of “Truthers”, as I mentioned above, there is no “proof” that what anyone in particular says, is true. Each of us needs to assess all claims based on our own criteria — eg does it fit with other things we have heard and tend to believe are true, does this person seem credible, does the whole “presentation” look legitimate or not. People vary in their ability to make such assessments and discernments, and some people appear to be positively stupid in either their inability to accept that anything is true (except, apparently, the “mainstream narrative” of the Cabal-run mainstream media), or alternatively, their inclination to believe most anything they hear, regardless of all the concerning indications. Typical is the person who posts something idiotic on a chat something like, “I saw that Elvis Presley has a telegram channel…yippee I knew he was alive!” It’s as if these dimwits don’t realize that anyone can create a Telegram channel named anything. So we have telegram channels allegedly “run” by many famous people, as well as people who are not known to be alive, and if they were alive, do you really think the very first thing they’d do is create a social media channel and start selling various crap there? Eg we have Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, John MacAfee, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, JFK Jr, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, as well as military and White Hat figures such as General McInerney, Ezra Cohen Watnick, John Durham, and others. In fact General McInerney came out and created a video just to say he was not on any social media, because people were too stupid to figure this out. and

If X doesn’t happen, I’m giving up

I have seen a fair number of those following the truthers post on one chat channel or another, “if X doesn’t happen, I’m giving up. I have had enough of ‘soon’, and ‘buckle up’ and ‘it’s imminent’ and then nothing happening.” Now I think it’s obvious that a great many of us are very tired of the “it’ll happen soon” and then nothing happening for weeks, months, a year or more. But while fatigue over the number of false predictions may lead to reasonable adjustments such as paying less attention to one truther or another, or just not following anyone and focusing on living your life, it would be ridiculous to just stop believing in the White Hats, in Trump, or in good overcoming evil, simply because one or more people gave false predictions. That would be like saying that since a series of people told you that the Grand Canyon was just a few miles away, but you haven’t seen it yet, then concluding that it must not exist.

If you really have no clue about what is going on in the world, the massive battle between good and evil that is raging, but is a “war unseen”, then I don’t know why you’d be following any truthers at all. If you really don’t believe there is a Cabal, or that there are White Hats taking them down, this thing isn’t for you. You’re a “sleeper” and you’ll have to wake up later on when things become more overt. But once you wake up, you can’t go back to sleep again and pretend that you don’t know what you know is going on.

To compare this to a real world analogy: imagine that your family sold their home in Oregon and is moving to Vermont. You are with them in the car as they drive across the country for their new home. If something on the car ride upsets you, do you get out angrily and say “I give up!”? If you do, where does that leave you? It leaves you on the side of the road, perhaps next to a corn field in Iowa. It leaves you stranded. You can’t go back to where you came from, because that home is sold. You have to keep going on the journey because your next home is ahead. Even if you dislike the journey, your dislike doesn’t change these facts. So, if you are getting too stressed out following truthers, then don’t follow them for awhile. But realize that just because you don’t like what they say, or think they don’t have real intel, doesn’t mean anything about the White Hats one way or another.

So-and-so confirmed it so it must be true!

Sometimes one Truther will make a claim, (let’s say it is person A) and then his followers may look around and wait to see if anyone else, a person B or C, “confirms” his intel. What some of these folks may not realize, if they have a room temperature IQ, is that the person B or C apparently “confirming” the intel of person A, may not be independently confirming it. They may have just heard person A say it. Ditto with person C. So if the only person who states something is person A, and 20 other people hear person A say that, and report the same thing, they are obviously not “independently confirming it”. They are just repeating what person A said, which leaves us with only one person alleging something.

Again, with all this “intel”, we have to really grasp the concept, and clearly this is really hard for some to grasp, that none of this is “provable”. There is no “evidence” of any of the intel, until such time as we don’t need the intel because things are starting to go overt and be revealed to the public. Until that time, we don’t know anything for sure, and have to take it all with a grain of salt, understanding it as a theory, not as provable fact.

Oh ye of little faith

Another thing I’ve seen surprisingly often in the Truther community, are ostensibly strong patriots, proud to say they voted twice for Trump, who are Q followers and believe in the White Hats and all, and then…suddenly…they see a post. Just some random post, possibly of dubious origin, on some random social media channel. And then — bam! All of a sudden, on the basis of this ONE post — for instance, it could be one like this one showing Trump meeting with Klaus Schwab — they are wondering, “Is Trump really Deep State???” The idiocy is just phenomenal. As if Trump wouldn’t have met with EVERY major criminal at some point during his work planning to clean up the Cabal. As if Trump would have come out to the press and said something like, “Yes, I’m here talking to Klaus, one of the biggest Cabal criminals in the world….” Come on folks!! If one post or photo is going to cause you to trash your last 5 or 6 years of faith in Trump, then you have a serious problem with perspective. You need to learn the phrase, “Get thee behind me, Satan!”

I don’t have time to read the posts myself, what’s the latest intel, so I can complain about it?

A number of people don’t want to put in time to read the posts, watch the videos of various truthers, they just want reports from others about what was said. But not always because they are excited about what’s reported — sometimes it seems that they want to hear reports, so they can criticize the information presented. “They said X would happen and it didn’t! Waaaah!”

Don’t waste your time on such people. If you’re sharing intel and analyses with friends or acquaintances, and all you get back are complaints that x-and-such didn’t happen, then these are not people you want to continue to share with.

Anyone who pays close attention will notice that not all the intel is “predictions”. A lot of what we hear from truthers is analysis — their theories on ways that things could go, what is the meaning of different things we may see happening in the world, how things either fit together or do not fit together. To me, this analysis is actually more important than the “predictions” because it’s more substantial. The predictions could be wrong, but when you trace a chain of connection between various events, people, actions or communications, this is something that isn’t going to become meaningless just because something else didn’t happen. Those who aren’t following truthers with this eye to analysis, are missing one of the most important things they offer.

Let me annoy everyone with my bigoted Christian proselytizing

Another common stupidity in the truther communities, comes from those who really should know and do a lot better: the Christians.

The Great Awakening and Patriot communities have many Christians, quite likely because there is a connection between loving God and loving our country, and the founding principles of our nation. And so, people of faith have often been able to see more clearly than others, much of the evil that has been going on in our nation, much of the loss of freedom, the unconstitutional and unlawful direction our nation has been headed in for some time. They’ve stood up for us all when others have sat down and let themselves be deprived of their freedoms and rights. I’ve seen more Christians stand up, than people of other religions, however we also have more Christians in our nation, than people of other faiths.

But something too many Christians don’t seem to realize, is that we aren’t a theocracy, we don’t want to become a theocracy, and that they need to stop figuratively hitting other people over the head with the Bible. It’s a bad look. Aside from there actually being people of other faiths in this nation (gasp!), it’s also the case that not all Christians agree on everything (gasp!). Now that may be a hard concept for the fundamentalists, who think they are right about everything, and that they alone know exactly what is meant by everything in the Bible, which they tend to interpret in some of the most literal and shallow, and un-spiritual ways possible. Suffice it to say, these people are going to be in for a surprise when, eventually, either in this life or the next God reveals the truth to them, and are going to feel pretty stupid.

I think we can in the Great Awakening community can all agree on some of the incredible evil that has been going on in this world — and that’s where we should focus, where we can agree. When people become sidetracked into peevish and small-minded issues like condemning those doing tarot reading or people giving “a prophetic word” that they have received, they just make themselves look nasty, small, and stupid.

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